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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

Man, I for one read everything. I have made a personal trail of busting that begun quite some time ago.
There hasn't been a single ..not 1 point that he has made that has gone unanswered by at least one member of this forum, yet he hasn't answered to a single question. And I am not talking about aviation related questions, any questions in general, prime example being, what was his aviation study particulars or his expertise. Even when he posted an obscure course in some college, he did not clearly say he followed that course.

He doesn't know basic aviation topics, he doesn't know basic control topics, he doesn't seem to understand the content and context of the debates in this forum and by far his most favourite expression is ..

Boy .. do you forget that you are running off of a lot of questions during debates?

You said you can prove that Air Intake = Nacelle, where is it??

You said you can prove that Transmission = Reflection, you've been busted!

You said you can prove that 120 degree corner is a corner reflector too, and you've been busted!
Boy .. do you forget that you are running off of a lot of questions during debates?

You said you can prove that Air Intake = Nacelle, where is it??
A nacelle contains the intake. Proven many times over. Those sources went over your head because you have no real aviation 'background'.

You said you can prove that Transmission = Reflection, you've been busted!
Transmission and reflection are modes of radiation, so as far as the receiver is concerned, the modes are irrelevant because it does not know which mode a target is working under. So transmission is equivalent to reflection. You have a flawed understanding of this because you have no real aviation 'background'.

You said you can prove that 120 degree corner is a corner reflector too, and you've been busted!
And this have been proven many times over. The sources went over your head because you have no real aviation 'background'.

You failed to answer adequately a dozen basic aerodynamics questions. So far you failed to answer 2 basic aviation practical engineering questions.
Your challenge about the aspect ratio effect on lift coefficient was more than adequately met, and I corrected you on your own challenge at that. :lol:

Now here is a practical aviation engineering question...

Q: When is pitot heat engaged?

Remember this??

On the top of debates you are running off, you are unable yet to answer the following questions:

1. What is the disadvantage of controller againts PLC? => you dont know this

2. Explain us what is this equation about:
=> you dont know this too

Then another question goes to you:

3. Explain the term finite aspect ratio or infinite aspect ratio on an airfoil's coefficient of lift?

Look at my question no 3, gambit ..

If you are clueless about control engineering, at least you should be able to answer that, but you FAIL :lol:
Look at my question no 3, gambit ..

If you are clueless about control engineering, at least you should be able to answer that, but you FAIL :lol:


So not only do you have a lie about your aviation 'background' you cannot keep up with the debate as well.

Your challenge question about aspect ratio to lift coefficient was worded incorrectly, reflecting an ignorance. I corrected it for the benefit of the readers.

Q: When is pitot heat engage?
A: On weight off wheels (WoW). Usually on weight off both nose and main landing gear.

Now that is three basic aviation engineering questions you did not know despite claiming an aviation 'background'.


Q: For the majority of powered controls method in fly-by-wire FLCS, non-linear gearing is usually used. But why?
A nacelle contains the intake. Proven many times over. Those sources went over your head because you have no real aviation 'background'.

You've been busted here.

Nacelle is cover of engine; in plane like PAKFA - nacelle doesnt cover air intake. Shall I prove it again to you?

Never been Air Intake on plane like pakfa/flanker/f-16 is so called Nacelle! Could you prove me wrong?

Transmission and reflection are modes of radiation, so as far as the receiver is concerned, the modes are irrelevant because it does not know which mode a target is working under. So transmission is equivalent to reflection. You have a flawed understanding of this because you have no real aviation 'background'.

Modes of radiation doesnt mean that transmission = reflection; i dont deny both has simmilarity, but obviously both have basic difference.

For the receiver as you are referring, the transmission and reflection still much relevant!

There is no such equivalent of transmission and reflection at all.

Especially as we are talking about "corner reflector", the reflected wave is not transmitted wave, as both are different things!

You have flawed perception as you have no educational background

And this have been proven many times over. The sources went over your head because you have no real aviation 'background'.

No you dont.

You prove nothing as your proof is another claim/ own (wrong) perception, just like the above.

