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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

Who said the Pakfa fuselage is round? I said the PAkfa's uneven air intake creates almost 90 degree tunels; check again the picture I've brought to you and friends many times.

‘almost 90 degrees’ wow. :lol:Talk about having no moral standards. You first were arguing that there is only one type of corner reflector and that was the 90 degree corner reflector but when you are talking about the pak-f you start to bend the rules, all of the sudden there are none 90 degree corner reflectors.

Also, where is your answer to my response to your WRONG claim about "Cone has no moving parts"?

The post right above yours. Post #2639 to be specific. And this is the same guy that accuses other of having problems with reading comprehension. :lol:

Are you drunk?

This is what you claimed:

After I busted you, then you want to correct?? cannot :lol:


Try reading the entire thing next time. This is what you quoted, the highlighted part is what you purposely emitted.

ptldM3 said:
Word for you, a cone intake has no moving parts, your source is talking about an intake ramp. A cone intake, if it is adjustable, has all it moving parts hidden inside the aircraft. This is just more reason as to why you should never be taken seriously.

And who said A cone intake retracting will not contribute to RCS ?? what a silly joke from clueless person

Put your money were your mouth is and provide a source. We know how an inlet ramp can potentially increase RCS, but please explain how a inlet cone would increase RCS if it were to either retract inwards or outwards.
hey guys

I see we are at it again..

This aeronautics genius is stunning the crowds with feats of amazing knowledge again!


And who said A cone intake retracting will not contribute to RCS ?? what a silly joke from clueless person :lol:

Hey genius ...

MiG-21 with extended nose cone


MiG-21 with retracted nose cone


care to explain how the first case increases RCS ?
hey guys

I see we are at it again..

This aeronautics genius is stunning the crowds with feats of amazing knowledge again!


We are in shock and awe at his amazing knowledge in all things aviation. All of us are just witnesses to his greatness.

Hey genius ...

MiG-21 with extended nose cone


MiG-21 with retracted nose cone


care to explain how the first case increases RCS ?

I know what he will say, it will be something along the lines of: you are an idiot, prove to me that a cone does not increase RCS.

An arguments with him is futile, he simply ignores all fact and all post. I do not remember how many times he demanded I answer him or provide a source yet all the while my answer/source was right before his post or he actually quoted it. It’s times like this that I think to myself, wow, I’m dealing with a moron.

Post #2641, my post before this is pure gold.
Maybe different compression ratio required for different flight envelope?

Compressing air makes it slow down, as jet engine does not operate on supersonic air. So at different speeds/altitudes the cones are at different locations which among others changes the size of the intake viewed from front.

I think it is similar to how F-15s intake ramp moving to different positions. (method is different and the intake ramp does not operate by volume compression.)

For a DSI the bump does the compression. Since it is not moveable there is a envelope that it will perform best and I think it also has a top speed limit. It also separate boundary layers.
Maybe different compression ratio required for different flight envelope?

Compressing air makes it slow down, as jet engine does not operate on supersonic air. So at different speeds/altitudes the cones are at different locations which among others changes the size of the intake viewed from front.

I think it is similar to how F-22s intake ramp moving to different positions.
For a DSI the bump does the compression. Since it is not moveable there is a envelope that it will perform best and I think it also has a top speed limit.

Pretty sure the raptor doesn't have movable intake ramps.
Some one tell me why they retracted the mig-21's nose?
The supersonic shockwave does changes shape as Mach increases. Keyword search 'sr-71 spikes'. You will find plenty of info on that.

SR-71 J-58 Powerplant
At Mach 3+ the spike is three feet to the rear of it's takeoff position, slowing down the incoming airflow, establishing an area of pressure within the nacelle, which is now pushing the engine.
And who said A cone intake retracting will not contribute to RCS ?? what a silly joke from clueless person
How does a conical intake system with variable positions of the cone have a higher RCS at the extended position? Are you talking about the cone itself, or something else?

Do not forget...

Q: What is the most adverse effect in the relationship between the break out force and friction?

And this...


Of the above example, at any given airspeed in the subsonic regime for both aircrafts, which is MORE LIKELY to have superior command response?
Dear antonius123,
I've wrote it before and admit again (I'm not making any judgment about your intellect here) that I've started admiring your persistence and quest of knowledge.

As you've claimed that your are an aviation expert and tried to prove by your numerous posts. I'd request your to enlighten me about the frontal RCS of the J20. Please let us know what does it use as material for nose cone and if this material is transparent EM wave how does J20 achieve LO capability? The flat plate (radar antenna and cockpit instruments) will result in huge reflection and detection at long range.

Please advise how did Chinese engineers solved this problem and achieved a marvel gem of extreme engineering?


Be patient please, i am still on tablet

Firstly, I never claim i am an expert;

Second, i have no classified data about J-20' rcs, ram material etc.

Third: which do you mean by flat plate on J-20?

Ok let me rephrase my question....

To emit and receive reflected signals the nose cone should be made of EM wave transparent material so that it's radar (transceiver) can emit and receive signals effectively to detect and track threats.

But being transparent it posses another problem ..it exposes it's radar assy, other instruments and lots of other things (in layman's term) put between radar and Pilot. All of these will reflect lot of EM waves back to enemy radars and defy purpose of LO aircraft. How did Chinese engineers hide J20's radar and other instruments without compromising it's own radar detection capabilities?

Dear antonius123, I've tried Google but till now I'm not able to find good answer. I hope you can help me here. ...waiting for your reply.

Additionally, why don't you speak about your experience and specialization in aeronautics / aerospace/ aviation to stop some form members from insulting you and tell them STFU? :lol:

Dear antonius123, hope you are enjoying holidays of Qingming Festival (清明节). I'm egarly waiting for your reply.

antonius123 - you are logging ...but not answering my query. Evading my question goes against your reputation and put lots of question mark on your intensions to be on this form. Hope you are not an usual troll.

