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Chen Guangcheng, Blind 'Barefoot Lawyer,' Flees House Arrest In China

So to answer your question his method was rallying people to damage the railway to stop the train from running to make his point. For that one will be jailed anywhere, just because his intention was good doesn't make his method to be justifiable.

He was jailed for 4 years. He completed his sentence. He was being held a prisoner in his house by "unofficial" thug-like men. So he was not under any criminal court control when he chose to "sneak" out of his home. As I understand it, he is not, even now, wanted for any official criminal charges.
this is direct political interference in china's internal affairs by the US. I think the Chinese government really need to take a hard line approach with the Americans or they will continue to interfere in China's internal affairs.

Unfortunately the Chinese government leaders are extreme incompetent and gullible.

US NGOs must be banned. That's the first thing that need to happen.
Second is to deport illegal immigrants and secure our borders and monitor who enters china at airports. Create a biometric database on every foreigner that enter china, whether students, businessmen, academics, journalists, diplomats, tourists, etc.

US NGOs have been funding and encouraging protests in Tibet and xinjiang. They have been recruiting the poor to revolt against the government. They seek to cause division between the party and the people to collapse the Chinese economy through political instability.

this is direct political interference in china's internal affairs by the US. I think the Chinese government really need to take a hard line approach with the Americans or they will continue to interfere in China's internal affairs.

Unfortunately the Chinese government leaders are extreme incompetent and gullible.

US NGOs must be banned. That's the first thing that need to happen.
Second is to deport illegal immigrants and secure our borders and monitor who enters china at airports. Create a biometric database on every foreigner that enter china, whether students, businessmen, academics, journalists, diplomats, tourists, etc.

US NGOs have been funding and encouraging protests in Tibet and xinjiang. They have been recruiting the poor to revolt against the government. They seek to cause division between the party and the people to collapse the Chinese economy through political instability.


US NGO need to first educate you about embassies and how your people seem to either be running into our embassies for protection from your repressive govt, putting the onus of the action on them or how the rich are running off to the US, embezzled money or not.

MAKE NO MISTAKE you are still a 3rD world country that oppresses its citizens, forces abortions on them, gives no right to property, censors opinion and free thought and finally thinks so poor of its citizens that it takes huge steps to make sure its fragile masses don't get to " read" or " hear" any opposing opinion les they all go crazy ( basically treating you guys like idiots who can't handle free thought- perhaps they know you and the Chinese psyche better ) .
He was jailed for 4 years. He completed his sentence. He was being held a prisoner in his house by "unofficial" thug-like men. So he was not under any criminal court control when he chose to "sneak" out of his home. As I understand it, he is not, even now, wanted for any official criminal charges.
Exactly! He was not under any charge, so where is this great escape come from? I am sure he was harrassed while in beijing by people that he had angered from his home county where everything started, and could be under survilance because his action which landed him in jail could be considered as domestic terrorism, but he shouldn't be under any hostage situation. For all there is this time he could just walked out of his front door and walked to US embassy. Western media tried to victimized him and make this into a great escape to heroify him and demonize Chinese government in the process. This is not the first time and will not be the last for the western media to do this.

On the related subjust there are far more people was detented indefinitely without any legal due process in Guantanamo Bay for far less reason. Sometimes for having an arabic name will just land you there.
I found some interesting information after did some digging myself. Couple years ago one of the most state run influencial newspaper<<China Youth>> had published an article about him. The article was actually admiring and praising of his action, and condamning the improper actions that had been taken against him by the local government. He was jailed in 2006 for intentional damaging public property and assembling a crowd to disturb public transportion. The article also pointed out the jurdical process in that trial was not legitimate despite the overwhelming evidence against him. If you can read Chinese, you can even find a lot discussion about him on Chinadaily's website.

So to answer your question his method was rallying people to damage the railway to stop the train from running to make his point. For that one will be jailed anywhere, just because his intention was good doesn't make his method to be justifiable.

