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Chen Guangcheng, Blind 'Barefoot Lawyer,' Flees House Arrest In China


Nov 18, 2010
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UPDATE at 12:15 pm ET: The Washington Post reports that activist Hu Jia, a friend of Chen's family, has said that Chen is under the protection of diplomats at the U.S. Embassy. The embassy declined to comment

BEIJING -- A blind legal activist and inspirational figure in China's rights movement fled the house arrest he has lived under and made it to a secret location in Beijing on Friday, setting off a frantic police search for him and those who helped him, activists said.

Chen Guangcheng's escape, if ultimately successful, would boost a beleaguered civil rights community, which has faced rising arrests and other harassment over the past year.

Activists described an improbable escape, saying Chen slipped away from his well-guarded rural village on Sunday night, driven away by activists and then transferred to others who brought him to Beijing.

By Friday afternoon, Chen "was 100 percent in a safe location," said Bob Fu, an activist based in Texas who runs the China Aid Association and who was in contact with people helping Chen. But Chen's flight unleashed a police crackdown on his relatives and the people who helped him flee, activists said.

"I am now free. But my worries have not ended yet," Chen said in a video that was recorded this week and that activists sent Friday to the overseas Chinese news site Boxun.com, which then posted part of it on YouTube. It could not be independently verified. Speaking to a camera in a room with an off-white curtain drawn behind him, Chen said, "My escape might ignite a violent revenge against my family."

A self-taught lawyer blinded by fever in infancy, Chen served four years in prison for exposing forced abortions and sterilizations in his and surrounding villages. Since his release in September 2010, local officials confined him to his home, despite the lack of legal grounds for doing so, beating him up on several occasions.

Chen was widely admired by rights activists at home who - led by blogger He Peirong - last year campaigned to publicize his case among ordinary Chinese and encourage them to go to Dongshigu village and break the security cordon. Even Hollywood actor Christian Bale tried to visit, but as with many others he was roughed up by locals paid to keep outsiders away.

Why activists spirited Chen to Beijing was not immediately known.

Though China's most policed city, Beijing is home to foreign embassies that could provide asylum. Chen's mistreatment has often seemed to be a vendetta by local officials, and perhaps Chen and his helpers thought a direct appeal to the central leadership would help.

The escape threatens to unleash a new wave of negative publicity for the authoritarian government when top leaders are already dealing with the fallout from the toppling of a former powerful politician, cashiered amid allegations of corruption, murder and abuse of power.

Online rumors and unconfirmed reports said Chen had sought protection at the U.S. or another foreign embassy. The U.S. Embassy declined comment, referring questions to the State Department, where a press officer was not on duty overnight. China's Foreign Ministry and police and government officials in Chen's home town either refused comment or did not answer telephone calls.

Police detained He, the blogger, who earlier Friday told The Associated Press that she had driven Chen from Dongshigu village on Sunday night out of Shandong province to "a relatively safe place." She handed him to another activist, who called Fu on Friday to say that he was about to be arrested but that Chen already was safe. Civil rights lawyer Li Fangping said state security agents questioned him Friday about Chen.

In Dongshigu, where authorities have posted surveillance cameras and checkpoints since Chen's release in 2010, local officials swarmed his brother's home on Thursday, activists said, detaining the brother and his son after a violent scuffle. The county government, however, said the nephew remained at large and is wanted for assault.

In the video, Chen condemned his treatment and that of his family, accusing local Communist Party officials by name. He called on Premier Wen Jiabao, seen by many Chinese as a reformer, to punish those responsible.

"Including party leaders, police and other civilians, around 90 to 100 people have been involved in the persecution of my family. I hereby request to you, Premier Wen, to start an investigation into this case," Chen said.

Much about how Chen eluded his usually vigilant captors remains untold. "Obviously, he got some inside help," said Fu, the Texas activist.

His escape seemed to go unnoticed for several days. A Washington-based activist blogger quoted Chen's nephew, Chen Kegui, as saying he heard his family members whispering that "Guangcheng's gone" on Thursday morning, according to a transcript provided by the writer, Cao Yaxue.

On Thursday night, Zhang Jian, chief of the town that oversees Dongshigu, led local officials to scale the wall surrounding a house belonging to the activists' relatives and his nephew, Chen Kegui, confronted them with a long vegetable knife, according to Cao and He.

Chen Kegui wounded Zhang and other officials, their accounts said. Chen and his father were detained by paramilitary police with electric batons while troops surrounded the family compound, Fu said.

David 1 … goliath 0
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He is a fugitive on the run for practicing law without a license, disobeying a peace officer and resisting arrest.

I hope the US can honor its Interpol pledge and help bring this fugitive to justice.
China can never be successful if they continue with this blatant disregard of human rights !!

