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cheap way to establish shelter home in Pakistan unlike what ik govt is doing

IK Government is experimental government. Just like Pol Pot declared Year 1975 as "Year Zero" in Cambodia (Kampuchea) which was a conspiracy to make Cambodians only poor farmers, in a similar way, instead of raising the standards of peoples, PTI is making Pakistanis Poor and Poorer.

Just wait, when Pakistani Peoples will become only a bunch of Poor Farmers, only then they will realize, what PTI did to them!

I am apolitical, but PTI Government is only catering Sectional Interests! Wake up Folks!
IK Government is experimental government. Just like Pol Pot declared Year 1975 as "Year Zero" in Cambodia (Kampuchea) which was a conspiracy to make Cambodians only poor farmers, in a similar way, instead of raising the standards of peoples, PTI is making Pakistanis Poor and Poorer.

Just wait, when Pakistani Peoples will become only a bunch of Poor Farmers, only then they will realize, what PTI did to them!

I am apolitical, but PTI Government is only catering Sectional Interests! Wake up Folks!
And kiddo, do you really think that someone will buy your delusional crap?
Some important points made by the video which suggests the idea was to build inexpensive shelter homes. Rather than building new ones, turn underused buildings into shelter. In principal the infrastructure already exists for shelter homes it just needs to be organised locally. By converting lots of small unused places of worship into places for shelter you could save the budget, which could be used elsewhere.

I am in principle against the idea of giving handouts to people, because it makes them lazy and doesn't stop the cycle of poverty but a few things are basic necessities such as a roof. I could see crime rate coming down, and cleanliness of the local area going up if this was implemented. Not a bad idea.
this person in video is actually a neurosurgeon and is very highly educated so his words have high value for us and he has great vision.It is better ik get advise from such people instead of following instruction of shiekh Rasheed like people around him
Some important points made by the video which suggests the idea was to build inexpensive shelter homes. Rather than building new ones, turn underused buildings into shelter. In principal the infrastructure already exists for shelter homes it just needs to be organised locally. By converting lots of small unused places of worship into places for shelter you could save the budget, which could be used elsewhere.

I am in principle against the idea of giving handouts to people, because it makes them lazy and doesn't stop the cycle of poverty but a few things are basic necessities such as a roof. I could see crime rate coming down, and cleanliness of the local area going up if this was implemented. Not a bad idea.
This man is right but masajid are not ready to provide a shelter for poor
i think many Masjids come under Auqaf and govt can negotiate them for this and they will provide them with shelter if govt support them with financial help which would be much lesser than amount spend on separate shelter homes and even govt colleges can be used for this purpose as there is no one at colleges during night and space is free
i think many Masjids come under Auqaf and govt can negotiate them for this and they will provide them with shelter if govt support them with financial help which would be much lesser than amount spend on separate shelter homes

There is something similar in the UK where a network of churches help with homelessness:


Meeting the immediate needs of people who have to sleep rough or on the streets.

"I was feeling pretty low. I even thought of ending it all"

A number of our lifehouses offer emergency accommodation on a night-by-night basis to people who have nowhere else to stay. The accommodation is basic but safe and secure and the staff on duty are available to support the individual through the night. In most lifehouses, free meals are provided and the individual is able to keep warm and feel safe for the night. As well as people sleeping on the streets, this may include ‘sofa surfers’ or people with no recourse to public funds who are running out of options for where they can receive support and offers of help.

During periods of extreme weather, our lifehouses and churches make use of all available space in order to protect people from the cold. People are at their most vulnerable when the temperature drops, and many people sleeping rough will drink alcohol or take substances to help them get off to sleep in the cold. This has many ramifications for their body and the body’s ability to regulate their temperature. People are at severe risk of hypothermia, and it is our responsibility to ensure that we do what we can to prevent loss of life.

Many Salvation Army churches are part of a cold weather night shelter scheme with other churches in their area. Many work on a rota basis where halls and community areas are opened up for people sleeping rough.

We have a wide range of services across the UK and the Republic of Ireland that work with people who have to sleep rough. Our role in all cases is to meet an immediate need either through providing support and basic supplies where possible, or by referring into emergency accommodation where available. With everyone we meet, we try to establish why they are sleeping rough and what barriers they may be facing to access mainstream services. From this point, we are then able to signpost to suitable day services or arrange for a specialist team to support the individual. During the course of an evening, trained staff and volunteers complete assessments with people and refer them into emergency accommodation for the night, where they get respite at least for one evening. Appointments are also made with day services for the following day so that people have an opportunity to access more stable accommodation.
This man is right but masajid are not ready to provide a shelter for poor

They are, but not in urban centres. In “some” urban areas Masjids are locked down within 15 minutes of each jamat. Whereas in rural areas Masjids are always open for travelers and those who need shelter for a night or two. People of that street provide food to them as long as they are staying. So we just need to appreciate this behabior and expand it to all Pakistan. One might say masjid is for Praying only, i disagree, Masjids were supposed to be community centres. They were community centres in time of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and Khulafa e rashedeen. Where everyone was allowed to take shelter in masjid, arrange gatherings, discuss social issues, carry eductional activities etc.
This man is right but masajid are not ready to provide a shelter for poor


I was listening to a Islamic lecture yesterday and I learnt that going 100yrs ago masajids had a rest area/lodging for travellers....now even masjids are locked up after prayer times because people, society and circumstances have changed.
IK Government is experimental government. Just like Pol Pot declared Year 1975 as "Year Zero" in Cambodia (Kampuchea) which was a conspiracy to make Cambodians only poor farmers, in a similar way, instead of raising the standards of peoples, PTI is making Pakistanis Poor and Poorer.

Just wait, when Pakistani Peoples will become only a bunch of Poor Farmers, only then they will realize, what PTI did to them!

I am apolitical, but PTI Government is only catering Sectional Interests! Wake up Folks!

I don't give an eff about PTI or IK. All I care is who is good for my country.
But you my friend are on a whole new level of being deluded.

Bro this is a brilliant idea ...i believe this should first be rolled out in masajids which are run by the govt organisation - ‘Dept of Aukaaf’. The imams here only have a responsibility of azaan & namaz, they should be given this responsibility as well.

IK Government is experimental government. Just like Pol Pot declared Year 1975 as "Year Zero" in Cambodia (Kampuchea) which was a conspiracy to make Cambodians only poor farmers, in a similar way, instead of raising the standards of peoples, PTI is making Pakistanis Poor and Poorer.

Just wait, when Pakistani Peoples will become only a bunch of Poor Farmers, only then they will realize, what PTI did to them!

I am apolitical, but PTI Government is only catering Sectional Interests! Wake up Folks!

I get the feeling this govt is catering to the burger type families
By converting lots of small unused places of worship into places for shelter you could save the budget, which could be used elsewhere.
Really? we are talking about Pakistan and not UK or Europe where most of the churches are empty and unused. In Pakistan no mosque is unused rather on Jumma many are full to the brim and people can't be accommodated.
Govt is doing a great job. Rest IK has suggested for the poor people to raise poultry to supplement their incomes in the short term. As the economy will shows signs of recovery, more lucrative jobs will be created but until then
Really? we are talking about Pakistan and not UK or Europe where most of the churches are empty and unused. In Pakistan no mosque is unused

I'm sure its not an issue to convert the smaller ones into a community benefiting place for now, and build some government-approved super mosques later on.
I'm sure its not an issue to convert the smaller ones into a community benefiting place for now, and build some government-approved super mosques later on.
I think it is much easier for the govt to build shelters..why do you want to create anarchy in the country. Well I know you are always promoting anarchist agenda but it won't work here.
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