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Chen: China doesn't need to learn western democracy, but eastern democracy

Spare us your spin. No one is talking about what he said to US that got him to the US. We are talking about what he did in China before he became famous in America. So yes, he was a big deal to the Chinese government.

Right mine is a spin, only yours is the truth nothing but the truth.

Chen's opinion is no more a nuisance than those other loud mouths. He just caught the attentions of international media who were there ahead of Clinton visit. They caught a gold mine alright because anything to put China in a bad light sell like hot cake in their home countries where the populace salivate and thrive on their propaganda and you're no different or perhaps worst.
The so-called Hangul is just like Chinese Pinyin.
Well, Hangul is Korean in origin, while Pinyin uses Roman alphabet.

so many words sound the same with different meanings.
Then you select the meaning of the word using the context of the sentence.

Without the help of Chinese characters, you can not understand the korean letters.
And Chinese characters are not used in Korean writing, no need for it.

Too bad those so-called "foreign rulers" only spoke Chinese
No, they spoke Mongolian and Manchurian.

Everyone in east asia knows that Korea is a biitch raped by her big neighbours
And China is the major source of mail order brides for low-income Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese, Singaporean, and Hong Kongese men.

Well, the Korean males liked to see their 16 years old virgins getting fcked by the Ming Emperor.
Actually Korean farmers go to China and shop for Chinese mail order brides. How it works is that the Korean dude flies to China, and the mail order bride agency arranges a one to many meeting(usually 10 a time), and the dude picks the Chinese virgin of his choice from the lot. This massive influx of 10K Chinese virgin mail order brides causes a social problem in Korea, as the children born to Chinese women cannot compete with the pure-blood Korean children in school and fall behind in competition.

They have voluntarily offered their virgin girls to the 60 years old Emperor.
And China voluntarily offers 10K virgin girls to 60 year old Korean farmers and day laborors a year.

I hve been, to china many times, & hvnt seen peoples starving to death.
You haven't been to rural China then, where 70% of Chinese population live.
16 year old Korean girl, remind me of the rape case done US troops.

how's that case going? tried? or you lost your jurisdiction?
16 year old Korean girl, remind me of the rape case done US troops.
The girl was 18.

how's that case going? tried? or you lost your jurisdiction?

He got 10 years in prison.
The Korean man who raped 19-year old US servicewomen got 3 years in prison on the other hand, so it wasn't fair.
Western democracy is just a tool they used to go around the world and spread their influence.
in reality their so called "democracy" is just a clever form of dictatorship.
you see I don't believe in absolute freedom because such thing can never exists as long as we have laws telling people what they can do and what they cant do in their life. some of these laws even contradict our own nature. so real democracy cannot exists so the leader of nation can only fool their people into believing they have democracy by comparing what they have to lets say a country in the middle east. They say look at them they are the dictator and we are free, we are a democracy, this is of course utter BS because they themselves are a dictatorship...

The only difference in western democracy and a eastern dictatorship is that in the west they vote for a leader who end does not even represent their people. take a look at America, they vote for a president but in the end what for? 99% of the country is against the policy which USA has...whether it is the war or their healthcare yet nothing happens..so the point of the vote was not to give people control but merely to give them the illusion that they have control in their country, that they are playing a role which in the end is just a false illusion.
haha and some1 had a problem russo slaves ...


problem yoku
Western democracy is just a tool they used to go around the world and spread their influence.
in reality their so called "democracy" is just a clever form of dictatorship.
Dictators don't care about public opinion.

Elected officials in democracies do because their jobs depend on public support. When they lose public support, they are kicked out office fast. It's called the wrath of voters at the election day.

The only difference in western democracy and a eastern dictatorship is that in the west they vote for a leader who end in the does not even represent your people.
Any leader who doesn't represent the majority of voters is kicked out in western democracy. It's that simple.

whether it is the war or their healthcare yet nothing happens..
This is because voters themselves are divided. When the democrats took both the congress and the whitehouse, a lot of things happened, including the obamacare and financial reform, because the democrats had the voter's mandate.
What's Next for Chen Guangcheng? - Council on Foreign Relations

We will be happy to teach the "eastern" democracy to China, so that ordinary Chinese could live in a free society and pursue their dreams without a fear of persecution from the government.

Had China followed S K system, China would dare no noise when its warship were sunk by NK, nor would China daer any noise when its soldiers were killed by NK cannon.

So, screw SK slavery system, being slave to both NK and USA.
Dictators don't care about public opinion.

Elected officials in democracies do because their jobs depend on public support. When they lose public support, they are kicked out office fast. It's called the wrath of voters at the election day.
obama does not give a damn about the public, he listens to the Israeli lobby and the arms manufacturers.

Any leader who doesn't represent the majority of voters is kicked out in western democracy. It's that simple
This is not true, what about the usa? people get killed trying to get rid of the 1%.

This is because voters themselves are divided. When the democrats took both the congress and the whitehouse, a lot of things happened, including the obamacare and financial reform, because the democrats had the voter's mandate.

They are divided in the detail of what they want, but ultimately they all want a change which involve the 1% loosing power.
Right mine is a spin, only yours is the truth nothing but the truth.

Chen's opinion is no more a nuisance than those other loud mouths. He just caught the attentions of international media who were there ahead of Clinton visit. They caught a gold mine alright because anything to put China in a bad light sell like hot cake in their home countries where the populace salivate and thrive on their propaganda and you're no different or perhaps worst.
Of course yours are nothing but spin. If this blind self taught lawyer is such a nobody, then why was he such an issue with the Chinese government BEFORE he became an international celebrity?
China has a model province-Taiwan.Haha. Just like what Jiang Jingguo expected, Taiwan will be the model of whole China.
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