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China All Su-35 news

So this is confirmation the J-20/31 are nothing but cool looking hollow shells?

Not at all.

Why would China even buy the 35? They want to be pretty much totally independent in the defense industry.

Your logic is impeccable. :lol:

So if a country can produce electronics on there own, there is no need to import any?

Why does India import everything, even basic ammunition? Does that prove they can't make it themselves?

I dont get India sometimes.

They can make ICBM, Nuke subs, attack helicopters, etc, etc, etc, but they want to import a gun?

They CAN do this, but something is defective in the system.
Your logic is impeccable. :lol:

So if a country can produce electronics on there own, there is no need to import any?

Why does India import everything, even basic ammunition? Does that prove they can't make it themselves?
Pretty much- India can't build a fighter as capable as the Rafale right now this is a a FACT.Same seems to be true of China now.
Pretty much- India can't build a fighter as capable as the Rafale right now this is a a FACT.Same seems to be true of China now.

Your logic failed pretty hard here.

Like I said, importing something is not proof of the inability to make it. India should know this better than most, given that they import almost everything. Down to basic ammunition.
Not at all.

Why would China even buy the 35? They want to be pretty much totally independent in the defense industry.
for some reason we also have to keep "good" relationship with russia.
maybe we will buy some to show our friendship to russia.

funny thing is:
russia media announce the su35 deal monthly.
chinese media always stay low-profile.
and india media worry about that russia sell su 35 to china.
So this is confirmation the J-20/31 are nothing but cool looking hollow shells?
Don't be so mad man, you seem to be unsecure. I know where is your soft touch. We have state of art J20 and we love Su35, what's your business. These Su35 will be serving as study platform and opposing force in the drill. Dont forget Russian promot Su35 to Vietnam and Malaysia as well. India wanna get some?
for some reason we also have to keep "good" relationship with russia.
maybe we will buy some to show our friendship to russia.

funny thing is:
russia media announce the su35 deal monthly.
chinese media always stay low-profile.
and india media worry about that russia sell su 35 to china.

Indian media finds something to talk about all the time.
for some reason we also have to keep "good" relationship with russia.
maybe we will buy some to show our friendship to russia.

funny thing is:
russia media announce the su35 deal monthly.
chinese media always stay low-profile.
and india media worry about that russia sell su 35 to china.
I mean its only cost China 1.5 billions with 24 units, why not?

Damn cheap

Seem Indian forget China's purchasing power.......
I'm not fully convinced this story is true yet as there has been no official statement from the Chinese about this deal. All the noise seems to be coming from the Russians so maybe it's Russia's way of trying to generate interest in the Su-35 for other export markets. Not saying it's not true but until both sides confirm the deal, it just seems like more hot air as the Russians have claimed deals for the Su-35, with China, before, that came to nothing.

If true, I can see why China may want these fighters as training tools for their indigenous aircrafts and pilots to pit themselves against Russia's best current fighter jet. Also, many seem to write off 4th Gen and 4.5+ Gen as obsolete because airforces around the World are now starting to acquire 5th Gen fighters, but many military aviation experts, including those within the US Air Force, think that having a 5th Gen-only procurement policy of new fighters is an unbalanced and flawed strategy. Whilst stealth fighters, like the F-22, are no doubt the most sophisticated and best fighters available, they also come with considerable shortcomings with regards to aspects such as payload and range of operation, in addition to their prohibitive costs to make and maintain. There are growing supporters within the USAF to concurrently acquire 5th Gen fighters like the F-35 along with new 4.5+ Gen fighters to replace the many fatigued 4th Gen fighters that the US are using at the moment.

Getting back to China's potential purchase of the Su-35s, I think China might be taking the pragmatic move of acquiring the best 4.5+ Gen planes they can get hold of to train their pilots against. At the same time they will be perfecting their 5th Gen J-20 and J-31 platforms until they become matured, at which time they will probably be fielded along with these Su-35s along with their other indigenous 4th and 4,5 Gen planes.

In agreeing to sell the Su-35 to China, I think Russia are accepting that with or without their help, China will develop whatever technologies Russia currently possess sooner or later, so they may as well cash in now. China are closing in fast on the Russians and I can see within a decade that China and Russia will enter into many joint ventures as true partners and peers.

With regards to the article in the original post, I don't think any possible sale of the Su-35 has anything to do with India. I don't it's a case of Russia stabbing India in the back as China are also Russia's ally so they have every right to sell them to China. Whilst China have ongoing land border disputes with India, neither country are likely going to antagonise each other anytime soon to provoke conflict of any sort. India and China depend too much on each other for trade and have too much to lose if war broke out. Ultimately, China's military build-up is not aimed at countering India but it is the US's Asia-Pacific pivot that China is looking to prepare for. India no doubt play an important element in this equation but mutual economic interests of India and China, and the US too, will ensure all sides play nice, despite all the Cold War-like rhetoric.
Already posted and the source of this article is Russian, not an single government source has even confirmed this news not mention the fact if China was buying the Su35 there would no need on building the J-11B and J-16.
The problem is, we dont want 24.
buy max. 12 is enough to show our friendship to russia.

I think u should buy 1 of each fighter Russia has and 1 of each helicopters to show friendship. Good idea.:tup:
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