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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions


This is what I call "high quality" russian junks.!!!!!:lol:

Please sunny boy, China still buys Russian engines. And by your logic the F-22 must be American junk because one prototype crashed. Take your petty comments elsewere and start acting like an adult.

At last, PtldM3. JF-17 no longer uses russian engine.

Yes it does, don't make stories up.

They bought 60 RD-93 just in case WS-13A is no ready.

Clearly it was not ready and it still is not ready.

But WS-13A is ready and in the Farnborough air show, two JF-17 flow with Chinese WS-13A engine. Also, the newly delivered 50 JF-17 also uses Chinese WS-13A engine!!!

Bringing an engine or radar or anything to an airshow does not mean it is ready, various vendors often bring products that are still in development to showcase at airshows. And two JF-17 flying with the WS-13 engine means little, at some point all engine have to be instaled on an actual aircraft to undergo real world endurance tests. So what is your point? The Astra, NIIP radar and dozens of other prototype products have been exhibited at air shows, again what is your point?

Do you care to explain what happen in the picture?? You ULTRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA realiable, S-117 engine??

Yea, it was a malfunction in the automatic flight control system caused by a malfunctioning multi-parameter sensor. And to be clear the engine never failed, the malfunctioning sensor merely caused additional fuel to be fed into the engine. More importantly the problem was quickly identified and corrected.

It's also a prototype engine. These things happen in new engines, the only difference is that with Sukhoi it happened in front of 200,000 people. What makes you sure that China has not had something similar or worse happen? Considering that both prototype F-22 and SU-35's aircraft have crashed it's safe to say that China has also had some serious problams with it's prototype aircraft.

Didn't the J-11BS desintegrate in mid air do to the WS-10 engine? An aircraft desintegrating due to an engine problem is alot more serious than a faulty sensor that was quickly replaced.
It does not matter what you say.

You keep saying that S-117 is so realiable. But now this happened!!1

Yet you still say that your AL-31 "outclass" WS-10.


You mere russian must drink too much vodaka. Or holy indian urine!! :partay:
Our Russian friend ptldM3's skin is thicker than the wall of Berlin, and he virtually spams in every China related topic like crazy.

Even the most low-profile and pessimistic Chinese members here can't take his BS anymore.
Out Classed:lol:

LOL. check this out.

Russia's ULTRA realiable S-117 with super after burner. Which can drive T-50 faster than the speed of light!

Our Russian friend ptldM3's skin is thicker than the wall of Berlin, and he virtually spams every China related topic like crazy.

Even the most low-profile and pessimistic Chinese members here can't take his BS anymore.

True. But arguing with poorly formed responses even if they are correct matters little on the internet.
Using ignorant and racist insults towards others does nothing for your country's image.

I got banned for religious images others found offensive. The mods actually applauded me on keeping idiots like you in line.

lol, oh really?/

Then tell me why you are still not a mod yet?
Our Russian friend ptldM3's skin is thicker than the wall of Berlin, :partay:and he virtually spams in every China related topic like crazy.

Even the most low-profile and pessimistic Chinese members here can't take his BS anymore.

In order to treat a moron you must BEAT IT DOWN!!!!

You can not talk nice to then, othwer wise they will do worse!!!
Soon WS-10G(which is now on J-20) will be the core engine for the advanced J-10B!!

Could the new golden TH engine being WS-10G? Since it looks very different from the regular TH engine. The 'G' stands for ‘大改’, which stands for a major improvement. Whereas the WS-10B is not a major improvement from the WS-10A.
Could the new golden TH engine being WS-10G? Since it looks very different from the regular TH engine. The 'G' stands for ‘大改’, which stands for a major improvement. Whereas the WS-10B is not a major improvement from the WS-10A.

Could you show a picture thanks.
It does not matter what you say.

So facts that can be proven with sources do not matter? Okay keep living in denial.

You keep saying that S-117 is so realiable. But now this happened!!1

I only mentioned this numerous times but it's not the S-117 it is the 117, read what I post. And it has been explained what happened it was a multi-parameter sensor--the problem was corrected. The 117 is also a new engine and as I stated new technology always has flaws.

It makes me wonder if you even actually read what I post. If you won't take the time to read all of the posts do not bother commenting.

Your persistent mockery of the 'flameout' incident also shows your ignorance and immaturity. It's a new engine that had a flaw, that flaw is now fixed.

Yet you still say that your AL-31 "outclass" WS-10.

When did I ever say anything about the AL-31 outclassing the WS-10? Do not put words in my mouth. I said that the 117s and 117 outclass the WS-10 and they do in virtually every aspect. And the AL-31F's MTBO and service life do seem to be better than the WS-10 if the WS-10 numbers are to be trusted.

You mere russian must drink too much vodaka. Or holy indian urine!! :partay:

What was that? Is that frustration I hear? As if your childish colorful fonts and choice of words such as 'lol' was not embarrassing enough now you stoop to racism.

Aerospace you are a embarrassment.

This is a self proclaimed Stanford 'AerospaceEngineer' that can not compile a cohesive sentence, nor does he know the most basic aspects of anything aircraft related.

Our Russian friend ptldM3's skin is thicker than the wall of Berlin, and he virtually spams in every China related topic like crazy.

Even the most low-profile and pessimistic Chinese members here can't take his BS anymore.

I mostly stay out of Chinese related threads. I only comment when someone claims something that is not true. I'm sure you remember some of your past comments badmouthing Russian technology, don't you? People like you like to sit back, make up fantastic claims and then run away when someone proves you wrong. A good part of the time it is people like yourself that are the instigators so do not complain.

And spam, do I? I took the time to explain how engine overhauls work, how and how often parts need replacing, and the criteria of establishing the MTBO.

It sure does beat calling people vodka and urine drinkers.

J-20 ‘Mighty Dragon’ fifth-generation single-seat air dominance multi-role fighter jet has been developed by the China’s Chengdu Aircraft Industries Corp (CAC).
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