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China aircraft maker to promote new generation planes at air show


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom

The Aviation Industry Corp. of China (AVIC) will promote its new generation aircraft at China's upcoming aerospace trade show, the aircraft manufacturer said Thursday.

The company's heavy transport aircraft Y-20 and stealth fighter J-31, the major models in the new series, will be demonstrated at the 11th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, which opens on Nov. 1 in the southern port city of Zhuhai, Guangdong Province.

The new planes represent AVIC's advances toward the fourth generation of aircraft technology, the company said.

In June, the first two Y-20 planes were delivered to the People's Liberation Army Air Force after nearly a decade of design, manufacture and test flights. With a maximum takeoff weight of around 200 tonnes, the large freighter plane is ideal for transporting cargo and people over long distances in diverse weather conditions.

As a major aerospace and defence company in China, AVIC has developed a series of advanced fighters, helicopters and airborne early warning aircraft, and exported many models.

The six-day air show has been held in Zhuhai every two years since 1996.


Dear Windy,

Some foreign partner of J31 might come forward on the Airshow. Every thing is pointing towards that including official press releases.

PAC/PAF seems like a distant shot at this stage. There has been some movement/engagement with TFX as well.

Regardless, my money would be on CAC developed single engine stealth fighter...where PAC/PAF might become partners again. The comfort level developed between the two manfuacturing entities through JF is far greater than SAC/PAC. Besides years back PAC/CAC signed MoU of a single engine stealth plane.

Neve say never, however, must be the mottot here. Anything is still possible. J31 would be a good platform for PAF. Who knows...if the deal is made sweet for PAF...everything is possible.

This time I do percieve for PAC/PAF to join a Chinese project where PLAAF or PLAN would also be interested. Numbers game at play here.

Plus emerging regional dynamics dictate that there is operational overall between PAF and PLAAF/PLAN platforms in the near future. We will start seeing this unfold in coming years.

My sense is that PAF will not be betting on a single horse. Might end up with two platforms i.e. 1 East and 1 West (Turkey).

Nevertheless, exciting times ahead for your great country and her armed forces...

All the very best to your great PAF!
Dear Windy,

Some foreign partner of J31 might come forward on the Airshow. Every thing is pointing towards that including official press releases.

PAC/PAF seems like a distant shot at this stage. There has been some movement/engagement with TFX as well.

Regardless, my money would be on CAC developed single engine stealth fighter...where PAC/PAF might become partners again. The comfort level developed between the two manfuacturing entities through JF is far greater than SAC/PAC. Besides years back PAC/CAC signed MoU of a single engine stealth plane.

Neve say never, however, must be the mottot here. Anything is still possible. J31 would be a good platform for PAF. Who knows...if the deal is made sweet for PAF...everything is possible.

This time I do percieve for PAC/PAF to join a Chinese project where PLAAF or PLAN would also be interested. Numbers game at play here.

Plus emerging regional dynamics dictate that there is operational overall between PAF and PLAAF/PLAN platforms in the near future. We will start seeing this unfold in coming years.

My sense is that PAF will not be betting on a single horse. Might end up with two platforms i.e. 1 East and 1 West (Turkey).

Nevertheless, exciting times ahead for your great country and her armed forces...

All the very best to your great PAF!

Not sure dear, something tells me the J-31 is cut out to be PAF's next generation fighter.
There's too many rumours surrounding this platform to be ignored.
Not sure dear, something tells me the J-31 is cut out to be PAF's next generation fighter.
There's too many rumours surrounding this platform to be ignored.

Totally agree, my friend.

All what I said is that the deal has to be very sweet for the PAF. It would be win-win for SAC & PAC...just like JF has been for CAC & PAC.

At the moment it is difficult to say though. Have not seen anything pointing to definitive PAF partnership.

However, the press confrence did mention a 'foreign' partner for J31 and not mere customer. This is telltale of PAF present doctorine...local manufacturing. Time will tell...

Forgive my contention, I still do believe that J31 will be long shot if the deal is not too good for PAF to refuse.

On the other hand if the PAF goes for this platform a better publicity / marketing SAC can not get. Sino-Pak JF17 is an example...it will be an export success.

So could J31 be...

So let us wait and see. I would like nothng better than J31 local production by PAC. Have been advocating it for sometime..

All the best to PAF. Pak needs a robust Air Deterence as always. Time for PAF to up the game on the indian empire.

Time to spread more spare parts
...as your famous signature states...
Pakistan can make this plane at PAC just like jf-17 make customize according to it's need which is unlikely to get in other platform. Pakistan can use Turkish avionics EW package if the found it's better then Chinese options.
Sorry ... but as long SAC has not finalised the FC-31.2's design, and they have "transferred" production right to PAC, PAC can do nothing. And if any Turkish EW-suit is better, that's even more another story.
Not sure dear, something tells me the J-31 is cut out to be PAF's next generation fighter.
There's too many rumours surrounding this platform to be ignored.
i think problem is that to fighter of this claiber to succeed it requires support, so unless this is inducted in numbers by china or anotehr third party, it will not be possible for Pakistan alone to fund it

look at f-35, would it have been successful if USA wouldnt have inducted it
there is no example of fifth gen plateform that is inducted by one country alone apart form j-20. all are joint ventures like PAKFA, F-35,
i think problem is that to fighter of this claiber to succeed it requires support, so unless this is inducted in numbers by china or anotehr third party, it will not be possible for Pakistan alone to fund it

look at f-35, would it have been successful if USA wouldnt have inducted it
there is no example of fifth gen plateform that is inducted by one country alone apart form j-20. all are joint ventures like PAKFA, F-35,

That is what I have been trying to say about the J-31.

Without many tens of billions of dollars of Chinese development and upgrade investment over the next decades, then this won't be or remain a competitive jet.

Y-20 Military Transport
Xinhua reported last week.

The new planes represent AVIC's progress toward the fourth generation of aircraft technology, the company said.

In June, the first two Y-20 planes were delivered to the People's Liberation Army Air Force after nearly a decade of design, manufacture and test flights.

With a maximum takeoff weight of around 200 tonnes, the large freighter plane is suitable for transporting cargo and people over long distances in diverse weather conditions.

Is Pakistan interested in acquiring the Y-20 planes? PAF might need something bigger and faster than the C-130s for transport and paratroop operations. I can see PAF acquiring at least six or more.
Is Pakistan interested in acquiring the Y-20 planes? PAF might need something bigger and faster than the C-130s for transport and paratroop operations. I can see PAF acquiring at least six or more.

I hope more Pakistanis share your vision but obvious a lot of Pakistanis don't agree with your strategic view.
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