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Charting a New Deal

Freedom, what Freedom‽

This may hit a raw nerve so pardon me in advance.
Allow me to take you through a journey of a bot!
You, yes the reader are bots conditioned from the beginning to study, work hard and educate yourself from a prestigious institute and get a great job! And everything will be alright!
You have been fooled! By your society, influencer and your parents. You have volunteered to work hard and join a great corporation. In fact sleepwalked into serfdom.

There is a reason why you commit your time for your employer and not actual output during that time. At that point it is already the "job" of your employer to get most out of you, productivity. You are bots of the system... if it were a ship, you are making it work and run but nothing more than that... your choices have been limited by set of controls that insure compliance. Remember you volunteered for it... worked hard through the school for it... though your education was not entirely relevant nor prepared you for what was ahead. Now this "job" affords you to meet certain desires, life styles and goals. But these in fact are outside influences and controls that again insure compliance, subjugation and obedience. The onus of course is on you to maintain that job.

The thing of essence again is bondage of time and it's correlation with productivity. And your earnings again pegging you to your outside commitments such as a mortgage and a car loan and various other debts inherently connected with "time". You must maintain one to maintain others!
Nature of work is essentially same as well in it's repetitive nature, in essence a bot!
Many people ask and say I don't want my job to be lost to a robot... It is hard but in essence they in fact are exactly that! A robot replaced by a less fussy and cheaper one that can work for perpetuity.

Remember a corporation is a political entity, one that doesn't align with your ideals and identity. It makes you behave for it's best interest and not yours and it let's you go, should it become necessary... without any consideration on how loyal you had been or how much you endeavored or suffered or time your pledged or important moments in life you sacrificed for it. A corporation plays the short on humanity itself, a robotic/inanimate entity making bots out of humanity while outcompeting it and eventually replacing it with real bots.

Productivity and repetitive work essentially kills human ingenuity and hurts especially those who in fact are free and work for themselves...
An example is a door maker that carves intricate patterns and only makes few but great pieces of art and the other who essentially nails similar designs as fast as humanly possible. Or, in certain societies where women make woven clothes and carpets and putting time and effort in creating a unique piece every single time and their men sell those for a coin always getting undercut by bots working faster and harder on repetition.

Combined human effort throughout history has achieved much and contributing men were either slaves, devotees or had a common cause. Never have humans ever been so intricately enslaved in history, that too by base desires and then so hopelessly entangled with no way out!

Freedom is not your ability to bind yourself to your desires but your ability to abstain from them!
It is quite fitting that I posit this piece in the holy month of Ramadan. Where we train ourselves to be free all over again... where we train our senses, body and desires. Essentially putting mind over body and raise ourselves above the fray of base instincts, desires and lusts.
Conditioning, conformity and controls that run individuality trap.

The Truman Show, anyone?

You have been conditioned to act in certain way at certain times in front of someone or at certain locations.
It started when you were mere kids, you had to meet the clock, wear a certain uniform, conform to certain ideals, lip sing a certain song, walk in straight lines, got stars or merit/demerit points marking good or bad behavior, applied yourself to learn some perhaps obscure things... none that mattered to your life.
If you didn't conform you were perhaps ostracized from your peers, shamed but most importantly you family was leveraged to oblige a certain conditioning ...
A citizen was being created! An individual formed BUT not in the confines of those four walls...
Outside those walls!

Those walls will change as you aged but your conditioning and conformity remained steadfast. Until you retired to a prescribed location to count your final years!!!

Family, The recognized and endorsed polity in Islam

Yes France! Family is the institutionalized, endorsed and recognized polity of Islam... this is that obscure political Islam that they try to find in Masajid, beards, and clergymen!

Islam delineates the structure of family, it's hierarchy, and function.
It's economic structure...
For lack of a better word, citizenship is only genetic in Islam and that is how one will be called on The Day, by name of one's father.
Which is why no adopted "son" ever becomes a "citizen" ...
It is why one cannot renounce one's father or reject his/her kinship...
It is why the wealth of son and all he possess is his father's!
It is why there is a "wali", and the hierarchy of guardianship...
It is why a Muslim man can marry more than once! It is political before it is intimate...
It is why the economic welfare of the whole family is responsibility of head of household.
So on and so forth...

Remember, all these have no bearing on ones deeds which are equal and have no hierarchy nor recognition of gender.
In fact, a mother can have her son lead her in prayer but she remains three times as much more in respect and esteem than his father.