For gods sake every humans are born free and plz don't try to steam roll everyone into submission ? Don't u ppl know anything called KARMA ?
He is a fugitive on the run for practicing law without a license, disobeying a peace officer and resisting arrest.

I hope the US can honor its Interpol pledge and help bring this fugitive to justice.

Whats a peace officer?
He is a fugitive on the run for practicing law without a license, disobeying a peace officer and resisting arrest.

I hope the US can honor its Interpol pledge and help bring this fugitive to justice.

It may be a political set up as China is going to have a summit with the States pretty soon.

China can never be successful if they continue with this blatant disregard of human rights !!

For gods sake every humans are born free and plz don't try to steam roll everyone into submission ? Don't u ppl know anything called KARMA ?

care to share about the human rights development in IOK, Manipur and in eastern india?
care to share about the human rights development in IOK, Manipur and in eastern india?

there are many people here from those regions... I would let them speak for them. Can't beat what hans did to poor xinjiang ppl
I'm amazed a blind guy can evade 90 guards, security cameras, being wiretapped and his house surrounded by police.

There are only 3 possibilities:

1.) 90 guards, police and their managers are idiots and just as blind as he is. The cameras got turned off and everyone was asleep on the job. :lol:

2.) Special forces raided him out despite Shandong being one of the most heavily armed provinces in China surrounded by anti-air missiles and 2 ports for nuclear submarines. That'd be pretty damn scary.

3.) He was never kept under guard and the media has been lying for 3 years.
He is a fugitive on the run for practicing law without a license, disobeying a peace officer and resisting arrest.

I hope the US can honor its Interpol pledge and help bring this fugitive to justice.

thank god the only thing you are on our soil for is to get American education and then leave. There is saying in the US, you can take a person out of ghetto but can't take the ghetto out of them. You will never cease to stoop as low as you can to protect the ghetto culture and upbringing in china.

Ironically you did not learn that even your ally Pakistan has more human rights afforded to its people than your country. Only an fool would fall for the trumped up charge of practicing without a license means you get 80 guards round the clock 365 per Chinese laws.

How I wish our country could disallow your kind from its soil.
I'm amazed a blind guy can evade 90 guards, security cameras, being wiretapped and his house surrounded by police.

There are only 3 possibilities:

1.) 90 guards, police and their managers are idiots and just as blind as he is. The cameras got turned off and everyone was asleep on the job. :lol:

2.) Special forces raided him out despite Shandong being one of the most heavily armed provinces in China surrounded by anti-air missiles and 2 ports for nuclear submarines. That'd be pretty damn scary.

3.) He was never kept under guard and the media has been lying for 3 years.

sheer incompetence on the guards seems like the simplest answer, perhaps there was an accomplice or 4 who led him out (maybe even one of the guards). It is indeed difficult to believe a blind person could evade a good security ring on his own.
If this is true, then the US ambassador (Gary Locke) and all US diplomats must be put under house arrest.
The time for our 3000+ nuclear warheads to be used is finally at hand! :china:

Are you planning to Nuke the American Embassy in Beijing? You can take take the submarine inside the embassy through a storm water drain or a sewer maybe?:rofl:
I'm amazed a blind guy can evade 90 guards, security cameras, being wiretapped and his house surrounded by police.

There are only 3 possibilities:

1.) 90 guards, police and their managers are idiots and just as blind as he is. The cameras got turned off and everyone was asleep on the job. :lol:

2.) Special forces raided him out despite Shandong being one of the most heavily armed provinces in China surrounded by anti-air missiles and 2 ports for nuclear submarines. That'd be pretty damn scary.

3.) He was never kept under guard and the media has been lying for 3 years.

I guess you never watched Zatochi, haven't you? Maybe he even slayed all those 90 guards along the way to US consulate.

Jokes aside, one thing I am sure is that if whatever he said was true, then he wouldn't even get as far as 2 blocks aways from his home. He is just being used by someone to achieve some check political points. Just like any other so call Chinese political dissident, once he got to the US and his usefulness come to an end, he will be forgotten and left to rot all by himself. Funnything about this China's rights movement is that in USA they can not even come to term within themselves, and kept fighting with each other. The organization if there is one is so fragmented and nothing come out of it.
If this is true, then the US ambassador (Gary Locke) and all US diplomats must be put under house arrest.
The time for our 3000+ nuclear warheads to be used is finally at hand! :china:
Its not just 3000+ nuces, its 3000+ megaton nukes. And also please give some warning, its long time, your warning ministry is on vacation. Also, once you are done with using those 3000+ megatons, please inform.

Are you planning to Nuke the American Embassy in Beijing? You can take take the submarine inside the embassy through a storm water drain or a sewer maybe?:rofl:
Wrong, They will put the subs in water tank, and it will pop out from taps and deliver the nukes ... lol. :laugh:
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