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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

I normally just follow the Chinese Navy developments....so i'am not quite upto date as you people regarding the Chinese air force and army.....But does anyone know when the J-20 is expected to go into production?.........and what is the likely total build of this aircraft expected to be? Thanks :-)
I normally just follow the Chinese Navy developments....so i'am not quite upto date as you people regarding the Chinese air force and army.....But does anyone know when the J-20 is expected to go into production?.........and what is the likely total build of this aircraft expected to be? Thanks :-)
Allow me to put on a poker face and say this: that's classified. ;)
God, I thought I'm the only few person who remembers this thing under the name of "J-14".

That was a seriously well made CG back in time.

Just in case, some readers still do not know this abbreviations.
PS = photoshopped picture
PRC enemy nations = mainly ( USA, Japan, UK, France, Australia, and India )


:enjoy: Seriously, this must be said ... ...

1*) Whenever there is a new picture about some 5th Gen fighter aircrafts and any other Military advancements from PRC, -- 99.8% of western Military Observers ( from PRC enemy nations ) will rush out and hurriedly and explicitly and loudly express their opinions and dismissed those picture again and again as tampered and photoshopped picture ( or PS picture ).

2*) When those so called ( PS pictures ) are appearing more and more until these same western Military Observers ( from PRC enemy nations ) -- no longer be able to dismiss those pictures as simply a brilliantly tampered PS pictures, -- these same western Military Observers ( from PRC enemy nations ) will loudly declare that we PRC and Chinese is a nation -- who only know how to copy and clone, -- while laughing at our faces and repeatedly ridiculing us.

:enjoy: :yes4: :lol:

3*) Why do these western Military Observers ( from PRC enemy nations ) acting and behaving this way ??
These western Military Observers ( from PRC enemy nations ) can not handle a shocking truth that is exploding in front of their faces. -- They are awed and overwhelmed by the Brainpower and Performances of PRC Chinese Engineers and Scientists.


*** I can easily understand -- those actions and behaviors by those
western Military Observers ( from PRC enemy nations ) for feeling numb and powerless when they can not compete with PRC.


4*) When the same actions and behaviors ( expressing their opinions and dismissing those picture again and again as PS picture ) were done by Chinese Military Observers, because these same Chinese Military Observers want to boost their standings in the military forums.
Why ?
Perhaps to please and to looks good in front of those western Military Observers ( from PRC enemy nations ).
These same Chinese Military Observers want to LOUDLY show the world that they are smart and intellectual.

To me personally, these behaviors ( #1, #2, and #4 ) above are very embarrassing and shameful.

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Many thanks to @yusheng for posting all these pictures.

@Deino ,,

1.) What exact date did you first see these 3 pictures below ?

2.) Is that Su-30MKK in the background ?

3.) Let me clarify, -- Could this be ... a carrier based version of J_xx from SAC ShenFei ?

1) 2 guards wearing thick army green winter jackets @ ShenFei factory hangar ?

2) @ ShenFei factory hangar ?

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erm.. they're all just fan arts

Thanks. Really ?
Do you remember when did you see them first ... ... ?

1.) What exact date did you first see these 3 pictures below ?

2.) I am sorry -- let me clarify. Yes, pict #3 is a CG fan arts.
Based on picture #1 and #2 only ...

Could you please show it by color arrows
-- which parts are indicating these pictures ( 1 & 2 ) as CG fan arts ?

this is not j31 brooo

Assuming it is not CG fan arts ... ...

I am aware -- it is not a J_31 version 1.
Let me clarify, -- what I meant is ... is it possible -- a carrier based version of J_xx from SAC ShenFei ?
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Why do you have to make a thread about a fighter political.

"enemy nations" seriously?

"awed the overwhelmed" can you stop making assumptions of how people think?

Just CALM DOWN and stop this political & anti-western observer BS.

Just because some one happens to be born in a different nation doesn't mean they have to think a certain way. So stop making assumptions based on people's nationality or skin colour. Both of which isn't their choice. They can choose to be a naysayer of Chinese military, but they cannot choose to not be from a so called "enemy nation" or "western".
Thanks. Really ?
Do you remember when did you see them first ... ... ?

1.) What exact date did you first see these 3 pictures below ?

2.) I am sorry -- let me clarify. Yes, pict #3 is a CG fan arts.
Based on picture #1 and #2 only ...

Could you please show it by color arrows
-- which parts are indicating these pictures ( 1 & 2 ) as CG fan arts ?

Assuming it is not CG fan arts ... ...

