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Charting a New Deal

Nov 18, 2014
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United States
Enlightened representation, let's talk about that... Democracy as in 51 votes give a win it all to one side and 49 stand aghast. Islam didn't ordain a form of government, rightfully so, if it did it would have become tyranny of the process and system. But we are provided clues on how to proceed... and I for one assume it to be a Republic for it being a public matter. How we go about it has been a question mark and people all over have experimented or posited ideas, needless to say it has been a process. But we can reflect upon and say with confidence, there have been failures.

I will posit a process commencing from the very bottom, a process of constituencies, say each constituency must have a minimum 1000 and a maximum of 9,999 constituents, one seat per constituency each elected unanimously meaning affirmative ballot(we are sending a representative of a community to serve it's issues not a shyster selling dream). The purpose is to have a representative intimately connected with his constituents, a member of said community. A graph would have been better, anyways. A number of constituencies make a representative council, that again must select a representative. So on and so forth...

Purpose of this exercise is to remove party based politics and give voice to the remaining 49 voters, such as in a majoritarian winner take all system.

Though, I have personal biases towards voters... such as only head of household votes or married couples only. Representatives must meet certain minimum threshold, that is must not be a convict, must perform obligatory congregational Salah in Jama'ah so on and so forth. I believe people will make the right choice in selecting best person to represent their concerns... Four or two years seems a legitimate term and terms can be capped unless the representative is promoted to a higher chamber in which case must still remain a representative member of their constituency. It works as a pyramid and of course executive must be the best that a people have to offer.

This of course is only one route, metropolitan areas can have constituencies representing businesses, tradesmen and other relevant groups. Rural constituencies with tribal representation etc.

This however is the nervous system only that is feelings, desires and apprehensions of the society it's skeletal system is top down... i.e. People that work for the state and it's processes of enforcement, controls and implementation. Each council will have a governor implemented by the state as it sees fit and for a limited period of time. Each council is it's own minor government living it's way with their language, customs and cuisine. Each council is a source of executives power such as tiered law enforcement, military and other federation departments.

What I propose is not impossible to implement but needs resolve and most importantly people's will for decency, independence, respect and justice. Mobs captivated by stunts, soothing words and elaborate dreams can only lead to opportunists playing with lay emotions.

I intend to posit my views on this topic overtime, elaborating and defining terms more acutely. And, I'd appreciate if members with interest or opinions would chime in for a positive discourse.

Ideally topics that align and tangents of the core including but not limited to investiture, Democracy, forms of representation, structure of a Caliphate, forms of governance, pitfalls/checks and balances, Tribal or communal setups, and perhaps even layout of pros and cons with supporting discussions and academic yet casual views.
A seat at the table, as an equal is what everyone deserves. A real world manifestation of equality displayed during Salah, no royalty no commoner.
A constituency could be a common cause, a trade, historical value/symbolism, day laborers, civil society, rights based, familial and value based, obviously religious, linguistic and ethnic. Each constituents cannot simultaneously be part of more than one constituency, though an option to change exists and can cause an issue for a constituency meeting minimal requirement of 1000 members.
Each representative must be unanimous. Representation must meet minimum thresholds and therefore requires it's constituents to be active and involved.
Once the pedestal is taken away from pageant winners a civic debate can be had, one that is deliberate, reasoned, articulated and guided.

To be continued...
Political Correctness is intrinsically built in to the western model. A secular model that allows one to speak freely from the sides of their mouths. A model that has a left and right paradigm basically putting everything and anything up for debate, where no sanctity and fact matters, facts are on same pedestal as alternate facts, truth with spiced truth, it is all a shade from black and white and settled with at minimum a one vote majority.

We must understand that a different paradigm exists, of facts and truth, of right and wrong and one that is not majoritarian in nature.

Which is why the very "elective" process is so flawed, it provides a space and a pedestal to shysters, populists and sycophants. It shows dreams and plays with emotions of people and distracts with theatrics and circus.

It is very easy to distract oneself in the minutia and get hung up on details. A state must run top-down and it's receptors must be bottom-up.

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Your Leader, Ruler, King can send you to your death(wrong decisions, war etc.), choose one wisely, your life depends on it!