My aviation background is my study.
I never claim I have field experience or pilot experience or aviation engineering experience from the beginning. Dont try to twist again.

It is you that claim as ex pilot and aviation expert.
Prove me if I've ever claim I am an expert.

I am not an expert, but have adequate and genuine background to expose the fraud and fake claim that you have made.

I have answered you that I have no classified information regarding J-20 as per your request.

I am in a middle of project that I have no time to do some research in order to answer your questions; You may see me logged in (because I am indeed log in on my tablet) but I cannot follow intensely your debata at the moment.

I am replying and straightening a lot of misconception on your friend's claims, not trolling. The only troller here might be you.

Hi Antonius123,
I've admitted several time that I'm your fan and admire your resilience and die hard attitude. But not answering the question asked and diverting the talks is not at all admirable but crates doubt about your claim of being very knowledgeable person and your study of aerospace/ avionics.

Hope you'll not evade my question wafting reply for last 5 months. I did not disturb you as you were in middle oa project. Hope you’ll not disappoint this time as you had 5 months to study to get me a good reply.

hey guys

I see we are at it again..

This aeronautics genius is stunning the crowds with feats of amazing knowledge again!

You mean the crowd of clueless like you, gambit, ptldm3 and the cheerleaders? :lol:


Hey genius ...

MiG-21 with extended nose cone


MiG-21 with retracted nose cone


care to explain how the first case increases RCS ?

I dont claim that retracted nose will increase RCS. Do you see my sentence as a claim? or questions?

Your friend claim that retracted cone doesnt contribute to RCS, then why dont you ask him? :lol:
We are in shock and awe at his amazing knowledge in all things aviation. All of us are just witnesses to his greatness.

You are idiot! you are the one who claim that retracted cone wont increase RCS, then prove it!
I was asking you then why dont you answer??

You are shocked because you have no clue about moving cone with its moving parts :lol:

The evidence is clear and blatant, while you are trying to correct your wrong statement :lol:

You are the one with the least knowledge among you, gambit, and amalakas, because you are an elementary english teacher and fan boy of military fighter.

I know what he will say, it will be something along the lines of: you are an idiot, prove to me that a cone does not increase RCS.

An arguments with him is futile, he simply ignores all fact and all post. I do not remember how many times he demanded I answer him or provide a source yet all the while my answer/source was right before his post or he actually quoted it. It’s times like this that I think to myself, wow, I’m dealing with a moron.

Post #2641, my post before this is pure gold.

Your evidence never support your argument, in fact against your wrong perceptions.

The mix of delusional + ignorant + severe reading comprehension problem is the cause.
I dont claim that retracted nose will increase RCS. Do you see my sentence as a claim? or questions?

Your friend claim that retracted cone doesnt contribute to RCS, then why dont you ask him? :lol:
Yes, YOU effectively said so...

Do you understand that Cone will be heavier, and the moving parts contributes bigger RCS?
Not only are you a liar and a fraud, but you cannot keep up with your own arguments.
Hi Antonius123,
I've admitted several time that I'm your fan and admire your resilience and die hard attitude. But not answering the question asked and diverting the talks is not at all admirable but crates doubt about your claim of being very knowledgeable person and your study of aerospace/ avionics.

Hope you'll not evade my question wafting reply for last 5 months. I did not disturb you as you were in middle oa project. Hope you’ll not disappoint this time as you had 5 months to study to get me a good reply.


Sorry to have missed your question pal :)

Your 1st question: Please let us know what does it use as material for nose cone

A: I dont know the classified ram data of J-20.

Your 2nd question: if this material is transparent EM wave how does J20 achieve LO capability? The flat plate (radar antenna and cockpit instruments) will result in huge reflection and detection at long range.

A: RAM is not a transparent EM wave material; in fact RAM commonly according to its name (Radar Absorbent Material) is a material that absorb EM wave. When radar impacts radar absorbent material, the energy acts as though it "sees" infinite free space instead of a boundary. The absorbed electromagnetic energy is dissipated as heat and very little energy is reflected.Therefore no such reflection from radar antena and anything behind the nose of J-20/Raptor.

Your 3rd question: Please advise how did Chinese engineers solved this problem and achieved a marvel gem of extreme engineering?

A: I dont know, as I have no connection with them.
A: I dont know the classified ram data of J-20.
Then STFU about it. You know nothing about aviation anyway.

Your 2nd question: if this material is transparent EM wave how does J20 achieve LO capability? The flat plate (radar antenna and cockpit instruments) will result in huge reflection and detection at long range.

A: RAM is not a transparent EM wave material; in fact RAM commonly according to its name (Radar Absorbent Material) is a material that absorb EM wave.


The reason why the material is called an 'absorber' is because it it EM transparent TO SOME DEGREE. Not 100%. But only enough to pass the impinging signal through the surface. If it is not EM transparent to a certain degree it would reflect like any other 'normal' surface and would not be called an 'absorber'.

You do not know what the hell you are talking about.

When radar impacts radar absorbent material, the energy acts as though it "sees" infinite free space instead of a boundary.
Source for this.

The absorbed electromagnetic energy is dissipated as heat and very little energy is reflected.
Finally...You got something right...:lol:

Therefore no such reflection from radar antena and anything behind the nose of J-20/Raptor.
Yes there are. But am willing to bet you do now know why.

Your 3rd question: Please advise how did Chinese engineers solved this problem and achieved a marvel gem of extreme engineering?

A: I dont know, as I have no connection with them.
Then STFU about the J-20. You do not know anything about aviation anyway.

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