I am aware -- it is not a J_31 version 1.
Let me clarify, -- what I meant is ... is it possible -- a carrier based version of J_xx from SAC ShenFei ?
This is all CG way back in 2003 and 2004
It is ridiculous to say J-20 copied U.S. fighter jet: Chinese media
2016-11-10 08:38 | People's Daily Online | Editor: Li Yan

To say that the J-20 jet, China's new-generation stealth fighter, copied the technologies of U.S. F-117A fighter, which the U.S. Air Force first flew in the 1980s, is simply ludicrous, People's Frontline said in a commentary. The newspaper argued that such voices reflect the jealousy of the U.S.

The original remarks were made by U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein in August. People's Frontline refuted Goldfein's claim, remarking that if the two models do share similarities, it is only that they both have wheels and wings.

The article exposed the truth behind the dismantled F-117. The aircraft sacrificed aerodynamic design for stealth, rendering it unable to fly at supersonic speeds. In addition, the F-117 could only cover a range of 1,000 kilometers with two land-attack missiles. Its performance is not even compatible with the J-5 and J-6.

Though the F-117 was a point of pride for U.S. military experts, it was shot down by Yugoslavia's SAM missile. Therefore, the U.S. decided to dismantle the aircraft and started development of the F-22, the paper added.

If, as Goldfein stated, China really had copied the technology of the F-117, then that would indicate that the J-20 is not competitive. But if that were the case, the U.S. government would not continually speak about a "China threat," People's Frontline mused.

It's not reasonable to compare the J-20 to the F-22 and F-35 either, the article said, adding that the latter has been frequently challenged by technical defects. In addition, the expensive F-22 fails to provide sufficient oxygen for the pilot. CNN commented that the F-20 would pose a threat to the U.S. in certain operational scenarios, such as a confrontation over Taiwan or the Diaoyu Islands.

As China makes progress on manned space flight, navigation satellites, early-warning satellites, remote-sensing satellites, aircraft carriers, major stealth destroyers, stealth aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles and large aircraft, the U.S., as a major military power, has exposed its fear through its remarks about China's achievement.

China hopes to safeguard world peace through the development of cutting-edge weapons. Therefore, it doesn't matter what the U.S. hegemony says, the paper stated.
The post you quoted mentioning two regiments of J-20A by next year, not two squad, big difference.

And even more complete impossible !

Even if the production rate is already higher than expected that would mean 2x 24 or at least 20 J-20 in one year. That's more than J-10s in one year. So forget it.
And even more complete impossible !

Even if the production rate is already higher than expected that would mean 2x 24 or at least 20 J-20 in one year. That's more than J-10s in one year. So forget it.

Many old observations on J-10 production rate are no longer valid.

The recently adopted ( IoT M2M Optimized Robotics tech ) and ( 3rd Gen. Additive Manufacturing tech )
and ( IoT M2M sensors networks ) are drastically revolutionizing the PRC high tech Manufacturing.

3 Keywords: much Faster, much Stronger, much Lighter

Those parts that can not be made in one piece before, they can be quite easily produced now.
These one piece parts can be produced much Stronger and much Lighter.
Many times, their weight can be shockingly trimmed down to by 80+ %,
while at the same time boosting their Mechanical Strength by 200+ %.

For example:
Complex Infill Structure below -- there is no way this can be made
with old style Subtractive Manufacturing.


2) See, why this part below is much Stronger and much Lighter.

The old conventional method of Subtractive Manufacturing process is no longer applicable.
Also, the old conventional method of Subtractive Manufacturing process has got the biggest boost.
Because Casting, Moulding and Tooling -- can all be done much Faster, Way Cheaper,
and Way More Precise, use much less materials, and much less Energy Consumption than ever before.

That is why -- don't be so Shocked and so Awed -- if one day in future ZhuHai show
that PLAAF revealed J-20A * T/W ratio is greater than 12
even with the present temporary unknown down rated engine.

Don't be so quick in dismissing ChengDu CAC ability to manufacture J-20A around 30 units per year.
I guess you must be aware that 3 PLAN DDG 055 are being manufactured in parallel in ShangHai at this moment. -- Let me stress 3 = three in parallel.

@Bussard Ramjet ,, @gambit
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And even more complete impossible !

Even if the production rate is already higher than expected that would mean 2x 24 or at least 20 J-20 in one year. That's more than J-10s in one year. So forget it.

Considering China is at an accerelating phase of development, using past growth to forecast future growth may not be very reliable.

J-20 has two production line and a new factory even before IOC, and this is already more than J-10 now.

And J-10's production rate is a regiment per year.
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