Reversing the course, from electing the worst a society has to offer, to selecting it's best is the goal. Populism, circus politics and sale of dreams must stop...relegation of power to smaller polities and allowing not only their survival but uniqueness to continue unabated. State must be redefined from mere borders... role of state must be reconfigured... and lastly the role of leadership.

Defined metropolitan regions allowed enough autonomy to chart their courses short of becoming a state. State should reorient to common defense, justice system, foreign policy, currency, food and environmental security, connectivity, weights amd measures and Central planning etc.

Speaking in Islamic terms, investiture and vicegerency are important terms. Essentially, lot of primary powers are taken away, such as legislation on preordained, people's oath to Almighty instead of institution, state or head of state, ability to generate, create or accumulate wealth or tax people etc.

A body thus of representative, that establishes a consensus on known principles to grant investiture or divestiture for that matter. We can very easily find examples, laws and deliberation of classical and contemporary individuals who have invested considerable time and energy in extrapolating and defining terms based on precedence.

The very purpose of this exercise in charting a more deliberate course is the void we are looking at, due in part because the consequences of animating our senses on peripheral issues, we have exhausted/are exhausting the means to return, to a meaningful purpose driven life to one of smoke and mirrors. In essence, we find ourselves in a house of mirrors and allow each ism to conclude or draw to an end.

We must understand, the Almighty reasoned with us mere mortals, our intellect and capacity to understand. Prescribed ways to re-up our faith by congregating in and delving in rituals that grant the inspired path. For all too often percentages and numbers give a false claim and equivocation on faith, family and future of humanity.

Creation/accumulation of wealth and threading the whole world by the same needle.

Everyday capitalism was happening in Keillor's Lake Wobegon... big fish eating small and some those maggots ...
A fishing line with a fake maggot started catching those all too eager... soon it was a net and a trawler and finally a race among trawlers.

Let's break it down
John smith a third generation carpenter took over his dads shop in small town Iowa say under 50k population. He'd work hard and sell hand made furnishings and earned an honest living.
Ben Levine though had a different kind of upbringing, boarding school into Ivy league and a life where money didn't matter.
One day he gets an idea, says, Papa, I want to start a big bkx furniture business with stores in key demographic areas in Iowa.
Pops says, excellent idea!
Makes a few calls and Ben has stores popping up and pops old pal with furniture connections in Vietnam sets up a supply chain...
one such near Johnny's shop!

Ben now could provide Johnny's shoppers a better deal, bigger selection, cheaper prices and a credit facility... besides his store could run a deficit for months.
John though had a family at this point and bought into the American dream, a 30 year mortgage on 3000 square feet house and a $70k pickup truck. First he had to fire some help to keep up with his competition and his life style and finally close shop!
Johnny now works for Levine's furniture and "his lifestyle", a slave chain keeping him in check, on a no fuss servitude for the rest of his life.

Learn to differentiate between wealth creation and accumulation... wealth is created by debt, a stored or pent-up value only unlocked through blood and sweat of workers just surviving through their daily grind or for fanciful dreams. Everyone, Every single hard worker connected to this thread is paying off someone's debt. Which is why be vary of politicians selling you a particular word, "jobs"!

Wealth accumulation is when an innovation that catches mass appeal or demand, is purchased by stored value, debt. It works simultaneously by not indulging help or stakeholders in supply side or not given due equity thus allowing or creating an ownership class consuming boundless prosperity on the backs of bandaged labor sold on dreams, promises or just carrying weight of resultant lifestyle.

A bridge to sell...

Do you have to work more than your needs? Scratch the surface and it is a very foundational question...

So, rephrase it, Would you be my slave? Shut up! In this case would be mild. So how can I make you work far more, make far less and be perfectly obedient. I want your most productive years...

Instruments of servitude, optics and brand. Anesthetics work against you... after all you must keep up with the Joneses!

I sell you a dream!!! On a 30 year amortization. Your desires become a driver for the grind, an obedient one at that!

Imagine a family in a third world country on the back of a cab and a spiffy middle-aged man on the back of limo in U.S.... the optics favor the high flying limo rider... yet that guy has sold his soul for those optics... owes millions to be paid over years long as he live.
Debt is confined wealth released over time on human effort.
People have been domesticated like animals of yore... pulling weight for a dangled carrot... making a certain lifestyle possible for some. Which, would not have been possible had people's energies not been harnessed.

