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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

U 'avin a laff, m8? The thinner the air, the lower the quantity of oxygen in a given volume, the less the fuel needed to maintain stoichiometric balance in the combustion chamber of the engine. And rockets are not "mostly fuel," they have as much fuel and oxidizer as they need to maintain -- once again -- stoichiometric balance.

Perhaps you ought to get such basic engineering facts right before you joke about "Chinese physics," or presume to teach anyone here about . . . well . . . anything.
Right...And I guess Lockheed designed the J58 engines for the SR-71 on YOUR engineering advice ?

Rocket fuel, liquid or solid, contains their own oxidizer -- yes. But I was speaking in general principles when I used the word 'fuel'.

For something like a turbine or internal combustion engine, the word 'fuel' does not contain oxygen or any oxidizing agent. These engines requires atmospheric oxygen. To maintain a certain level of performance, less oxygen means higher fuel. For the J58, based on the requested performance level, a new type of fuel was needed. JP4/8 are essentially kerosene.

The J58 engine used JP7 fuel, which contains an oxidizing agent, just like rocket fuel...

...an oxidizing agent to make it burn more efficiently,...
JP7's physical consistency is so thick that it is almost gelatinous.

Am I 'avin a laff, m8 ? Soitenly...m8...at YOU.
These are FC-31s and not J-20s ... just look at their tails ! :rofl:

By the way ...

Screen Shot 2017-08-07 at 11.06.14 AM.png

You are right! Those are CGI FC-31s not the real J-20s. I thought it was a typical lame PLAAF promotional video. The video editing was terrible, so I didn't watch the whole thing. Even the title of the video is sh*tly. "This is not a movie. It's the PLAAF." Just lame.

Good eyes, Mr. Deino!

Bro, any link to the video, I need to hear the full narration.


If I can confirm this linguistically, I think it's a fact, they are confirming it.

Sorry, I don't have the video link.
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