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Unfortunately participation of Pakistan would mean annihilation of whole region. We can't take such a drastic step unless we're ready to sacrifice lives of 200 million pakistanis

It's amazing that so many people rushed from around the world to fight for Daesh, but no one is doing so for Palestine...how tragic is that.
Unfortunately participation of Pakistan would mean annihilation of whole region. We can't take such a drastic step unless we're ready to sacrifice lives of 200 million pakistanis

if nation has the will even if it is wiped out then the question shall we?
what the lil we can do is throw out Rothschild bank/imf print our own currency.
Unfortunately participation of Pakistan would mean annihilation of whole region. We can't take such a drastic step unless we're ready to sacrifice lives of 200 million pakistanis

Pakistan might have honourable people but their government is in bed with the US establishment. Any move by Pakistan might result in harsh sanctions.. Pakistan can not survive that.
each time muslims fail the test gets harder and harder. i think this time the sacarifice will be nuclear sacrifice by Muslims in order to break the chains and make way for break through.
it is unlike india who sucks up to Rothschild state israel yes the very same ppl who enslaved the Indian subcontinent. east india company.
Well they support India during wars, Covid, agriculture,health,space etc

Besides we were not the ones who
Palestinians are calling out.

We are not Muslims,It's your holy site. ..

You should answer them.

Yes or No.
I don't give a flying frigg about these turds many of whom are Christians. But seeing you do. Are you off to join the resistence or stay chilled in the kingdom that gave birth to Israel?

shut up you weak hearted boy. there are many ways to respond. it doesnt have to be military response it can be monetary we can print our own currency.
Well they support India during wars, Covid, agriculture,health,space etc

Besides we were not the ones who
Palestinians are calling out.

We are not Muslims,It's your holy site. ..

You should answer them.

Yes or No.

those that support india are zioninst Muslim leaders or weak. dont forget your ancestors enslaved by these Rothschild group.
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