There are redundancies, obsolescences built-in and natural so on and so forth. A caste system in real world and a pyramid scheme...

And some ask but what about the progress of humanity? What about it? Are the ones working hard, doing it for the good of heart, humanity, altruism? No, they're getting paid for it and the ones they're working for would agree as much.

It all comes down to intention and therefore direction.


@Mangus Ortus Novem
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Fair compensation...

Jobs, wage or salary...

we have conditioned ourselves to expect to work for someone(something, an inanimate corp) at a compensation, they(needing work done) deem fair or can pay... getting hired itself is an opportunity... born to work!
Work has been equated with time and not task at hand... when we know, no two people are alike and nature of work and criticality differs all across the board.
Be vary of those who sell you a job! We have forgotten the very nature of our economy, exchange of one goods and services with others, as desired.
Compensation therefore must be transfer of fair equity. The simplest example would be a Starbucks, no two stores are equally busy nor work ethic of servers. Besides compensation should instead be for a completed task instead of time served.

All this means greater autonomy, fair compensation and overall equality of society. People working as bots doing endless repetitive work for fixed number of hours on a fixed rate as designated by employer is not fair, creates subjects and unfair distribution of wealth that is unchecked by real demand in society. But both must continue for share values, productivity, margins, dividends and payment on debts. Pushing similar paradigm on consumers whose dreams must now be furnished by further debt and an ongoing cycle... A rat race!
Untapped potential

What Pakistan and most of the non industrialized world has is untapped wealth. What many refer to as industrial revolution is in fact a financial revolution... unwrapping wealth locked in property and resources both human and underground. West has gone through several generations of this unwrapping, and of course each cycle must be larger than the previous to keep the program going, however though much of the rest of the world is still available and remains untapped.
The question that bankers are always concerned with and in constant pursuit of, is exploitation of this stored wealth, such as real estate ...

This latent wealth than channels the energies of aimless youth with big dreams(via debt)... the lack of imagination and/or motivation stems from disconnect of people from real economy and a dormant leadership ... rudderless people thus are easier to manipulate and directed.

In Pakistan and similar states, it is not the lack of wealth but lack of imagination, I'd add, "purposefully lacking" to that... because it is easier to empower people by apprising them of their latent abilities, talents that can be enhanced manifold by further knowledge. Such as adding value , adjusting in value chain and appraising opportunities.

Instead, a lackadaisical and aimless society becomes a feeding ground for vultures... gnawing at what could have been.

Obfuscation, Slight of hand, trickery, smokes and mirrors... call it what you may.

For centuries kings ruled with a clique of loyal subordinates who derived their own respect and power by being dutifully obedient. Something perhaps changed when royals of a certain land allowed it's peasants to form their own laws, in exchange for a perpetual titular sovereignty. And, peasants fragmented in needs and desires, having politicians become interlocutors between the working class and the aristocracy.

An ever curious relation that later developed and rules, by default. Untouched and untouchable that give you the illusion to make your own laws. The illusion of liberty and freedom. A permanent class!

When a future obligation is issued on any interest on set periods of time. A permanent labor class is created, one that seeks to achieve, simultaneously, a more powerful and permanent moneyed class, one with redundancies and insurances. A fail safe rule that disguises as wealth creators, one who pick winners and losers. Yet a craftsman with his old shop and tools cannot keep up with bling, anesthetics and optics of a fancy shop with an embossed logo so coveted by the masses.

A banker double dips! First instrument creates economic activity by merely providing opportunity but subsequent interest consolidates positions of both lender and borrower. It is then topped off by mandating insurance on part of borrower. Thereby, any risk/endeavor on part of borrower may end in a bust but the lender remains unharmed.

Aah, the too big to fails...

In olden days people actually quite literally saw their money getting shrunk ... inflation and impurity were indicators of loss of value. Byzantines, Ottomans and Brits were all broke.

