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I am quoting what NAB has been maintaining so far "no such treaty"

and judges are so innocent?they are hearing case for months and first order of business for Tuqeer Sadiq extradition was that courts knows that we have extradition and prisoner exchange agreement with UAE so we could give orders to FIA to bring Tuqeer Sadiq to Pakistan

now answer this :

IG Islamabad held responsible in Musharraf fleeing case by Islamabad High Court

IG Islamabad held responsible in Musharraf fleeing case - thenews.com.pk

the judge have given order to interior ministery to take action against IG islamabad who didn't take action and let Musharraf leave and go to his home yesterday


Why judges in Tuqeer Sadiq case not ask FIA,CIA and FOREIGN MINISTERY to take action against their official who did not provide evidence in UAE courts,not show Pakistan's supreme court decision to UAE as evidence and not ask UAE government to extradite Tuqeer Sadiq in first place under UAE-PAKISTAN extradition agreement

But Why did he ran away from Court Room??

That incident & video had made hot cake news for all National & International Media with Musharaf termed as Court fugitive & Musharaf who was saying cheast thumping that I am ready to go to Jail Ran away from Court to avoid arrest :what:

Who in the court room, or outside it, had the guts to arrest Musharraf? And did he actually run away? He went straight back home while his lawyers went to SC to get pre-arrest bail. Anyway, as he was never flee risk, he did not deserve to have his bail rejected.

Whats your trigger point? Musharaf's arrest orders? If so, you need to answer something before I DO.

Weakness of any organization is worrisome and I am of opinion that judges must be of highest levels of morality and law abidance. It is not the case and this is worrisome - but - solve a problem with a solution, not with a cry. Support Imran Khan and Inshallah you will find every dept. including judiciary getting better.

That's just a dream which will vaporize pretty soon. There is nothing wrong with IK himself and I think that he deserves a chance. However, he does not have the kind of hold on his party that NS/AZ/AH have over their respective parties. PTI has proved to be largely incompetent and unorganized. Many of their front liners are lotas from other parties, which is a pity and IK's influence over his own party is pathetic.
You are mixing things, mate!

He's not, actually.

Justice Choudhry is not a judge of anti terrorist court that deals with terrorism. Why lower judiciary got failed is because of poor laws and faulty prosecution, investigation agencies build their case very poorly, lack of evidence ultimately favors the acquittal of criminals.

CJ IC is the person who ultimately hears all cases. Every single ATC case ends up in the SC and criminals have mostly been set free by SCP. Furthermore, if the CJ can take up suo moto notices left, right and center, why can't he pick up the issue of lack of training of investigative agencies and forensic labs?

Quite valid, I second you on this! There's a saying "Rishwat laitay pakray gai aur rishwat day ker chhot gai" Wrong again here is at the level of investigations; NAB, FIA, Police every institution works under the influence of governments/politicians & of course they would stand by their partners in crime in any way. We all need to understand a fact that courts do not investigate, best courts can do is to force authorities to investigate and monitor the procedures but again there's a big question mark on the bonafides of the investigators.

But....how many cases has the CJ been able to resolve that have been proved? The perfect example would be Tauqir Sadiq. As per the constitution of Pakistan, the SC/CJ has the authority to have its orders implemented by any means necessary, this includes calling in Military to force the Civilian Government. The will was never there!!

Apex court actually had already passed its verdict on this, had directed the government to investigate into the matter thoroughly. But the government instead had made it clear that it had no intention to repeat the politics of 90s, now that means NO INVESTIGATION. However I do believe that apex court if wanted could have forced the government but it avoided perhaps because of its affection for NS.


Well it did! Recall one PM was sent home and ultimately government had to write a letter to Swiss authorities. Swiss authorities refused to reopen the cases, now blaming SC makes no sense.

Again, the SC had the authority to order AG to write the letter, yet it continued to give & waste time until the cases reached age of time bar in Switzerland. It was deliberate and the punishment to the PM was rather symbolic, to fool the general public, don't you think?

That's because there was no evidence against them. Had agencies gathered a few sufficient for their conviction they would have been LAPATA AFRAAD, they would have been facing charges against them. Don't expect conviction in any court anywhere the entire world without valid evidences; exception if there's a law that convicts on the basis of collective conscience of a society.

