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If Muslims don't get up now your heads will rolled on streets ,your womens won't be spared and used as trading slaves.
Be ready Muslims
who's ear and hearts are deaf and they don't listen the cries of other Muslims.
Keep thinking about your own people and your on country.
your turn will come they do it to you as they did it with your brothers.
nationalism is a cure!!

there is no concept of nationalism in Islam its one people one ummah we train soldier to protect our lands and not Muslims! we bow down to jewish banks apease their leaders in hope of alliance in hope that our lands will be protected! we Muslims live in fools paradise! and we deserve death and destruction only then we will wake up and stand up and unite snd fight forbUmmah!
Don't call pakistan,Call the Taliban.
They will reck havoc to israel.
Iran is a buffer zone for israel

brendon occonnell says the same thing about iran that the whole thing is a scam that all countries are in it together. youtube him.
why saudies are emiraties will fight against israel when they know their arch rival next door iran could only be taken down through Israel ??? specially keeping in mind the same irnians are grilling them in Yemen every day through Houties

For the sake of Islam, why else?
while the whole world is protesting i see nonprotest in Pakistan!!!
.we are fking munfiq!
Sabar karo bhai.
Pakistani b niklayn gy or sab sa zayada niklayn gy lakin protest sa faida nahi siwaye iss k keh upar k hipocrates ka chehray ahista ahista wazeya ho rahay hn. 73 saal sa jo opar sell outs baithay hn unhain hata k koi Non-Hipocrate lay k aao. Non-Hipocrate ko pehchannay k lye Quran parho.
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it's an issue of humanity.
The world is full of inequity. India is doing far worse in Kashmir. China is killing Ughurs. Syria is a mess. Afghanistan has been destroyed. Huge areas of Pakistan are suffering. The list goes on. But I am not going fawn here all piety when I know nobody here or the governments of Saudia, Turkey, UAE, Pakistan and the rest are not going to do jack. That is the reality.

The day the Arabs and the ruling family of Jordan, Saudia Arabia joined the British to fight the Turks what you see was set. Now plough what they sowed.
what do you suggest pakistan should do now ????
Borrow money from IMF for a war against Israel. Then buy F-35 stealths from USA. Then get China to help. Then borrow Indian Navy to transport Pak Army to Israel. Then invade and free the Palestinins.

Scream. Scream. Where is that coming from? Up the mountain from Kashmir. "What is it"? Fvukin free us first from India please!
Sadly Pakistan can offer nothing better than good will ie. moral and political support. Our leader will speak and speak for you in understandable English my brothers.
Sabar karo bhai.
Pakistani b niklayn gy or sab sa zayada niklayn gy lakin protest sa faida nahi siwaye iss k keh upar k hipocrates ka chehray ahista ahista wazeya ho rahay hn. 73 saal sa jo opar sell outs baithay hn unhain hata k koi Non-Hipocrate lay k aao. Non-Hipocrate ko pehchannay k lye Quran parho.
bhai sabh sab say baray sell off wardi wallay hain is mulk may!
america keh sastay ghulam!
what i am saying is: india is odd one out you are brown skin asian not westerner. i am talking about all countries that connected by border as neighbors. anyway it is understandable for Indian to hate Pakistanis but the arabs Palestinian why hate them? .
We dont hate anyone...we stand by people on whose side justice is there.
Arabs attacked israel from all sides..israel kicked the shit out of them and took palestine..it was arabs who started the war...it was arabs who killed thousands of israelis in suicide bomb blasts..being a community that has been at the receiving end of islamic terrorism we can connect to them...we can empathise with them.
We dont hate anyone...we stand by people on whose side justice is there.
Arabs attacked israel from all sides..israel kicked the shit out of them and took palestine..it was arabs who started the war...it was arabs who killed thousands of israelis in suicide bomb blasts..being a community that has been at the receiving end of islamic terrorism we can connect to them...we can empathise with them.

Its retarded comments and biased statements like this that clearly suggest your religion and belief blinds you from deciphering the truth.
Palestine has been stolen in clear daylight. On numerous examples and recent events one can demonstrate the illegal and barbaric behavior of the Israelis and your attempt to legitimize their action is so transparent because your raw hatred towards Islam draws you and admires you to them.

You seem to be naively think joining hands (by the way they wouldnt touch your brown skin for all the tea in China) would bring you closer to them. You are sadly mistaken - no one really in Israel gives a sh1t for India.
Your nation represents everything that is wrong in the world. Hatred poverty starvation and now corona. Its mystifying that the likes of you find solitude and satisfaction on a Pakistan forum trying to deflect from the reality you have in your own back shit yard.

We can relate to Israeli killing innocent children. We see similar events in Kashmir when Indians try to kill the innocent. Thats the only thing you have in common...
pakistan got called out
Oh the caliphate..???

Its same caliph agains whom the arabs and palestinains rebelled??

I mean talk about irony!

You backstab the caliphate invite and sell land to jews and now you cry...when indian muslim scholars in 1920 prohibated you to sell land to jews you would laugh and say who taught you islam!

Didnt arab know that they cant fight that the turks were protecting them?

They learned it the hard way in 1945-1970 when they were smacked hard by force 10x smaller..hell americans were surprised too that israel can handle the arabs themselves
We dont hate anyone...we stand by people on whose side justice is there.
Arabs attacked israel from all sides..israel kicked the shit out of them and took palestine..it was arabs who started the war...it was arabs who killed thousands of israelis in suicide bomb blasts..being a community that has been at the receiving end of islamic terrorism we can connect to them...we can empathise with them.
Really boy?
Have read history
Jews curved out nation out of nothing kicked out millions of palestinains that resulted arabs to decalre war..even the isrealis dont claim what you claim..afterall what can we expect from delusional indians
Now you will claim there is no palestine because practically there isnt ..its only gaza thats left
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