The paradigm shift happens in paper or fiat currency, everyone eager to make a profit only assumes a larger sum for goods, services or property. It is automatically assumed that by selling at a higher price you walked away with a profit, did you? Unlike gold, where intrinsic value of currency is held in it's very self... paper, crypto or fiat holds no such capacity, value. Our mindset is self defeating, we are simultaneously attuned to a transaction whose increase should mean an addition in value yet by this very increase we accept an ever loosing proposition. A currency that lost value by your apparent profit and will continue to do so until you get rid of it, or how fast you rid yourself of it...
A banker then for most holds the power of make or break... will you get your home loan approved? Or, that great idea you think that will make you a multi millionaire... or, to just consolidate your loans, add inventory, help sell your product or inventory so on and so forth.
People who're both gypped by inflation and interest can never free themselves of a paradigm they do not control, a tap that is both opened and shut by the very same that run this scam. Governments world over also dip twice by not only using the printer to pay for their expenses but simultaneously taxing it's population.

Question then some would ask is how do we proceed without borrowing from our future and bondaged time? It is quite simple actually, all net proceeds and profits are earned by growth and productivity in what earth produces and how fast it does for us as a species to exchange for our mutual benefit and interest. Productivity can always be benchmarked for the last fiscal year, increase in productivity allows for that much increase in inflation which then can be lent at no interest loan, allowing for further productivity, expansion and economic activity. Allowing the lender as well to benefit from that increase and work to achieve more wealth if so desired by working for it while getting that actual sum back as a return.
It is imperative that the chok hold on productivity and consumption is released and humanity once more liberated.
For the Almighty provides sustenance.

Counterintuitive, nature of modern money...

Humans by nature would assume and rightfully so that recompense of their labor must yield them a higher reward. Thus, sum or add-on value paid in a paper currency is an automatic profit, an addition. A modern paradox.

Fiat currency actually loses value with every addition and automatically is worth less as you were rewarded with an additional sum. Whereas, currency that holds intrinsic value, such as gold, an addition will automatically and undoubtedly add value to the bearer. The addition in fiat must continue, for it pays for prior commitments and promises made on debt with a maturity date set in future.

This very paradox, earning more, dreams, jobs and growth plays into people putting lifetime of effort in what is effectively a mirage. Instruments, political rhetoric and campaigns of illusion must be created to keep the mirage alive. People must never get discouraged or dissuaded by the system, after all, more money can buy more, people that is, spokesmen of the system.

Huge amounts of brain energy is wasted in theorizing and maintaining the system. From one bubble to the next, learning from past mistakes, creating redundancies etc.

Red pill, anyone?
@OldenWisdom...قول بزرگ , I have made a few posts and a thread on some of the topics you touch : Democracy, Populism, Wealth accumulation and money system. Please find my posts below :

@OldenWisdom...قول بزرگ , I have made a few posts and a thread on some of the topics you touch : Democracy, Populism, Wealth accumulation and money system. Please find my posts below :

I'd appreciate if relevant material is posted here if you can spare enough time...

Of course going through some of my previous posts there are errors... spell check reading my mind?... so swap anesthetics with aesthetics and bandage with bondage... etc...
Possibly more...
A perpetual short...

Those aloof of market manipulation and straight as arrow ethicists wouldn't even know what hit them! People haggling over short change or worse committing heinous crimes and murder for coin are the ones completely sold on the system... they! keep the charade going and keep the masses in check, sticking to a "fair" wage as told, a fair recompense...

Short can pretty much run in perpetuity, as long as there are unsuspecting, unscrupulous masses committed to work, blind folded and paying those debts. Thus, communism can effectively be incorporated! A short that usurps hard work with an alternative, a disrupter. An example is Uber, ride sharing app, taking on and shorting an industry, commercial traffic of masses in any form... it can keep running a deficit(VCs, hedge funds, SWFs and banks keep plugging it) for as long as needed, a short on existing methods with a disruptive technology. It must gather scale and finally start turning the corner towards profitability. In all that while regular hard working folks, earning an honest living remain clueless all the while big money shorts them out of existence.
Scratch the surface and you'll start getting a clearer picture.

Similar dynamic is essentially at play vis a China... U.S. keeps running the deficit and the world keeps gobbling up the green back. To be seen, how it plays out, as no single actor must get too big to fail and China is perhaps too big already and managing fairly comprehensively.

It all ultimately drops down to demographics and a declining population is bad for capitalism, bad for the pyramid and bad for those needing serfs!

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