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China and India agree to end doklam stand off


Doklam standoff Live Updates: India tastes major diplomatic success as China decides to withdraw army

Doklam standoff Live Updates: Modi government has achieved a major diplomatic success on the issue of border stand off with China at Doklam. India and China have decided to disengage soldiers following diplomatic communication
Erm, your MEA did not say anything about mutual withdrawal bhai. It was your media. read the MEA statement.
Chinese govt was reluctant to stop the road construction. Heck, Chinese govt didn't even consider India as the aggrieved party. We stood by our ally Bhutan and were able to block the road construction further. So technically it is a victory for India- militarily and diplomatically.

Except that there is nothing to suggest that the Chinese have agreed to stop the construction of the road, which may or may not be carried out by a military contractor.
Give up mate.

You claim that land not us and it can do nothing on that
Give what up, you did exactly as told, YOU WITHDREW FIRST. Chinese soldiers are still there. Where is the mutual withdrawal?
The cheerleaders are stunned . Let's give them some time to get their act together.
It's a unilateral retreat of India army. India army had retreated their last personnel out of China Doklang Area at 14:30 PM today. This was confirmed by PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs just one hour ago.
Source ???

As Of Now doklam is no mans land
Read the Xinhua statement, Chinese soldiers confirmed the withdrawal of the Indian soldiers, they had to be there to witness that withdrawal right? How do you confirm if you are not there? magic?
India wanted to maintain the status Quo, and it got exactly what it wanted.

India transgressed into Bhutan's territory without clear proof of the latter's authorization, and is now withdrawing its troops. Seems like everything has worked to China's favor up to this point.

It's really a matter of perspectives, isn't it?
We need to wait to see whether China still builds the road before jumping to conclusion.
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