First of all the charges did not have overwhelming evidence , rather triumphed up ones. Free assembly is a right in democracies, protesting is right in democracies. Even if you had this so called evidence on a blind man, he did his time. why after he does his time do you need 80 plus guard and put him under house arrest? Btw a sit in on the rail way tracks is not "damaging the railway". Sure you would get arrested in the US for it, but you won't see 4 yr sentence , let alone life time of house arrest with 80 thugs from the military round the clock.

Exactly! He was not under any charge, so where is this great escape come from? I am sure he was harrassed while in beijing by people that he had angered from his home county where everything started, and could be under survilance because his action which landed him in jail could be considered as domestic terrorism, but he shouldn't be under any hostage situation.

but yet he was under house arrest 24/7 with over 80 guards and yet he is being hunted while seeking asylum in the US embassy. I can walk into any embassy and ask for asylum from the US in the US. My govt won't have a fit over it, let alone go arresting my family, relatives and friends over it.

Maybe you learn something from Pakistan your higher than mountains friends on this. They have more freedom and more civilized rights for their citizenry than you guys have.
First of all the charges did not have overwhelming evidence , rather triumphed up ones.
Actually the evidence was not hard for damaged property, especially for disturbing the railway. Since he was indeed the brain and abetter of this, the charges had fallen on him.

Free assembly is a right in democracies, protesting is right in democracies.
He was not charged for that, wasn't he?

Even if you had this so called evidence on a blind man, he did his time. why after he does his time do you need 80 plus guard and put him under house arrest? Btw a sit in on the rail way tracks is not "damaging the railway". Sure you would get arrested in the US for it, but you won't see 4 yr sentence ,
Obviously they did more than that, otherwise he wouldn't be charged with damaging public property. Don't ever underestimate the distructive force of an angery mob.

let alone life time of house arrest with 80 thugs from the military round the clock.
Read his words carefully. He said that in 2008 and was quoted in&#12298;Letter to President Hu Jintao to Stop Harrassment of Advocates for Social Justice&#12299;by his then lawyers. 90 or 100 people were the people who were harrassing him in his home town. Those people were involved in the case he was investigating into his villiage local government. I doubt that China could even spare 50 police just to watch over some blind guy as China's police force was very understaffed.
"Including party leaders, police and other civilians, around 90 to 100 people have been involved in the persecution of my family. I hereby request to you, Premier Wen, to start an investigation into this case,"

but yet he was under house arrest 24/7 with over 80 guards and yet he is being hunted while seeking asylum in the US embassy. I can walk into any embassy and ask for asylum from the US in the US. My govt won't have a fit over it, let alone go arresting my family, relatives and friends over it.

Maybe you learn something from Pakistan your higher than mountains friends on this. They have more freedom and more civilized rights for their citizenry than you guys have.
See, that is the whole flaw with this article. The article said that he was under housed arrest in Beijing, but in reality he was in his home villiage Dongshigu Villiage where Christian Bale actually did a decumentary about him called <<Dongshigu Villiage>> in 2011. If you do a google search of that place, you would know how far it is actually from Beijing. The former Chongqing police commissioner and vice mayor Wang Lijun even with all his connections and resources could not even dare to go that far to Beijing to avoid prosecution from Bo Xilai without detection, but rather went to US consulate in nearby Chengdu and wait for people from Beijing to get him there. So again if he was under that much surveilliance and the government is really out to get him, he couldn't have got to beijing by plane, train or highway. One thing was made clear to the public knowledge is that the local officials at Dongshigu Villiage was trying to cut off his contact with outsiders. There is no doubt that there were many wrong doings including the case that Chen had investigated in. The irony here is at villiage level the head of local government was actually elected by local residents democratically.
Actually the evidence was not hard for damaged property, especially for disturbing the railway. Since he was indeed the brain and abetter of this, the charges had fallen on him.

He was not charged for that, wasn't he?

Obviously they did more than that, otherwise he wouldn't be charged with damaging public property. Don't ever underestimate the distructive force of an angery mob.

Read his words carefully. He said that in 2008 and was quoted in&#12298;Letter to President Hu Jintao to Stop Harrassment of Advocates for Social Justice&#12299;by his then lawyers. 90 or 100 people were the people who were harrassing him in his home town. Those people were involved in the case he was investigating into his villiage local government. I doubt that China could even spare 50 police just to watch over some blind guy as China's police force was very understaffed.