The system leverages family to restrain and subdue you... A "school" will call on parents to shame and submit their child's behavior and his/her rebellion. Yet, that very child will chide his/her own parents, mouth off, misbehave, throw tantrums, be disrespectful, play games, not follow rules or be uncouth and rebellious but that is parents problem.
That is the learned conformity and individuality that is being established. A controlled individuality that respects certain power structures and it's protocols. It further grows in to place of employment, government and its authority. These controls built as part of habit, become second nature and only die with that individual. The outside controls work with a carrot and stick approach to drive certain desired results. They add certain responsibilities and obligations one must carry or face consequences and be ostracized.

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Sleepwalking into conformity...

I wouldn't say it a conscious decision of masses to allow state in their homes... yet that is what they did. Unintentionally!

No one intentionally allows the family to fall apart! But this is exactly one person one vote does... by making constituents out of a single unit... by allowing an outside political influence to be a force to divide, provide and fall back on!
By siblings quarreling over different political ideologies to gender dissent and generational impasse.

But now state stands on the verge to replace family itself...
Missing father, state will be your parent.
Consent, not marriage? Excellent, state only wants the child!
Women in the workforce? more taxpayers!
Atheist? Excellent! state will be your god...

Allowing system to supercede family and it's values is not new but it's destructive power hasn't come full circle. The children of tomorrow will be more submissive to state and it's narrative... they'll be further away from faith, family, bonds of kinship, empathy, altruism and moral compass, virtue and integrity.

It is a distress call, A mayday, an SOS!
Save your family!

Bound by the absolutes...

Or, absolute logical conclusion.

Western Liberal Order, the swings of the pendulum reaching each end and it's extremities. A fallacy... a facade of liberty... people enduring pains to find their boundaries, counterculture and rebel within... only to find a sad and even a benign end.

Western masses exist in a matrix so complex to them it is almost impossible to cut the chains and find liberty, the true emancipation. The trivilization of learned lessons and undoing of civilization has brought about an oppression so complete, it needs no guardians. A pyramid that connects both in power and finance...

Religion, an opium for masses. Is it?

Religion the creation, in fact, is!

Though, instead they submitted to creation and not The Creator.
Through belligerence, rhetoric, propaganda and legislation, hubris and overbearance masked as tolerance are thrusted down peoples throats and dissent quashed.

In this world where one absolute is taking shape something new is happening. A new lease to life, a new beginning... and all have a stake in it's survival and success. A model that long ago had become autocratic, though it's title suggested something deeper, it wasn't.
A Western model where peasants were allowed to form their own laws in a consequence of surrendering their sovereignty to sovereigns.
A contrast people getting the truest freedom by surrendering to their true lord, their Creator.

As a consequence, the final battlefield is taking shape... One an inanimate monolith of and for profit sans humanity... in fact subjugation of it! The other of and for humanity on it's truest nature that submits only to The Almighty.

Of course, people will have to choose... and those bent on optics and theater will choose which seems more successful...

Choose wisely!
The Sovereigns

Qur'an [9:31]
They have taken their scholars and monks as lords besides Allah, and [also] the Messiah, the son of Mary. And they were not commanded except to worship one God; there is no deity except Him. Exalted is He above whatever they associate with Him.

— Saheeh International

Sovereigns that reign by fiat! Their reign ingrained by the constituent articles or constitution(s).

The modern context...

"One asks vicariously,
Emperor demands taxes from us...
"Give the emperor what belongs to the emperor, give God what belongs to God"
Mark [12:17]

The justification thus for a separation of church and state as some argue.

As Constantine became first Catholic Emperor and the Papal state established temporal powers... as in political and secular above the traditional spiritual and pastoral, of shepherding their flocks.
The state became one...
Pope could levy taxes, for example in case of crusades.
Then comes, The Magna Carta, taxes again... the feudals, the church and the king.

Baa baa black sheep... anyone?

Yes, America!
And, the use of tyranny!
Taxation as Tyranny!
No Taxation without representation!
Tyranny thus could be the state in it's many powers and manifestations such as taxation or use of force/equation of it's capacity to project power on it's subjects in every sphere and people(in case of majoritarianism)...
A balance between government and its subjects.
It is not a direct democracy... Electoral college!

