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Child Sacrificed For Hidden Treasure

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Comments of eastern posters suggest that there is reason it's called Incredible India.

R.I.P Innocent soul
And it amuses me how indians turn a blind eye to the true colors of their incredible india...They would never look into reasons why newdelhi is labelled as world's rape capital instead they will try to nullify truth as much as possible and I guess its the reason india culture is on steep downward track.They would never accept the nudity and sexual dance their movies are propagating is actually poisoning their brains and soul on the other hand you will see them going to heights to praise their movie industry.This is called educated illiterates and dumbs.

you sir , are an example of everything that is wrong with Pakistan today.

New Delhi is labelled the rape capital of India , never seen any source call it the rape capital of the world.Again , it is a local issue.

If Indians didn't care about the rape problem in this country, we wouldn't have protested the way we did earlier this year against the government. The world acknowledged how the youth stood up to the police system in the country and how people were taking the problem of rape seriously even though plenty of countries around the world have higher rape rates than India.

On the other hand when will we see protests against murders, suicide bombings and rapes in Pakistan ? or against the rampant corruption as we saw in India ?

The only time you and media protests against anything is when some foreigner insults the Quran. There is nothing else that your society seems to be bothered by.

This lecture sounds fine on defence.pk Dont try it elsewhere or the world will laugh at you, if it isn't already.

Fact of the matter is , inspite of all its problems , India is growing much faster economically than Pakistan and also attracting millions of tourists unlike Pakistan, yet Indian people are looking for something better, so we protest.

If you are happy with the way Pakistan is being run , then god be with you.
My friend I asked you a logical question..And the logic is when a needle cant be made all by itself due to some natural process of evolution how can you expect a human being made by chance...Leave eyes,heart and other vital organs present day science was surprised to see that had our bones been not hollow we wouldnt have been what we are today and you think all this happened by itself?????

Ok do you believe earth was created 6000 years ago as written in Bible? Because there is plenty of evidence to refute that.

And according to evolution (which is again a conjecture) life evolved gradually from single celled organisms. Humans did'nt drop out of thin air. How do you explain discovery of fossils and DNA evidence suggesting we parted ways with our Primate cousins (gorillas, chimps etc.) only 7 million years ago?

And experiments have been carried out simulating earth's conditions resulting in formation of amino acids which are basic building blocks of life. (Miller–Urey experiment)

I am not saying all this gives definite proof of evolution, all I am saying is that this hypothesis is more believable than Biblical stories.
Ok do you believe earth was created 6000 years ago as written in Bible

My friend bible has been changed by man and thats a different topic as we muslims believe in Quran as the only authentic and preserved book of ALLAH.Allah has made quran in a way that it cant be changed contrary to previous books and here is proof.

Quran is the only book in this world which is mathematically coded and you can research it yourself for a few weeks as after reading this you are responsible for your acts infront of the creator as I gave you a proof you were asking for.
Like the Quran itself, the Quran's mathematical coding ranges from the very simple, to the very complex. The Simple Facts are those observations that can be ascertained without using any tools. The complex facts require the assistance of a calculator or a computer. The following facts do not require any tools to be verified, but please remember they all refer to the original Arabic text:
1. The first verse (1:1), known as “Basmalah,” consists of 19 letters.
2. The Quran consists of 114 suras, which is 19 x 6.
3. The total number of verses in the Quran is 6346, or 19 x 334.
[6234 numbered verses & 112 un-numbered verses (Basmalahs) 6234+112 = 6346] Note that 6+3+4+6= 19.
4. The Basmalah occurs 114 times, despite its conspicuous absence from Sura 9 (it occurs twice in Sura 27) & 114= 19 x 6.
5. From the missing Basmalah of Sura 9 to the extra Basmalah of Sura 27, there are precisely 19 suras.
6. It follows that the total of the sura numbers from 9 to 27 (9+10+11+12+...+26+27) is 342, or 19 x 18.
7. This total (342) also equals the number of words between the two Basmalahs of Sura 27, and 342 = 19 x 18.
8. The famous first revelation (96:1-5) consists of 19 words.
9. This 19-worded first revelation consists of 76 letters 19 x 4.
10. Sura 96, first in the chronological sequence, consists of 19 verses.
11. This first chronological sura is placed atop the last 19 suras.
12. Sura 96 consists of 304 Arabic letters, and 304 equals 19 x 16.
13. The last revelation (Sura 110) consists of 19 words.
14. The first verse of the last revelation (110:1) consists of 19 letters.
15. 14 different Arabic letters, form 14 different sets of “Quranic Initials” (such as A.L.M. of 2:1), and prefix 29 suras. These numbers add up to 14+14+29=57= 19 x 3.
16. The total of the 29 sura numbers where the Quranic Initials occur is 2+3+7+...+50+68 = 822, and 822+14 (14 sets of initials) equals 836, or 19 x 44.
17. Between the first initialed sura (Sura 2) and the last initialed sura (Sura 68) there are 38 un-initialed suras 19 x 2.
18. Between the first and last initialed sura there are 19 sets
of alternating “initialed” and “uninitialed” suras.
19. The Quran mentions 30 different numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 99, 100, 200, 300, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 50,000, & 100,000. The sum of these numbers is 162146, which equals 19x8534.

