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Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

Hello people.
Hkan of pakdef.info is reporting that the govtt has assured the release of1.3 billion$to the PAF for the procurement of first batch of 36--50 J10Bs. The order might be made in the next 2-3 months.I think the F16 deal has been shelved for good. RIP F16.

hard to believe. I cant decide if its good or bad news or should I be sad or happy. F-16 block 52 are exceptional planes and they are made by the best jet fighter making company and the best jet making country.

J-10s look nice. and thats that. I dont mean to offend.
Hello people.
Hkan of pakdef.info is reporting that the govtt has assured the release of1.3 billion$to the PAF for the procurement of first batch of 36--50 J10Bs. The order might be made in the next 2-3 months.I think the F16 deal has been shelved for good. RIP F16.

Awesome news! J10b is a good plane! :pakistan:
Hello people.
Hkan of pakdef.info is reporting that the govtt has assured the release of1.3 billion$to the PAF for the procurement of first batch of 36--50 J10Bs. The order might be made in the next 2-3 months.I think the F16 deal has been shelved for good. RIP F16.

Great news..!!!
Let's all do the celebrations, get our expectations high, and then come back to the ground 2 months later like a leaking balloon.

Haven't we done this routine a million times before? Yet, we still get our hopes unrealistically high...
Let's all do the celebrations, get our expectations high, and then come back to the ground 2 months later like a leaking balloon.

Haven't we done this routine a million times before? Yet, we still get our hopes unrealistically high...

Fully agreed. Lets wait and see what happens.
hard to believe. I cant decide if its good or bad news or should I be sad or happy. F-16 block 52 are exceptional planes and they are made by the best jet fighter making company and the best jet making country.

J-10s look nice. and thats that. I dont mean to offend.
NoI can see where you are coming from. I think the very fact that we reduced our order from 72 to 36 buying only 18 meant PAFs lack of trust in all US equipment.The ineptness of the Zardari set up has meant that the economy took a nose dive and PAF either due to lack of funds or sheer laziness has allowed the opportunity to come and go without grabbing it. With a three yr hiatus between a new order and delivery there is a risk of being in the state we were in at the time of the first embargo and no one can afford that irrespective of how amazing the planes are. It would probably have been a better bet to increase F16s to 150 and take on 200-250 JFTs and wait for the J31. But as always PAF wants to give the US as little leeway as is possible in the region in future and has decided to go the chinese way. There are numerous advantages to this move. We have a symbiotic relationship with the chinese as against an opportune parasitic relationship with the US. With the impending US withdrawal PAF cannot take this risk. I still suspect we will keep asking for some hand me down F16s as an interim from the US but use our money to buy chinese and develop it according to our needs. To keep Pakistan under its influence USA may yet give us more F16s to MLU but the most likely scenario is that the 16s will live out their lives without PAF placing too much emphasis on them. One can only extrapolate why there was a need to buy just 18 bl.52s but this is not the time for it. So lets wait for confirmation of the news and then lets take up the issue later.
Hello people.
Hkan of pakdef.info is reporting that the govtt has assured the release of1.3 billion$to the PAF for the procurement of first batch of 36--50 J10Bs. The order might be made in the next 2-3 months.I think the F16 deal has been shelved for good. RIP F16.

That sure will be great if turned out to be true. As [MENTION] nuclearpak [/MENTION] said, we have done this over an over again, the premature celebrations, the heated debated that this procurement in in the best interest of country and stuff like that. this happened from the submarines, FC-20, JF-17 Blk II etc :hitwall::hitwall:

I agree that is is the right way forward and will join in the celebrations once something official is confirmed.

However, an interesting point to keep an eye on while following the developments will be, if there is any such thing happening at all, then which variant is involved?
The rumored FC-20, J10B or simply the J-10? This is very important as there will be significant difference in the effect that these planes will have on PAF. The effect will be different for FC-20 or J-10B than it will be for J-10!
Capabilities aside, these different variants will effect the moral and confidence of the PAF and the perception of general public differently. FC-20/ J10B was something we were looking forward too and have given this as a reason of delay in the procurement. So now at the end of the day, if we are eventually getting J-10 by 2016 2017 then this wont be this BIG an achievement.
And that country has shown its true colors on multiple occasions. I would rather prefer a piece of equipment with 70% capability and 100% operational reliability over an equipment with 100% efficiency but 70% operational reliability in terms of spares and weapons.

hard to believe. I cant decide if its good or bad news or should I be sad or happy. F-16 block 52 are exceptional planes and they are made by the best jet fighter making company and the best jet making country.

J-10s look nice. and thats that. I dont mean to offend.
well if this news is true then the most appealing part will induction of AESA/PESA radar in PAF inventory ...
we all have seen Pics of J10B with AESA/PESA radar i assume ..

well if this news is true then the most appealing part will induction of AESA/PESA radar in PAF inventory ...
we all have seen Pics of J10B with AESA/PESA radar i assume ..


A very interesting thought. I would have thiought though that this was always going to be the way. Do we know what the chinese have in the way of AESA/PESA. It would probaly permeate down to block 3 JFTs in 2016. I wonder what the significance of the news reported earlier about PAF not going for J10Bs.Whether this was the ploy to get the chinese to reduce the unit price or get some more punch into the beast handed down from J20. These are just my thoughts so feel free to expand on it.
If the news is true than i am really shocked i thought the deal was dead in waters, but if true than a good deal now we ll have two Jets with good datalink between each other and the AEWC .good system.
well if this news is true then the most appealing part will induction of AESA/PESA radar in PAF inventory ...
we all have seen Pics of J10B with AESA/PESA radar i assume ..


A question due to lack of my knowledge...which 1 is better AESA OR PESA Radar..??
. I would rather prefer a piece of equipment with 70% capability and 100% operational reliability over an equipment with 100% efficiency but 70% operational reliability in terms of spares and weapons.

there is no runner-up in air-war. be the best or step aside and dont even bother flying
my comments are regarding a question mark over the capabilities of J-10. I cant be PC here sorry. I dont see it trumping F-16s, SU 30s , Typhoons and rafales, there is a limit to wishful thinking and I am lacking it a lot. I wish to be proven wrong though.

I agree with your comments about the dilemma (about PPP govt) & our unpredictable relationship with the USA and the resulting impact on our front-line fighters.
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there is no runner-up in air-war. be the best or step aside and dont even bother flying
my comments are regarding a question mark over the capabilities of J-10. I cant be PC here sorry. I dont see it trumping F-16s, SU 30s , Typhoons and rafales, there is a limit to wishful thinking and I am lacking it a lot. I wish to be proven wrong though.

I agree with your comments about the dilemma (about PPP govt) & our unpredictable relationship with the USA and the resulting impact on our front-line fighters.
I don't think F16 is able to deal with SU30, Typhoon, Rafale either.
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A question due to lack of my knowledge...which 1 is better AESA OR PESA Radar..??

i think they are almost similar both are electronically steered
pesa radars have travelling wave tube tubes, so its frequencie is fixed
this isnt the same with aesa with different frquencies it is difficult to jam an aesa radar

so aesa is a lot better
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