Taking it's power from people, as in, We the people... and structuring it in Executive, Legislative, Judicial...
It is therefore an entity taking it's charter from, for or of people. A people's entity thus formed that allows the same to others, religious/non religious, for and not for profit. As in an incorporated church, be it Catholic or Protestant as an entity on it's charter, un taxed, running ecclesiastical duties in spirituality, schooling or medicine etc.

In principle though protecting the moneyed class, by a process of replacing or reelecting individuals on moods of the plurality, while steering the state in any direction behind the scenes. The process so successful that it continues unabated... because the show must go on and showman ever enthusiastic and optimistic, as needed.

We come to the flip side of this very coin...
A for profit entity taking it's charter in Britain, for trade and commerce in East Indies, by the power of The King and The English Parliament.
Becoming military power and an administrative entity in East Indies defeating the Nawab and gaining authority to collect taxes!
It's charter included minting it's own coin, make treaties, hold territory, enact and enforce it's own laws and have troops.

Rule is by fiat, defecto passes to dejour!
It was and it is...
Or, so Thucydides wrote "the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must"

Than the corporate entity surrenders it's territories to the crown.

Let's pay a passing visit to The Young Turks as well and the urge for a constitution and a Parliament instead of an absolute Monarch.

I did start with the Papal states and it's nosedive to The Vatican itself is one of debt and taxation...

The Sovereigns
Kings, Priests, Corporations but most importantly the Lenders!

"GIVE me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws."

A prelude and context for further exploration on our current predicament.
For a more deliberated discourse...

Perhaps, for some to understand how and why we got here and if there is a recourse.

@Mangus Ortus Novem

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The Sovereigns

Qur'an [9:31]
They have taken their scholars and monks as lords besides Allah, and [also] the Messiah, the son of Mary. And they were not commanded except to worship one God; there is no deity except Him. Exalted is He above whatever they associate with Him.

— Saheeh International

Sovereigns that reign by fiat! Their reign ingrained by the constituent articles or constitution(s).

The modern context...

"One asks vicariously,
Emperor demands taxes from us...
"Give the emperor what belongs to the emperor, give God what belongs to God"
Mark [12:17]

The justification thus for a separation of church and state as some argue.

As Constantine became first Catholic Emperor and the Papal state established temporal powers... as in political and secular above the traditional spiritual and pastoral, of shepherding their flocks.
The state became one...
Pope could levy taxes, for example in case of crusades.
Then comes, The Magna Carta, taxes again... the feudals, the church and the king.

Baa baa black sheep... anyone?

Yes, America!
And, the use of tyranny!
Taxation as Tyranny!
No Taxation without representation!
Tyranny thus could be the state in it's many powers and manifestations such as taxation or use of force/equation of it's capacity to project power on it's subjects in every sphere and people(in case of majoritarianism)...
A balance between government and its subjects.
It is not a direct democracy... Electoral college!

Taking it's power from people, as in, We the people... and structuring it in Executive, Legislative, Judicial...
It is therefore an entity taking it's charter from, for or of people. A people's entity thus formed that allows the same to others, religious/non religious, for and not for profit. As in an incorporated church, be it Catholic or Protestant as an entity on it's charter, un taxed, running ecclesiastical duties in spirituality, schooling or medicine etc.

In principle though protecting the moneyed class, by a process of replacing or reelecting individuals on moods of the plurality, while steering the state in any direction behind the scenes. The process so successful that it continues unabated... because the show must go on and showman ever enthusiastic and optimistic, as needed.

We come to the flip side of this very coin...
A for profit entity taking it's charter in Britain, for trade and commerce in East Indies, by the power of The King and The English Parliament.
Becoming military power and an administrative entity in East Indies defeating the Nawab and gaining authority to collect taxes!
It's charter included minting it's own coin, make treaties, hold territory, enact and enforce it's own laws and have troops.

Rule is by fiat, defecto passes to dejour!
It was and it is...
Or, so Thucydides wrote "the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must"

Than the corporate entity surrenders it's territories to the crown.

Let's pay a passing visit to The Young Turks as well and the urge for a constitution and a Parliament instead of an absolute Monarch.

I did start with the Papal states and it's nosedive to The Vatican itself is one of debt and taxation...

The Sovereigns
Kings, Priests, Corporations but most importantly the Lenders!

"GIVE me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws."

A prelude and context for further exploration on our current predicament.
For a more deliberated discourse...

Perhaps, for some to understand how and why we got here and if there is a recourse.