You failed to answer adequately a dozen basic aerodynamics questions. So far you failed to answer 2 basic aviation practical engineering questions.

That is according to your Lie, as you are demonstrating you are a liar and faker.

In fact you have failed to answer basic things in aviation and running away from the debate playing diverting with your silly and ignored test. :lol:
You've been busted here.

Nacelle is cover of engine; in plane like PAKFA - nacelle doesnt cover air intake. Shall I prove it again to you?

Never been Air Intake on plane like pakfa/flanker/f-16 is so called Nacelle! Could you prove me wrong?
No...That have been proven over and over many pages back and you are wrong. A podded engine will have a nacelle and its air inlet in one unit. A elongate nacelle in a fuselage configuration can, but not always, contain the inlet/intake system.

Modes of radiation doesnt mean that transmission = reflection;
I never said that it was. But because you have no experience in this field, you do not understand the proper context of what I tried to explained to you.

i dont deny both has simmilarity, but obviously both have basic difference.

For the receiver as you are referring, the transmission and reflection still much relevant!


A bi-static radar configuration have physically distinct receivers, usually multiple receivers.

Now explain to the readers how are Receivers A and B would know if the signals they received are from mode of transmission, as in the aircraft is transmitting its own radar, or from mode of reflection, as in the aircraft is reflecting someone else's radar.

I asked you this before and you ran.

There is no such equivalent of transmission and reflection at all.
And because you have no aviation 'background', you do not understand the proper context as explained above.

Especially as we are talking about "corner reflector", the reflected wave is not transmitted wave, as both are different things!

You have flawed perception as you have no educational background

No you dont.

You prove nothing as your proof is another claim/ own (wrong) perception, just like the above.

That is according to your Lie, as you are demonstrating you are a liar and faker.

In fact you have failed to answer basic things in aviation and running away from the debate playing diverting with your silly and ignored test. :lol:
It is over. We have provided many sources to prove you wrong and ignorant about aviation.

Q: For the majority of powered controls method in fly-by-wire FLCS, non-linear gearing is usually used. But why?


I dont see your answer at all, except your lie.

So not only do you have a lie about your aviation 'background' you cannot keep up with the debate as well.

Your challenge question about aspect ratio to lift coefficient was worded incorrectly, reflecting an ignorance. I corrected it for the benefit of the readers.

Q: When is pitot heat engage?
A: On weight off wheels (WoW). Usually on weight off both nose and main landing gear.

Now that is three basic aviation engineering questions you did not know despite claiming an aviation 'background'.


Q: For the majority of powered controls method in fly-by-wire FLCS, non-linear gearing is usually used. But why?

Remember on the top of dozen failure in the debates, you have failed to answered my test, as following:

1. What is the disadvantage of controller againts PLC? => you dont know this

2. Explain us what is this equation about:
=> you dont know this too

Then another question goes to you:

3. Explain the term finite aspect ratio or infinite aspect ratio on an airfoil's coefficient of lift?
=> you dont know this too..

So this is next question:

4. How to calculate the lift of an experimental airfoil ?


I dont see your answer at all, except your lie.

So not only do you have a lie about your aviation 'background' you cannot keep up with the debate as well.

Your challenge question about aspect ratio to lift coefficient was worded incorrectly, reflecting an ignorance. I corrected it for the benefit of the readers.

Q: When is pitot heat engage?
A: On weight off wheels (WoW). Usually on weight off both nose and main landing gear.

Now that is three basic aviation engineering questions you did not know despite claiming an aviation 'background'.


Q: For the majority of powered controls method in fly-by-wire FLCS, non-linear gearing is usually used. But why?

Remember on the top of dozen failure in the debates, you have failed to answered my test, as following:

1. What is the disadvantage of controller againts PLC? => you dont know this

2. Explain us what is this equation about:
=> you dont know this too

Then another question goes to you:

3. Explain the term finite aspect ratio or infinite aspect ratio on an airfoil's coefficient of lift?
=> you dont know this too..