Fair enough. However, in times of extreme duress or war, nations have to take extreme decisions, these critical choices make and break nations. Were the agencies picking up people and locking them up at random or did they have leads/intel that could ultimately not be proven in court? Take the example of our beloved President, the whole world is aware of his piety and goodness, yet no agency can take any action against him..........does he deserve a fair trial, I believe he does but should he walk just because things cannot be proved against him?

BLA people are absconding. Brahimdad's acquittal is beyond me also, heavy arms were recovered at the time of his arrest. ATC again was the court which dealt him.

Politics man, its a dirty business.

Apex court, frankly speaking, has left no stone unturned to bring him back. His case is still in the court, just yesterday it was revealed that Rehman Malik and Jahangeer Badr helped him escape. Bringing back the absconder is the responsibility of government, diplomatic channels are under the control of government and not the courts.

Again, if the Government is unwilling to act on SC rulings then the SC can summon the Military to enforce law. Why has the Military not been called, not just to have SC orders implemented but also to take to task those who refuse to carry out their duties?

Politics man!!

He was only given permission to go abroad, court never acquitted him, he's yet to be convicted of treason. Court perhaps shouldn't have allowed him to travel abroad.

There was a treason case against him and they let him go abroad, I mean really???? Think about it man.

What sorta action are you expecting? Don't you remember court a couple of month ago ordered NAB to proceed against him and his company and file a reference against them. It's the NAB that is not willing because of its head who has affiliation with PPP.

Then the SC has the authority to initiate contempt of court proceeding against Chairman NAB and the SC can actually punish him within a day......that would actually be justice served, if only.

Unfortunately! Law I believe must be made more rigorous, ifs and buts have to be eliminated. Banks should be asked to take a strict stance; stay order and other legal leniency must be withdrawn in this particular regard. BTW, under law, it's the ECP that makes election policy.

The law is mostly fine, it is the implementation that sucks big time.







Your line above, speaks volumes of your understanding of the situation and reality. I am seriously saddened that I have such immature countrymen.

Mate look, Pakistan has no extradition treaty with UAE so both the countries are not into any legal understanding. Please consider another fact that absconder Sadiq has also been convicted for violating UAE laws & for that he's in prison (not sure of his release), MoFA simply can't ask for his possession unless he completes his punishment. Not everything shown in media is truth, technically there are numbers of legal aspects to be dealt with. MoFA had already cancelled absconder's passport and now are banking on his deportation, diplomatic channels are also open but I don't know to what extent they are being utilized. However, considering corruption a trait of every ministry, deceiving tactics also can't be ruled out.

SC exercising its discretionary powers took suo motto action if it had some bad intentions it wouldn't have exercised its powers in first place. It was the responsibility of the government to uncover the scam. There exists no law that enables judges to dismiss officials on the basis of media reports, SC does have powers but not as much as of a monarch.

That's a load of BS mate, perhaps because of ignorance. I am personally aware of convicted felons that have been repatriated back to Pakistan from UAE. Tauqir Sadiq is a very high profile case and the UAE Government would never turn down Pakistani request to have him deported. Another way for the Government is to revoke the travelling document (Passport) of Tauqir Sadiq and have him deported. There are many, many other ways!!

Truth it, there is no will.
Your line above, speaks volumes of your understanding of the situation and reality. I am seriously saddened that I have such immature countrymen.
don't care what you think mian just stick to the topic kindly
But Why did he ran away from Court Room??

That incident & video had made hot cake news for all National & International Media with Musharaf termed as Court fugitive & Musharaf who was saying cheast thumping that I am ready to go to Jail Ran away from Court to avoid arrest :what:

It could not be said "RUN AWAY" after cancellation of bail police has right to arrest one. He simply walked out from court room & went to his home. He stayed in his home while police get arrested to him.
CJ IC is the person who ultimately hears all cases. Every single ATC case ends up in the SC and criminals have mostly been set free by SCP. Furthermore, if the CJ can take up suo moto notices left, right and center, why can't he pick up the issue of lack of training of investigative agencies and forensic labs?