@Mangus Ortus Novem


Excellent observation as always, PakBrother mine!

PyramidSchemers convine, plot... human scrafice continues... Incas are dead... but they are not really... just shape shifted... and by the numbers the New Incas have 100s of millions to their credit... hearts and limbs torn... children killed and famines induced.

The LittleGirl said she would complain to the Almighty and inform Him what they have done...

The Strong under Temporal Constituition devour the Weak.. and this shall continue... unabatted..

The God of Abrahim... is Merciful and Just.. however, the house of Abrahim is not... Sad really!

Tyrants and their little dark enterprises... keeping wealth among themselves... selling illusions... giving paper in return for Life...

The entire edifice is a giant pyramid scheme... a royal Phuck!

Iblis ki Majlis e Shura instead of the Order of Heaven... deciet and lies instead of Justice and Harmony!

Propaganda is what the Sapiens crave and get... they desire escape and illusions of freedom they get.

Thinking is the Hardest for the Sapiens... and their bloodlust is satisfied on the TeeVee...

Perversion of the Order of Heaven is achieved everywhere on this beautiful Earth... and all the Rights of Creation are taken... with absolute abandon...

Cry the Just... Laugh the Wicked!

End will be immense pain for the complacent and kind alike... for this Perversion of the Oder of Heaven is transient... whorshiping false idols of gold!

Kingdom of Heaven or The Mandate of Heaven

Qur'an [38:26]
"O David, indeed We have made you a successor upon the earth, so judge between the people in truth and do not follow [your own] desire, as it will lead you astray from the way of Allah." Indeed, those who go astray from the way of Allah will have a severe punishment for having forgotten the Day of Account".


"Mine is not a kingdom of this world". [John 18:36]

Deduction that made two what was one!
Taking it's mandate from the Almighty and thus Incorporating themselves in the "affairs of spirituality" thus became the purview or domain of the church. Further translated into patron saints...

This though is not the case for the kind of state but how different entities then use the fiat to milk people of their hard work and coin.

As observed earlier, the Sovereigns use fiat to obtain, retain or convey authority. Power to TAX!
Collecting tribute, selling indulgences or just interest on loan.
Umayyad saw their last day when people rose up against Kharaj... Rebellion that changed the regime, or the American revolution against Britain or the Shays rebellion, the first in the U.S. against debt... or the Vatican taking debt from Rothschilds...

It goes on and on mentioned and unmentioned... the ability to enterprise and authority to collect from masses.
Who does one take such authority from?
Therefore of minting coin, it's valuation or use as fiat.

All being said, it's adulterating impact on Islam... first as mentioned during Umayyads and then by "Saints" selling spirituality filling their bellies by promising to fill ones of their disciples. By later schools of thought on the mirror image of western incorporated churches forming themselves yet not executing on similar promises... format on Tarrikah and Incorporating as parallel entities in spirituality and tending to their flocks. Collecting from their disciples... as they saw others around them...
when Islam never ordained either!
The pulpit belonged(s) to the state!
But how can you run both when you separated what wasn't supposed to be...

Something interesting of note here is the case in point in South Asia... the groups that least embraced Islam were Brahmin and Khatri(As in Bania)... One sold hope and the other milked effort.

In this age all good, bad and contiguous compulsions is connected with ones urge to earn or book a coin. The riddle of our times...

It is therefore the one that controls money, it's supply and can rope most in... that runs the world. The thread that seeks to connect ALL in its currency is the one that rules all. The Sovereign‽


@Mangus Ortus Novem
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Kingdom of Heaven or The Mandate of Heaven

Qur'an [38:26]
"O David, indeed We have made you a successor upon the earth, so judge between the people in truth and do not follow [your own] desire, as it will lead you astray from the way of Allah." Indeed, those who go astray from the way of Allah will have a severe punishment for having forgotten the Day of Account".


"Mine is not a kingdom of this word". [John 18:36]

Deduction that made two what was one!
Taking it's mandate from the Almighty and thus Incorporating themselves in the "affairs of spirituality" thus became the purview or domain of the church. Further translated into patron saints...

This though is not the case for the kind of state but how different entities then use the fiat to milk people of their hard work and coin.

As observed earlier, the Sovereigns use fiat to obtain, retain or convey authority. Power to TAX!
Collecting tribute, selling indulgences or just interest on loan.
Umayyad saw their last day when people rose up against Kharaj... Rebellion that changed the regime, or the American revolution against Britain or the Shays rebellion, the first in the U.S. against debt... or the Vatican taking debt from Rothschilds...

