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Child Sacrificed For Hidden Treasure

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Then what's the need to craft an Idol to be placed in a prominent feature to be showered with money and jewellery.

Those who pray to idols ( if thats what you wish to question) are not praying to fellow humans. They pray to Gods whom they in their imagination have been identified & have been given shapes like fellow humans , this has been institutionalized with time.

The logic of praying to them is quite the same as facing Mecca while saying a prayer. God after all is & should be in all directions.
Human sacrfices had been part of many ancient beliefs for doing away with wrath of nature and oh well today people offer such sacrifices for black magic type things
Who created God?

Before posing ridiculous questions, can you even comprehend why the sky which is blue in daylight turns black at night, why Crocodiles and Whales survived the giant Meteor which supposedly wiped out the Dinosaurs....why your man made planes and trains are never precise but sun rise and sun set can be predicted for the whole year to the micro seconds. !!!
Who controls these things. !!

Who created God?

Before posing ridiculous questions, can you even comprehend why the sky which is blue in daylight turns black at night, why Crocodiles and Whales survived the giant Meteor which supposedly wiped out the Dinosaurs....why your man made planes and trains are never precise but sun rise and sun set can be predicted for the whole year to the micro seconds. !!!
Who controls these things. !!
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Before posing ridiculous questions, can you even comprehend why the sky which is blue in daylight turns black at night, why Crocodiles and Whales survived the giant Meteor which supposedly wiped out the Dinosaurs....why your man made planes and trains are never precise but sun rise and sun set can be predicted for the whole year to the micro seconds. !!!
Who controls these things. !!

Before posing ridiculous questions, can you even comprehend why the sky which is blue in daylight turns black at night, why Crocodiles and Whales survived the giant Meteor which supposedly wiped out the Dinosaurs....why your man made planes and trains are never precise but sun rise and sun set can be predicted for the whole year to the micro seconds. !!!
Who controls these things. !!

There is something called adaptation/evolution. Many mammals like the Mammoth, Sabre toothed cat etc. also died out while others survived 'coz they adapted well. Some say Dinosaurs evolved into birds.

And I am not saying there a'int no god/gods, it can be or cannot be, only there just isn't any proof of it's existence.
And I am not saying there a'int no god/gods, it can be or cannot be, only there just isn't any proof of it's existence.

That's true. There is no empirical evidence to support either position.

So the logical position to take... is to wait for the evidence. Until then, the answer will be "We don't know".
There is something called adaptation/evolution. Many mammals like the Mammoth, Sabre toothed cat etc. also died out while others survived 'coz they adapted well. Some say Dinosaurs evolved into birds.

And I am not saying there a'int no god/gods, it can be or cannot be, only there just isn't any proof of it's existence.

Well just tell me where from the first alive animal came,from which then all the other things originated??? where from it evoluted??

At thread well its unfortunate when our indians friends start jumping whenever some thing is posted about the true colors of their incredible india.
But knowing windjammer I know his intent was to educate illiterate masses regarding inhuman acts being carried out in india on the name of religion by some crackheads and it will also give little fruit of thought to those educated one's who have somewhere deep inside their hearts a feeling that these sadhoo's and pujari's have even an iota of spirituality .
Those who really blow themselves up they are disguisting. But those who rape women and butcher children have an upper hand.

Yes rapists, child killers and pedophiles rank 1 on disgusto-meter. It's not a problem confined only to India.

Well just tell me where from the first alive animal came??? From where all the other things originated??? where from it evoluted??

At thread well its unfortunate when our indians friends start jumping whenever some thing is posted about the true colors of their incredible india.
But knowing windjammer I know his intent was to educate illiterate masses regarding inhuman acts being carried out in india on the name of religion by some crackheads and it will also give little fruit of thought to those educated one's who have somewhere deep inside their hearts a feeling that these sadhoo's and pujari's have an iota of spirituality .

I can only provide conjecture, just like you can provide me biblical stories based on no proof.
India is home to 1/6 of the world's humanity , if everything is going to get discussed on this forum , might as well just name it

It amazes me how some Pakistanis choose to completely ignore all that's going on back home and dwell on every local Indian news.

And it amuses me how indians turn a blind eye to the true colors of their incredible india...They would never look into reasons why newdelhi is labelled as world's rape capital instead they will try to nullify truth as much as possible and I guess its the reason india culture is on steep downward track.They would never accept the nudity and sexual dance their movies are propagating is actually poisoning their brains and soul on the other hand you will see them going to heights to praise their movie industry.This is called educated illiterates and dumbs.

I can only provide conjecture, just like you can provide me biblical stories based on no proof.
My friend I asked you a logical question..And the logic is when a needle cant be made all by itself due to some natural process of evolution how can you expect a human being made by chance...Leave eyes,heart and other vital organs present day science was surprised to see that had our bones been not hollow we wouldnt have been what we are today and you think all this happened by itself?????
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