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Chief of Army Staff | General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

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i will support tribals to kill every pakistan army terrorist after the same scores killed in drone attacks... tribals need to begin this offencive to shut down this drone attacks, there is really no other way left

this time pakistan army is not only enemy of tribals, its the enemy of the state itself, so every patriotic pakistani would hope tribals to let the dog to be reminded of its zalil auqaat
^^^ Exactly... I thought that He was a competent person but instead he turned out to be the biggest tout of americans, he no longer deserves this post. If I had the authority I would have taken out his stars.
rather then order air defence deploy he saying these cheep words. i am wondering why there is no revolution inside army against there leaders.
i will support tribals to kill every pakistan army terrorist after the same scores killed in drone attacks... tribals need to begin this offencive to shut down this drone attacks, there is really no other way left

this time pakistan army is not only enemy of tribals, its the enemy of the state itself, so every patriotic pakistani would hope tribals to let the dog to be reminded of its zalil auqaat

Brother dont get emotional... this wont help anything... Pak Army jawans are good people... for some reason those who get promoted to the rank of Brigadier suddenly turn to scum...

Does nt mean we should be asking for a full blown civil war in Pakistan... that will only suit our enemies...
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rather then order air defence deploy he saying these cheep words. i am wondering why there is no revolution inside army against there leaders.

There was some attempt in army during Musharaf's time , didn't go well & many were court marshelled...
^^^ Exactly... I thought that He was a competent person but instead he turned out to be the biggest tout of americans, he no longer deserves this post. If I had the authority I would have taken out his stars.

He should do the only honourable thing that he can do now and resign... along with Shuja Pasha also... sell outs both of them... Everytime I read something against Pakistan now in the international/national media now, I wish I could roll that piece of newspaper and shove it down these two throats...
Gen. Kayani allowing the continuation of drone strikes, further compromising Pakistan's sovereignty, allowing US black ops troops into Pakistan, allowing the release of RD, spineless to stand up to the Americans. Add that to his resume as well. He publicly condemns these drone strikes but in private meetings he agrees with them!!!

No respect for you Gen. Kayani henchman of Musharraf, he shouldn't salute the Pakistani flag anymore.

We didn't betray you, you betrayed us. The people's trust is no longer with you.
Brother dont get emotional... this wont help anything... Pak Army jawans are good people... for some reason those who get promoted to the rank of Brigadier suddenly turn to scum...

Does nt mean we should be asking for a full blown civil war in Pakistan... that will only suit our enemies...

Actually that what US wants,,, that's why these drones & suicides,,, trying to incite Tribals & Balooch against rest of Pakistan while enraging Army & civilians by perpetrating bomb attacks in all over pakistan,,,

It's the same tactic that was used to make shia/sunni fight each other,,, some criminals will kill shia scholars & then same criminals will kill some on sunni side & there we go shia & sunni fell into a chain reaction,,,

Trust me,,, these elite in charge of US ARE the Dajjal we were warned about... Everything fits the description of him...
He should do the only honourable thing that he can do now and resign... along with Shuja Pasha also... sell outs both of them... Everytime I read something against Pakistan now in the international/national media now, I wish I could roll that piece of newspaper and shove it down these two throats...

he cant work as COAS so let others to do this job. pasha get extention for release RD.
There was some attempt in army during Musharaf's time , didn't go well & many were court marshelled...

The only way one should consider a coup is when they can be sure they have the strength to be successful a hundred percent... like what the friends of Musharaf did which brought him to power... otherwise absolutely not... Army officers should only refuse to obey orders on very few occassions...

1. When ordered to fire on their own people e.g when people are protesting something in a demo
2. When ordered to fire on innocent and unarmed civilians/pows
3. When ordered to torture anyone (even if it were an enemy)
4. When ordered to do something against Islam like e.g rape women in conquered territory

The scum that sits on top of Pakistan's Army today shall disappear in the next five years brothers and sisters inshaAllah... This I am willing to promise you a hundred percent...
Yes, Pakistani armed forces are loyal no doubt about that. AFAIK, Middle class Officer core is loyal as well. It is the head that is rotten, the head infected by US Gov-and-Military Industrial complex.
we are not saying for a civil war, we want the one who have the responsibility of safeguarding the borders of this country should know what they have been trained to do.
he cant work as COAS so let others to do this job. pasha get extention for release RD.

Yaar... The Americans are desperate to setup a replacement for him... they dont know whom to trust... and the time is coming soon when they wont have a puppet as COAS in Pak Army... God willing...
Yes, Pakistani armed forces are loyal no doubt about that. AFAIK, Middle class Officer core is loyal as well. It is the head that is rotten, the head infected by US Gov-and-Military Industrial complex.

yes... and in this case the middle class officers should stay ready... heavy duties are going to fall on their shoulders soon... the older generation shall be replaced by the newer people... this Allah swt promises in the Quran... that those who do not work for Islam... Allah replaces those people with better ones... we can see that all over the world this is beginning to happen now... Muslims love Islam and want to live according to its values and justice... even the most secular people wish for Islamic notions of justice (they may not support Islam entirely)... I have actually heard die hard athiests in the west speaking highly about things that are found in Islam...

Allah swt shall send His help soon... We will always ask Him for Victory!!!
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