It goes on and on mentioned and unmentioned... the ability to enterprise and authority to collect from masses.
Who does one take such authority from?
Therefore of minting coin, it's valuation or use as fiat.

All being said, it's adulterating impact on Islam... first as mentioned during Umayyads and then by "Saints" selling spirituality filling their bellies by promising to fill ones of their disciples. By later schools of thought on the mirror image of western incorporated churches forming themselves yet not executing on similar promises... format on Tarrikah and Incorporating as parallel entities in spirituality and tending to their flocks. Collecting from their disciples... as they saw others around them...
when Islam never ordained either!
The pulpit belonged(s) to the state!
But how can you run both when you separated what wasn't supposed to be...

Something interesting of note here is the case in point in South Asia... the groups that least embraced Islam were Brahmin and Khatri(As in Bania)... One sold hope and the other milked effort.

In this age all good, bad and contiguous compulsions is connected with ones urge to earn or book a coin. The riddle of our times...

It is therefore the one that controls money, it's supply and can rope most in... that runs the world. The thread that seeks to connect ALL in its currency is the one that rules all. The Sovereign‽


@Mangus Ortus Novem

PakBrother mine,

God for Love!
God for Power!
God for Money!

Somehow, your post made think about Saul (Paul) letter in Romans... "We fight not flesh and blood... but principalities... rulers of Darkness...."

Quite an interesting passage...

PakBrother mine,

God for Love!
God for Power!
God for Money!

Somehow, your post made think about Saul (Paul) letter in Romans... "We fight not flesh and blood... but principalities... rulers of Darkness...."

Quite an interesting passage...


An exercise in exploring the matrix...

Sapping energy of gathering the thoughts, a flawed synthesis and hence the result, though still cathartic ... not always intended and always imprecise.
Intention, however is to do justice with the rendering, though constraints in recollecting all thoughts and limit in expressions precludes the quality of submission and therefore what it denotes.

Which is why I'm always interested in associated tangents. It only widens the horizon.
Intention, however is to do justice with the rendering, though constraints in recollecting all thoughts and limit in expressions precludes the quality of submission and therefore what it denotes.

And this is how ThoughtPillars grow!

Sometimes it is handy to have an overall ThoughtArchitecture in Mind ... it does help to Create a ThoughtPalace... not that dissimilar to MemoryPalace... though one is fundamentally different from the other... they do complement eachother... Paradox is our ally!

Or another approach...perhaps... sowing Seeds of Thoughts... tending some with great care while letting others fend for themselves with benign neglect.
This process requires a degree of detachment... studied detachment.

Again Paradox is an ally!

Which is why I'm always interested in associated tangents. It only widens the horizon.

In such an approach, perhaps, it is valuable to allow amusement to be an enabling element... helps the Mind to Wander with ease.

Regardless, what is critical is Mind's Exercising with proper nourishment...be it art, musice, architecture or literature of all kinds... feeding the Machine as it were... though Mind is NOT a completely Rational Being. Yes, a Being!

Looking forward to more expositions from you!

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Slavery Never Ended!

Humans are naturally pragmatic, positively inclined and adaptive... it is a favor and a curse.

Buying individuals to do your deed is the end goal isn't it? But they're not always willing aides ... done it right could provide limitless resource!

Problem, solution!

Trial and error... learning from past experience.
Every natural human instinct and response must be studied... to use it against them!
To compel, to coerce!
Masses must be tuned...
Right phrases and right words... coinage.
Masses must not only accept but be willing to, in fact, eager to work for the few, for their behest and their profits... they must accept the misery, the bottom rung for a slightest chance and "hope" to step up the rank(s)...

Human instincts became human handicaps... people were predictable... they'll follow man made rules for the perch they were endowed. It turned out all would be loyal and eager... if more were made house nigers and those outside "believed" ... they had a chance!

Slavery became incorporated...
Humans became Human Resources... cultivated, manipulated and coerced.
Eager and willing to do the biding, suffering sleepless nights, missing personal and familial goals, events, love even purpose...
Freedom without purpose leads humans stray... back to slavery!
Humanity seeks the Golden Calf and value when there is none. Therefore, meanings must be subverted... alternate purpose and alternate success... It must be repeated ad nauseum!