See, that is the whole flaw with this article. The article said that he was under housed arrest in Beijing, but in reality he was in his home villiage Dongshigu Villiage where Christian Bale actually did a decumentary about him called <<Dongshigu Villiage>> in 2011. If you do a google search of that place, you would know how far it is actually from Beijing. The former Chongqing police commissioner and vice mayor Wang Lijun even with all his connections and resources could not even dare to go that far to Beijing to avoid prosecution from Bo Xilai without detection, but rather went to US consulate in nearby Chengdu and wait for people from Beijing to get him there. So again if he was under that much surveilliance and the government is really out to get him, he couldn't have got to beijing by plane, train or highway. One thing was made clear to the public knowledge is that the local officials at Dongshigu Villiage was trying to cut off his contact with outsiders. There is no doubt that there were many wrong doings including the case that Chen had investigated in. The irony here is at villiage level the head of local government was actually elected by local residents democratically.

china could put all the police force to catch his relatives, friends, friends relatives relatives friends.. :lol:


so much for the distant unknows and billion chinese, so whats 50-60 for the MAIN THREAT to CCP? :lol:
so did we had any statement from "Ministry of warning " for USA?

they r late this time
@indian friends.....ignore chinese guys and their ignorance...


can anybody clarify that did chen complete his jail term but still was house arrested or just house arrested???
China should warn usa. Wheres chief of warning department?

so did we had any statement from "Ministry of warning " for USA?

they r late this time

we dont need to warn, we can kick them out of our country anytime we want.

btw, when you get an independent foreign policy, then lets talk.
until then, india is nothing but a colony of the american empire. a stooge, a puppet, a proxy.
india dances to washington dc tune.
you can take that to the bank son.
we dont need to warn, we can kick them out of our country anytime we want.

btw, when you get an independent foreign policy, then lets talk.
until then, india is nothing but a colony of the american empire. a stooge, a puppet, a proxy.
india dances to washington dc tune.
you can take that to the bank son.

you know,you can write anything in this forum about india,and you'll face no infraction.but if we give reply,we'll face ban.

anyone who has simple general knowledge,they know india always prefer non alliance,see,still today india didn't join any anti china group,when china is following an aggressive policy against india.
Just came to know that his main "offense" was that he spoke repeatedly against "forced male sterilization and abortion"what is Chinese members' take on this issue?Do you guys support forced sterilization/abortion..?Or at least support someones right to protest against those?
Just came to know that his main "offense" was that he spoke repeatedly against "forced male sterilization and abortion"what is Chinese members' take on this issue?Do you guys support forced sterilization/abortion..?Or at least support someones right to protest against those?

these are the laws the government has decided for the best interests of china at this mmoment due to over population. over population causes less land to live, less food secuurity, more energy use, drain on a nations wealth.

these are the laws and must be followed whether you like it or not, anyone that causes social instability in any way, shape or form should face the punishment under the law.

protest should be peaceful, not cause social disorder. there are many that openly criticise the one child policy in china, but they do it peacefully trying to make the case for costs and benefits. people make a point and we discuss it, not go around demanding violent riots.
chinese government always is open to different points of view from different soucres, but it must be done peacefully. the chinese government gets criticism from social media, it gives an indication to the view of the public.

certain things are unable to change at this moment due to various reasons.

the bottom line is, if you cause disruption to chinese society, you will get punished.
a stable society is needed to benfit the vast majority of the public, if a few bad apples seek to disrupt it, then they must and will face severe punishment.
the bottom line is, if you cause disruption to chinese society, you will get punished.
a stable society is needed to benfit the vast majority of the public, if a few bad apples seek to disrupt it, then they must and will face severe punishment.

means if you oppose CCP's tyranny,you'll face jail.don't wake up chinese citizen from "enchanted dream" of "Middle Kingdom(golden cage)" made by CCP.. :rofl: :rofl:

funny logic..
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