This is a condensed summary of the Simple Facts.
My friend bible has been changed by man and thats a different topic as we muslims believe in Quran as the only authentic and preserved book of ALLAH.Allah has made quran in a way that it cant be changed contrary to previous books and here is proof.

Quran is the only book in this world which is mathematically coded and you can research it yourself for a few weeks as after reading this you are responsible for your acts infront of the creator as I gave you a proof you were asking for.
Like the Quran itself, the Quran's mathematical coding ranges from the very simple, to the very complex. The Simple Facts are those observations that can be ascertained without using any tools. The complex facts require the assistance of a calculator or a computer. The following facts do not require any tools to be verified, but please remember they all refer to the original Arabic text:
1. The first verse (1:1), known as “Basmalah,” consists of 19 letters.
2. The Quran consists of 114 suras, which is 19 x 6.
3. The total number of verses in the Quran is 6346, or 19 x 334.
[6234 numbered verses & 112 un-numbered verses (Basmalahs) 6234+112 = 6346] Note that 6+3+4+6= 19.
4. The Basmalah occurs 114 times, despite its conspicuous absence from Sura 9 (it occurs twice in Sura 27) & 114= 19 x 6.
5. From the missing Basmalah of Sura 9 to the extra Basmalah of Sura 27, there are precisely 19 suras.
6. It follows that the total of the sura numbers from 9 to 27 (9+10+11+12+...+26+27) is 342, or 19 x 18.
7. This total (342) also equals the number of words between the two Basmalahs of Sura 27, and 342 = 19 x 18.
8. The famous first revelation (96:1-5) consists of 19 words.
9. This 19-worded first revelation consists of 76 letters 19 x 4.
10. Sura 96, first in the chronological sequence, consists of 19 verses.
11. This first chronological sura is placed atop the last 19 suras.
12. Sura 96 consists of 304 Arabic letters, and 304 equals 19 x 16.
13. The last revelation (Sura 110) consists of 19 words.
14. The first verse of the last revelation (110:1) consists of 19 letters.
15. 14 different Arabic letters, form 14 different sets of “Quranic Initials” (such as A.L.M. of 2:1), and prefix 29 suras. These numbers add up to 14+14+29=57= 19 x 3.
16. The total of the 29 sura numbers where the Quranic Initials occur is 2+3+7+...+50+68 = 822, and 822+14 (14 sets of initials) equals 836, or 19 x 44.
17. Between the first initialed sura (Sura 2) and the last initialed sura (Sura 68) there are 38 un-initialed suras 19 x 2.
18. Between the first and last initialed sura there are 19 sets
of alternating “initialed” and “uninitialed” suras.
19. The Quran mentions 30 different numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 99, 100, 200, 300, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 50,000, & 100,000. The sum of these numbers is 162146, which equals 19x8534.

This is a condensed summary of the Simple Facts.

Cant argue with that :undecided:
Cant argue with that :undecided:

This number 19 is the backbone of Quran and can be verified via computer or any other means and this book was created 1500 years ago and still its the only one in the world with such mathematical coding and just go to some of your local mathematicians who is into such things and research with him as its your life and your right to search for the truth.As we all have something inside us which guides us to the right way thats another things if we dont hear it or turn a blind eye towards evident truths.

another evidence

The Prime Evidence

The prime evidence comes in the form of a highly sophisticated mathematical code embedded in an ancient document, the Quran.

In 1974, computer decoding of this document unveiled an intricate mathematical pattern based on the prime number 19.

Although the Quran has been in existence for over 1406 years, its mathematical code remained a secret until computer decoding became possible. As it turned out, the code ranges from extreme simplicity to a complex, interlocking intricacy. Thus, it can be appreciated by persons with limited education, as well as scholars.

The Quran, revealed to prophet Muhammad in 610 AD as The Final Testament, is a perpetual miracle for our computer generation. It is a challenge for atheists, an invitation for agnostics and a guidance for believers.

Before the Secret was Decoded

Before the discovery of the 19-based system, Muslims were aware of some symmetrical mathematical wonders in the Quran.
For example:

Word / Meaning / Occurrences

Dunya This world 115
Akhira The hereafter 115

Malak Angel 88
Shaytan Satan 88

Hayat Life 145
Maot Death 145

Rejul Man 24
Mer'a Women 24

Shehr Month 12
Eyyam Days 30
Yaom Day 365

Bahr Sea 32
Ber Land 13
that is
32/45 X 100% = 71.11111111%
13/45 X 100% = 28.88888888%
the % of Sea and Land on Earth
That is outright sick. Sacrificing children for handmade "gods" :pissed:

This is prevalent in India since centuries... this is why our elders declared Muslims cannt live with under hindu rules, hence a separate home land.

If there was something you didnt like did you question the poster or report it or are just just finding fault ?

In other words do you have a solution or are you a part of the problem ?

I agree.. this is so common news that it isn't a news at all.
It is as common in India as taking 3 meals a day!
How can you post such common issues in def. forum!
Some must be wrong with the thread opener!

I appreciate and admire your knowledge of Quran......but as the saying goes, you can't describe sunrise to a blind person. !!

Don't waste your talent here......let it be my friend.
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I appreciate and admire your knowledge of Quran......but as the saying goes, you can't describe sunrise to a blind person. !!

Don't waste your talent here......let it be my friend.

you are right mate ..
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