Slavery it is then... incorporated and franchised! For your paycheck you must also be coerced into changing your dos and don'ts, rearrange your beliefs according to your employer, control your speech and dress as desired... Live the most meaningful part of your day and form your routines around your work! You are a drone and if you behaved nicely, spent enough time and were profitable to your employer they may allow you a pension, or not... they can just go belly up and take away what you thought was yours and perhaps why you went through the grind and grief.
Productivity, jobs, employment, career and benefits are key words ...
Your parents already made you a willing slave... by orienting your life from get-go around future plans for a job... so you must go through the pains and orientation through the school, learn to obey authority and when the day comes show up for an interview...
When asked, Tell us what is your biggest weakness? ... go on and on about your obsession with details, loyalty/fealty, punctuality and obsession with hygiene, neatness so on and so forth.

You are demonstrating your fealty and submission!!!
A master and slave relationship. You are owned! And if you disobey, you're let go... you not only work for their profits but act, behave and orient your life accordingly... as told!
Better you perform, better perks... bonuses even!
Capitalism wants masses to work for a few... catch being that all think they're in line to become, "the few".
Play loto?
Communism in pursuit of egality and equal distribution of cost, takes away personal will to endeavor.

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Kingdom of Heaven or The Mandate of Heaven

Qur'an [38:26]
"O David, indeed We have made you a successor upon the earth, so judge between the people in truth and do not follow [your own] desire, as it will lead you astray from the way of Allah." Indeed, those who go astray from the way of Allah will have a severe punishment for having forgotten the Day of Account".


"Mine is not a kingdom of this world". [John 18:36]

Deduction that made two what was one!
Taking it's mandate from the Almighty and thus Incorporating themselves in the "affairs of spirituality" thus became the purview or domain of the church. Further translated into patron saints...

This though is not the case for the kind of state but how different entities then use the fiat to milk people of their hard work and coin.

As observed earlier, the Sovereigns use fiat to obtain, retain or convey authority. Power to TAX!
Collecting tribute, selling indulgences or just interest on loan.
Umayyad saw their last day when people rose up against Kharaj... Rebellion that changed the regime, or the American revolution against Britain or the Shays rebellion, the first in the U.S. against debt... or the Vatican taking debt from Rothschilds...

It goes on and on mentioned and unmentioned... the ability to enterprise and authority to collect from masses.
Who does one take such authority from?
Therefore of minting coin, it's valuation or use as fiat.

All being said, it's adulterating impact on Islam... first as mentioned during Umayyads and then by "Saints" selling spirituality filling their bellies by promising to fill ones of their disciples. By later schools of thought on the mirror image of western incorporated churches forming themselves yet not executing on similar promises... format on Tarrikah and Incorporating as parallel entities in spirituality and tending to their flocks. Collecting from their disciples... as they saw others around them...
when Islam never ordained either!
The pulpit belonged(s) to the state!
But how can you run both when you separated what wasn't supposed to be...

Something interesting of note here is the case in point in South Asia... the groups that least embraced Islam were Brahmin and Khatri(As in Bania)... One sold hope and the other milked effort.

In this age all good, bad and contiguous compulsions is connected with ones urge to earn or book a coin. The riddle of our times...

It is therefore the one that controls money, it's supply and can rope most in... that runs the world. The thread that seeks to connect ALL in its currency is the one that rules all. The Sovereign‽


@Mangus Ortus Novem

A throne usurped...

The universe is calculating, impartial, follows laws, has a pattern and it's equations predictable.
Conscience is not!
It is an added-value and so are it's byproducts.
For a conscientious being it is therefore impossible to remain neutral, it is adamant, judging and therefore judged!

It's representation must therefore have positive impact... which is why it's governance cannot be on a spectrum of ideologies, causes, facts and fictions. It must be resolute and adamant.
David's(A.S) throne has been usurped by pretender(s). They give it credence through John 18:36.
It is not the mandate of Almighty... it represents corruption!
Democracy is impersonal and therefore unrepresentative. It is based on rhetoric and crowd sourcing... a platform of lost ideologies.

Objectification and collaring of faith and trapping it in a separate bubble has brought about the current paradigm. Aimless masses wandering and finding reason, meaning and truth. Those with this bloated pedestal only using it to rile masses and causing friction from their faction in contrast to others... in the sole pursuit to exist as beneficiaries of the said entity irrespective of its merit ...