So this is next question:

4. How to calculate the lift of an experimental airfoil ?

I dont see your answer at all, except your lie.
Yeah...We are familiar with this tactic by now. When the answer is over your head, all you can do is simply declare that you do not see it, or dismiss it.

So this is next question:

4. How to calculate the lift of an experimental airfoil ?
Right here, kid...

Modern Lift Equation

You will have to try harder than that.

Questions I ask can only come from real experience, which you do not have.

Q: For the majority of powered controls method in fly-by-wire FLCS, non-linear gearing is usually used. But why?
No...That have been proven over and over many pages back and you are wrong. A podded engine will have a nacelle and its air inlet in one unit. A elongate nacelle in a fuselage configuration can, but not always, contain the inlet/intake system.

Its a lie ..

A lie from the faker :lol:

In fact your so called prove has been busted over and over as no more than claim and wrong perception.

Proof has to be citation, not perception :blah:

I've told you that air intake inside nacelle is only in podded engine case. It is you who doesnt recognize podded engine for nacelle case :lol:

I never said that it was. But because you have no experience in this field, you do not understand the proper context of what I tried to explained to you.



A bi-static radar configuration have physically distinct receivers, usually multiple receivers.

Now explain to the readers how are Receivers A and B would know if the signals they received are from mode of transmission, as in the aircraft is transmitting its own radar, or from mode of reflection, as in the aircraft is reflecting someone else's radar.

I asked you this before and you ran.

You are silly :lol:

The inability of the radar receiver equipment to distinguish whether the wave received is transmission or reflection doesnt make both reflection = transmission.

Both are different regardless of the receiver.

And dont try to forget, that we are talking in "corner reflector" context. You call reflection as transmission when we are in corner reflector debate.

The incident wave and reflected wave is distinguished, regardless of the same character of both incident and reflected wave..we still call incidence for the incoming, and reflection for the reflected.

And because you have no aviation 'background', you do not understand the proper context as explained above.

It is what you call as evidence?? another claim of yours and perception?? :lol:

With claim and perception, you think you have prove your claim.

What a delusional faker :lol:
Its a lie ..

A lie from the faker :lol:

In fact your so called prove has been busted over and over as no more than claim and wrong perception.

Proof has to be citation, not perception :blah:

I've told you that air intake inside nacelle is only in podded engine case. It is you who doesnt recognize podded engine for nacelle case :lol:
And plenty of citations provided, which you simply dismissed. The usual tactic when you do not understand the answers.

You are silly :lol:

The inability of the radar receiver equipment to distinguish whether the wave received is transmission or reflection doesnt make both reflection = transmission.
For the receiver -- it is. Which is what have been explained to you over and over. :lol:

It is over, kid.

Q: For the majority of powered controls method in fly-by-wire FLCS, non-linear gearing is usually used. But why?
A: Non-linear gearing is used because when the design is intended for high dynamic pressure, aka 'high q', like in fighters or the Space Shuttle, flight control surface displacement cannot be the same throughout maneuvers, speed, altitude and angle-of-attack.

Max Q - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In aerospace engineering, the maximum dynamic pressure, often referred to as maximum Q or max Q, is the point at which aerodynamic stress on a vehicle in atmospheric flight is maximized.
So if command signal, be it mechanical or electrically transduced, is linear, the aircraft would depart from controlled flight. Hence, for high q designs, non-linear gearing is used in its FLCS.

That is three basic aviation engineering questions you do not know.


Q: When there is a centering force on the stick, what is the initial displacement force called?

This is so easy that it would be a 'gimme'.
Yeah...We are familiar with this tactic by now. When the answer is over your head, all you can do is simply declare that you do not see it, or dismiss it.

Right here, kid...

Modern Lift Equation

You will have to try harder than that.

Questions I ask can only come from real experience, which you do not have.

Q: For the majority of powered controls method in fly-by-wire FLCS, non-linear gearing is usually used. But why?

