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China 2020 -- Strong, rich and unhappy

China's strength is about to be tested. All they got to do is stop US ships in open sea a few more times. Then they would run to backroom meetings to find a solution very quickly.

Its GDP data is highly inflated and incorrect. China exports 40% of its GDP (some estimate puts it as high as 55%). With 60% of its GNP left for its people, it puts it at the same level as India is (India does not export much except brains). That skyline in Shanghai is export cash. Where as rest of the world builds its factories with FDI of about $200 billion a year, they spend their own money on roads and skyline. But it is likely to end sooner than later as soon US becomes aware that a monster has grown up with their cash. Chinese US treasury bond purchases (Chinese loan to US) is exactly equal to FDI pumped into it in last 25 years. When the book keepers have accounted for everything neither US owes any thing to China and vice versa. So where does it puts China in its 25 years rise.

Not much. But in the process, Chinese have exhausted their mines, polluted their rivers and polluted their air and got itself a nation of old people (blame it on one child policy) who are very sick.

They are bound to be unhappy in China as they take account of everything. They have been misled with cash which they are unlikely to have it. If US stops importing and goes elsewhere, the factories would be dry and people clamouring for another revolution.
China's strength is about to be tested. All they got to do is stop US ships in open sea a few more times. Then they would run to backroom meetings to find a solution very quickly.

Its GDP data is highly inflated and incorrect. China exports 40% of its GDP (some estimate puts it as high as 55%). With 60% of its GNP left for its people, it puts it at the same level as India is (India does not export much except brains). That skyline in Shanghai is export cash. Where as rest of the world builds its factories with FDI of about $200 billion a year, they spend their own money on roads and skyline. But it is likely to end sooner than later as soon US becomes aware that a monster has grown up with their cash. Chinese US treasury bond purchases (Chinese loan to US) is exactly equal to FDI pumped into it in last 25 years. When the book keepers have accounted for everything neither US owes any thing to China and vice versa. So where does it puts China in its 25 years rise.

Not much. But in the process, Chinese have exhausted their mines, polluted their rivers and polluted their air and got itself a nation of old people (blame it on one child policy) who are very sick.

They are bound to be unhappy in China as they take account of everything. They have been misled with cash which they are unlikely to have it. If US stops importing and goes elsewhere, the factories would be dry and people clamouring for another revolution.

Learn basic economics before spewing lies.
In china only CCP (masters) r only happy not slaves
Dalits can never be happy

China's strength is about to be tested. All they got to do is stop US ships in open sea a few more times. Then they would run to backroom meetings to find a solution very quickly.

Its GDP data is highly inflated and incorrect. China exports 40% of its GDP (some estimate puts it as high as 55%). With 60% of its GNP left for its people, it puts it at the same level as India is (India does not export much except brains). That skyline in Shanghai is export cash. Where as rest of the world builds its factories with FDI of about $200 billion a year, they spend their own money on roads and skyline. But it is likely to end sooner than later as soon US becomes aware that a monster has grown up with their cash. Chinese US treasury bond purchases (Chinese loan to US) is exactly equal to FDI pumped into it in last 25 years. When the book keepers have accounted for everything neither US owes any thing to China and vice versa. So where does it puts China in its 25 years rise.

Not much. But in the process, Chinese have exhausted their mines, polluted their rivers and polluted their air and got itself a nation of old people (blame it on one child policy) who are very sick.

They are bound to be unhappy in China as they take account of everything. They have been misled with cash which they are unlikely to have it. If US stops importing and goes elsewhere, the factories would be dry and people clamouring for another revolution.
Come to China to see the difference between China and India. your most developed cities like BGL and Bombay are much worse than a Chinese county city. Let alone the life quality of ordinary people.India is a country that not worthy China's attention.

It is a common phenomenon.

When you are poor and hungry, you are too busy to fill your stomach and don't have time to be unhappy.

When your stomach is filled, you have the leisure to think. When you think, you think of ways to make you happier. By doing that, you are unhappy.

The unhappiness only belongs to the first world. If the Chinese are feeling unhappy, they are on their way UP!

Unhappiness is a lux·u·ry.
Maybe we are unhappy because we have higher expectation for the quality of life. Indians in Dharavi happy as long as they have bed to sleep, have a WC to piissing off. But for 99.99999999999999999999999% of Chinese, those are not a problem.
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See for yourself in this paper about China exports as percentage of GDP. It is running above 40% in 2008. Its drop in 2009/11 is due to world recession which resulted in less demand for Chinese goods.

Reference: U.S. and China Exports as a Percentage of GDP, 1980-2030 | China Global Trade

Before you blame others for troll, look around yourself.

The point here in the above Chart of China's export as % of GDP is that if you export 40% of your GDP, there is hardly anything left for the people of China to be proud of.

The export cash is taken away by the US by selling the Chinese government, Treasury Bonds (to balance FDI invested in China). Whatever remains builds the Shanghai skyline and roads. The Chinese people stay as repressed as they were before
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