The paradigm that plays in Muslim states, such as Pakistan where pulpit has been incorporated by denominations each calling the other apostate is exactly doing what they're supposed to... playing fealty to their respective bubbles and staying in business by keeping their clientele loyal... delving primarily on distinctions!

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Divide What, Rule Who?

Natural and unnatural affection... A love ingrained and innate and another coerced. It is perhaps a universal trait among all species to look after its offspring and provide... Humans often spend lifetimes in support and comfort of their children. All that is real though... that affection and selflessness is leveraged for the unnatural.

Remember he who pays you owns you...
it could be state, corporate or individual.

Evil is childless, it wants your's! Volunteers and mercenaries, welcome.

How better than the levers to run the gambit be all those... pawns of the system, yet not devoid of their innate nature. So, when individuals vote for an individual as their representative, they expect falsely, that, that individual will preclude his/her innate nature as they the voter in fact did!
How than can you blame a politician, who keeps both ends connected... that is knows who pays him and how he should or must keep the interests of his self and progeny. To establish them better or more comfortable than himself.
The politician looks after himself, voter doesn't... the mirage of democracy that bestows power and authority over oneself to a complete stranger... whose priorities do not align... it is therefore about ideologies and they are inherently not representative, they align... often temporarily.
Political parties act like cartels, their sole purpose keeping masses engaged often with wedge issues that seldom impact individual in their daily personal life.

Modern covenant is financial and every aspect or trade a transaction. A carrots and sticks approach of herding masses through repetition or ritualizing the grind, false sense of priority/purpose, redefining success and coercing/using primal instincts as controls that direct decision making process in every step of the way. The "choice" thus of running behind reclusive political goals and elusive financial ones is termed "FREEDOM".

The resultant product is aimlessly following fleeting political goals and working till death.

The point here is not to go on and on but driving the point home in as little as possible.


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Not God's promise, Not God's money!

Define prosperity...
Everyone may have a certain definition of it... the one that matters however is the one that controls your pocket... that governs your emotions, time and effort ... worth and success!

God's endless bounty is leveraged by some to harness the worth and value of human endeavor. The currency of day to day transaction, it's value, flow and availability is controlled by power other than the Almighty. And that runs your days, endeavors, blood and sweat.

This control over human effort has brought about the modern paradigm, movers and shakers and wealth of individuals. Classes/classification of poor and rich... worth of their travails.

Who do YOU work for?

To state or not to state,

Purpose built structures for effective use of human labor in harnessing a resource, chartered and authorized under a set jurisdiction.

Until they became indispensable in using human capital. For profit enterprise usurped humanity for capital gain and exploitation of resources. Numbers became nemesis of humanity.
And corporations took control!
Today a state is merely an arbiter in exploitation between humans and inanimate resource. Politicians an intermediary, providing both, people and resources, to cultivar, a for profit entity. People and resource management is top down in designated borders. Only corporations exist beyond... people still stick to their old ideals, tribes and faith. States and corporations harness them...
They even devise beliefs... prosperity gospel anyone? Beehive cookie-cutter residencies, homes for cattle, devoid of community or culture... manicured yards for optics, valuation and pedigree. In this jungle all are dependent... purposefully so, state being the only arbiter... only one to make the circle go round.

It is purely purposeful thus that modern systems of governance devised lately, democracy, communism, capitalism are all centered around the principles of harnessing humans and resources. Therefore, there is no "them" in let "them" decide. It is not coincidental but by default as the success of original company towns, colonies and plantations. It's success simultaneously reflected in Human Resource management, from slavery to indentured labor and it's progress to this day. The for profit enterprise managed all, Humans were in fact easy, it seems than cattle, they'd work endlessly if properly motivated. Word, comprehension, reason(even if lacking) became nemesis. Turned out with just enough vocals, substantiation or validation anything could be bequeathed.

So, all must run... yes just like Mario... fast as you can and collect those coins... preset as they are and just like the game... meaningless, or only as meaningful as, let... imagined!
Corporation, the inanimate, directs evolution and culture... painful as it is... childless as it is...
Gets the needed to keep rolling... your culture, ancestors, land? Meaningless!
You travel for it and it recruits you! You submit to it!
It will get it's way...
It is synthetic and systematic, Humans are naturally erroneous and deficient.
The inanimate is a product of calculations... numeric!
It doesn't see gender, nor pain... you don't, won't or can't?
Too onerous an ordeal?
It will get it's babies, it's way!
You will be history, it marches on!

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