See .. all readers can see now that you only answer the question that you think you can answer, when you are baited with basic easy question :lol:

You are demonstrating to all readers that you are unable to answer almost whole questions directed to you., except the very basic thing :lol:

Even the way you answer for the basic is still not far from dragging internet article. :lol:
Gambit tried to correct me when I am explaining that uneven "Air Intake" of Pakfa contribute to RCS, he said it is not so called "Air Intake", but according to aviation professional realm it should be called "Nacele". Thats is totally WRONG according to aviation world! prove me if i am wrong.

Also prove me that transmission = reflection, as Gambit claims!

This is interesting. The pak-fa’s fuselage certainly has curvature, but is not round unless you include nozzles. Any kind of curvature in the J-20 is quickly refuted, rebuffed, and dismissed, whether it’s the DSI, chin, nozzles, space between nozzles, or the bulging under wing actuators. So how is the J-20 excluded from this rule? Seems to me that the J-20 gets automatic immunity.

Or could it be that the uneven fuselage creates a corner reflector? But that can’t be right. You said that a corner reflector has to be 90 degrees.
See .. all readers can see now that you only answer the question that you think you can answer, when you are baited with basic easy question :lol:

You are demonstrating to all readers that you are unable to answer almost whole questions directed to you., except the very basic thing :lol:

Even the way you answer for the basic is still not far from dragging internet article. :lol:
Q: When there is a centering force on the stick, what is the initial displacement force called?
A: Break out.

How freaking easy can it get? :lol:

That is a dozen basic aerodynamics questions and now four basic flight controls engineering questions you cannot answer. Remember, you claimed aviation 'background' to shut down the Indians.


Q: What is the most adverse effect in the relationship between the break out force and friction?
@ ptldM3,

Your are talking rubbish with your reply, as it is not more than silly word gaming and ignorance.

I dont have much time to play with your rubbish by answering one by one of your reply at the moment, I will do it later.

But I want to show in front of your eyes, how silly and clueless you are about "Cone Air Intake" as you say : "A cone intake has no moving parts numb nuts".

It demonstrate you dont know how Cone air intake works!

Do you know that Cone is moved to handle the shock wave?? how it will be moved without moving parts as you claim above??

Silly answer!

And did you know that I stated the cone intake has all of its moving parts housed inside the aircraft? A cone intake retracting will not contribute to RCS the way an inlet ramp would. More proof that you don’t know how to read or comprehend simple sentences.
This is interesting. The pak-fa’s fuselage certainly has curvature, but is not round unless you include nozzles. Any kind of curvature in the J-20 is quickly refuted, rebuffed, and dismissed, whether it’s the DSI, chin, nozzles, space between nozzles, or the bulging under wing actuators. So how is the J-20 excluded from this rule? Seems to me that the J-20 gets automatic immunity.

Or could it be that the uneven fuselage creates a corner reflector? But that can’t be right. You said that a corner reflector has to be 90 degrees.

Who said the Pakfa fuselage is round? I said the PAkfa's uneven air intake creates almost 90 degree tunels; check again the picture I've brought to you and friends many times.

Also, where is your answer to my response to your WRONG claim about "Cone has no moving parts"?

@ ptldM3,

Your are talking rubbish with your reply, as it is not more than silly word gaming and ignorance.

I dont have much time to play with your rubbish by answering one by one of your reply at the moment, I will do it later.

But I want to show in front of your eyes, how silly and clueless you are about "Cone Air Intake" as you say : "A cone intake has no moving parts numb nuts".

It demonstrate you dont know how Cone air intake works!

Do you know that Cone is moved to handle the shock wave?? how it will be moved without moving parts as you claim above??

Silly answer!

And did you know that I stated the cone intake has all of its moving parts housed inside the aircraft? A cone intake retracting will not contribute to RCS the way an inlet ramp would. More proof that you don’t know how to read or comprehend simple sentences.

Are you drunk?

This is what you claimed:

Word for you, a cone intake has no moving parts, your source is talking about an intake ramp. A cone intake, if it is adjustable, has all it moving parts hidden inside the aircraft. This is just more reason as to why you should never be taken seriously.

After I busted you, then you want to correct?? cannot :lol:

And who said A cone intake retracting will not contribute to RCS ?? what a silly joke from clueless person :lol:
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