Nay, that's not true. SC intrinsically is not a trial court please maintain a difference between appellate jurisdiction of a court and a court which is meant to be a trial court. Very rarely you see an apex court reviewing a review petition from scratch! Registrar office in many cases (criminal) refuses to accept the plea for review & in majority of cases, accepted ones, SC endorses the verdict of the previous court. Please haste me to know when did last time SC acquitted a criminal, more precisely a terrorist, who had been convicted by lower courts in series? Admit, we always have a very poor persecution. Police and other investigation agencies are too incompetent to produce evidences ample for conviction. Judges if not bribed/biased are bound to laws not to rants of common people. Hundreds of the target killers in Karachi have been set free because of the lack of valid evidences against them, the fault is at the level of poor performance of the prosecution. SC Karachi registry has issued directions so many times to the peers of investigation agency to enhance their performance but every time noncompliance had been the answer. And I can't understand why do we people always blame judiciary, SC can't exercise its discretionary powers through article 199 in every case! Bhai it's the responsibility of the government to take care of its agencies, to amend the laws accordingly. Whether a lower court or an apex court, court is bound to the laws which are made by lawmakers, ask these incompetent lawmakers to devise result oriented laws instead of maligning courts for every odd.

But....how many cases has the CJ been able to resolve that have been proved? The perfect example would be Tauqir Sadiq. As per the constitution of Pakistan, the SC/CJ has the authority to have its orders implemented by any means necessary, this includes calling in Military to force the Civilian Government. The will was never there!!

Again, bringing him back to the country is the job of MoFA & perhaps you are forgetting his case pertaining bringing him back is still in progress. Seeking help from military is an option in extreme cases, constitution doesn't obligate SC to seek military assistance in every case. Moreover, considering track record of military it's not wise to ask them for help in comparatively minor issues. Recall the judgement where SC had clearly stated that it would never allow anything to happen that has a tendency to pave a way for military to impose its rule.

The will was never there!!

What will? SC would have never taken suo motto action if the will was not there.

There was a treason case against him and they let him go abroad, I mean really???? Think about it man

No that wasn't a case of treason. Only the government of Pakistan can pursue a case of treason, no other authority not even SC. He wasn't being trialed of treason which of course is not a bailable offense.

The law is mostly fine, it is the implementation that sucks big time.

No law is not fine. Law says one is not guilty unless proved, most of the tax evaders have cases pending in courts & ECP allows such people to contest. In some cases candidates have clearance certificates from concern banks. If a bank, main party, withdraws its case then what courts can do? There has to be a different policy like one in India, anyone who has a major case in pending is not eligible to run for the polls.

Criminal laws are in worst condition, luckily an important amendment was made lately.
Your line above, speaks volumes of your understanding of the situation and reality. I am seriously saddened that I have such immature countrymen.

That's a load of BS mate, perhaps because of ignorance. I am personally aware of convicted felons that have been repatriated back to Pakistan from UAE. Tauqir Sadiq is a very high profile case and the UAE Government would never turn down Pakistani request to have him deported. Another way for the Government is to revoke the travelling document (Passport) of Tauqir Sadiq and have him deported. There are many, many other ways!!

Truth it, there is no will.

Me ignorant! Seriously, was it all you had to say?

Did you even grab the context before declaring it BS stuff? And you genius have reasons to blame judiciary for all odds, eh?. Typical hypermetriopic, a big fault in executive is unseeable. And read the post again, I have specifically mentioned that ministry of internal affairs had already cancelled sadiq's travel document, aslo read what I had to say about MoFA - just don't reply without reading the post in its entirety.

As per, NAB there's no extradition treaty - it was quoted in this sense. Every Pakistani personally knows a case where an absconder was brought back without bringing treaty in, murderer of Shahzaib. Look, I am not defending MoFA neither courts, just stating that government here is more answerable than SC.

Stop harping no will no will - suo motto wouldn't have been taken if the will was not there.

Speak sense not rants and personal grudge.
Your line above, speaks volumes of your understanding of the situation and reality. I am seriously saddened that I have such immature countrymen.

Got the reason behind your discomfort! Why don't you just get straight and start cursing judiciary directly?
Our countrymen are so emotional , I would recommend go find lawyer to file any petition against any judge injustice ....the lawyer fee just to register the case in Supreme Court will burst yours......When the hearing start you will be buck naked ....Pakistan supreme court is the house of Medusa .....\
I am really surprise , we see cases against every political party except PMLn...Is Nawaz League is League of angels ?????.....
Nay, that's not true. SC intrinsically is not a trial court please maintain a difference between appellate jurisdiction of a court and a court which is meant to be a trial court. Very rarely you see an apex court reviewing a review petition from scratch! Registrar office in many cases (criminal) refuses to accept the plea for review & in majority of cases, accepted ones, SC endorses the verdict of the previous court. Please haste me to know when did last time SC acquitted a criminal, more precisely a terrorist, who had been convicted by lower courts in series? Admit, we always have a very poor persecution. Police and other investigation agencies are too incompetent to produce evidences ample for conviction. Judges if not bribed/biased are bound to laws not to rants of common people. Hundreds of the target killers in Karachi have been set free because of the lack of valid evidences against them, the fault is at the level of poor performance of the prosecution. SC Karachi registry has issued directions so many times to the peers of investigation agency to enhance their performance but every time noncompliance had been the answer. And I can't understand why do we people always blame judiciary, SC can't exercise its discretionary powers through article 199 in every case! Bhai it's the responsibility of the government to take care of its agencies, to amend the laws accordingly. Whether a lower court or an apex court, court is bound to the laws which are made by lawmakers, ask these incompetent lawmakers to devise result oriented laws instead of maligning courts for every odd.

Bhai, pick up the individual (or collective) missing persons case. All such criminal elements that have been let loose by the Courts have ended up in anti state activities, as has been proved by multiple successive incidents. Furthermore, once we have established that the LEA/Investigative agencies are incompetent and incapable of producing evidence in most of the cases especially terrorism cases then what do we do, what's the way forward?

My biggest issue with the current judiciary has always been that they have consistently refused to take action against those who ridicule Court decisions by refusing to abide by the rulings or in their implementation. What is the point of a court that cannot have its orders implemented in true spirit. Consider the simple case of No-Go areas in Karachi, I am a resident of PECHS Block 2 and almost every other street/road has barriers making PECHS a virtual No-Go area for general public yet none of those have been removed. Nobody cares, literally!!

Again, bringing him back to the country is the job of MoFA & perhaps you are forgetting his case pertaining bringing him back is still in progress. Seeking help from military is an option in extreme cases, constitution doesn't obligate SC to seek military assistance in every case. Moreover, considering track record of military it's not wise to ask them for help in comparatively minor issues. Recall the judgement where SC had clearly stated that it would never allow anything to happen that has a tendency to pave a way for military to impose its rule.

Well, lets break down the jobs ok, MoFA is responsible for making official requests, NAB/FIA through MoI or MoL are responsible for actual making of legal cases to be put up to UAE legal process and then it is the responsibility of UAE LEA's of deporting Tauqir Sadiq back to Pakistan under the custody of FIA.

Ok, now that I have explained the roles of each organization/department/ministry lets try and establish what the SC has done so far. The SC has only continued to give time and deadlines without credible action or accountability. Credible action would have been to sack the NAB chairman/Director General FIA and to had them exemplary punishments for noncompliance of SC rulings. All this brings me to something entirely off topic, Bhai, if everything is about to fail, what should be the course of action by a patriot who holds power over the most powerful and professional organization of the country (Army Chief.....hint: Musharraf in the past).

What will? SC would have never taken suo motto action if the will was not there.

It's all a drama for our consumption. Everything is a facade....just look at the past 5 years, words v/s actions.

No that wasn't a case of treason. Only the government of Pakistan can pursue a case of treason, no other authority not even SC. He wasn't being trialed of treason which of course is not a bailable offense.

No treason case was initiated against HH per se, however, wasn't the case basically about treason? Isn't the request to another country to intervene militarily in Pakistan to be considered a case of treason? My basic challenge was, shouldn't HH have been barred from leaving the country after facing such a high profile case?

I remember the drama when AZ attempted to evacuate HH to Dubai via a special flight, undeclared and in a surprising move. It was the military that prevented HH from boarding that flight. The SC let him escape, but Musharraf's name was put on ECL, what a load of BS!!

No law is not fine. Law says one is not guilty unless proved, most of the tax evaders have cases pending in courts & ECP allows such people to contest. In some cases candidates have clearance certificates from concern banks. If a bank, main party, withdraws its case then what courts can do? There has to be a different policy like one in India, anyone who has a major case in pending is not eligible to run for the polls.

Criminal laws are in worst condition, luckily an important amendment was made lately.

Law is fine brother, everyone deserves to be considered innocent until proven guilty. And which amendment are you speaking of, the SRO VI & VII of ATA?? If that's what you are talking about then my agency has a big hand in its amendment.....but that too basically because of international pressure.
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