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Charsadda Attack: Did Indian Defence Minister threaten Pakistan?

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If so, what are you gonna do about it? You attack us, we do the same to you as retribution. That's par for the course, right? Stop bellyaching! After all, the days of turning the other cheek are gone!

As the saying goes: Do unto others what they do unto you! Period!

we will not attack you dear we know indians is already having mess on name of freedom fighters and hindu extremists who kills people on name of beef lol
Still b!tching on this forum. What happened to your meeting. Obsessed with Pakistan and Pakistanis like rest of your country?

Well you have a choice.. Ignore me.. and get going... the fact that you are following me tells me that whatever I am writing here is touching a raw nerve with you...
Withoud a shred of doubt...Who funded these TTP scum? From where they so much sophisticated weapons? Indian RAW..We should do the same to them..Enough is Enough...!
I must say due to what I have seen personally and the timing of the attack/attacks point to something like big and ugly foreign support and patronage to the Taliban. A man I knew had arrested atleast a 100 raw agents in the city of Karachi alone. India has a crucial role in the strife that occupies Pakistan today. This is not blame-the terrorists are a local problem and these jihadi types from the beginning did not even want Pakistan to be formed-most particularly because Jinnah was a shia and there is a jihadi mindset in our socities-but it does require foreign funding and support.

But the ideology and the beliefs are all jihadi and terrorist. The ones controlling them could be Indians and Americans sitting in high walled mansions.

A simple example from an old article when Fazlullah was ravaging Swat:
A Pakistani constable makes about $80 a month, compared with about $170 for a Taliban foot soldier, Khan said.

Even in death, militants do better than the Pakistani police. Militant groups pay more than $20,000 to the families of suicide bombers, compared with $6,000 given to a policeman's survivor, Khan said.

Source: AP IMPACT: Pakistan police losing terrorism fight

So where is this money coming from other than kidnapping for ransom, bank heists and extortion. These are the known causes. Who supplying them and helping them out monetarily because these means are not enough for them to pay 8000 Swat Taliban let alone the 40,000 total militants at that time. I mean just compare $170x8000=1.36 Million $. Can any group so illiterate and jahil as the taliban gain this much money? We are not even counting the non swat taliban here or the cost of weapons and fertilizer for bomb making. So I do believe there is some form of advocacy and support the Taliban are receiving from a hostile foreign intelligence.

I don't see why we can't take out the sponsors like US did with Laden (if its true) or why we can't repeat the victory in Swat. Although there have been killings of elders in Swat including the Malala case after the success of Black Thunderstorm the area is under control of the army and people are much safer. We need to replicate this victory, a shallow one for the entire country.
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If so, what are you gonna do about it? You attack us, we do the same to you as retribution. That's par for the course, right? Stop bellyaching! After all, the days of turning the other cheek are gone!

As the saying goes: Do unto others what they do unto you! Period!

Have a nice day! :-)
then accept the responsibility.
i dont know what our armed forces doing they should come forward and bomb indian consulates in aghanistan and kick out these scum bags from the area

Do you know bombing Indian consulates in Afghanistan will be an act of war against india???
The most pathetic and coward country of world is Endia...Bullying small countries from NP to SL and sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan...Payback will be given to endiots one way or another...!
that SOB involved pakistanis over the patahnkot incident and killing pakistani childrens in univerisites and schools now no wonder indians are piece of Sh*t on this planet

Aw he did not threaten this. Troll post and flaming starts
No question about it. India has a history of sponsoring terror attacks on Pakistani soil through various means and they don't hide their cowardly designs under a rug so to speak. Indian involvement in this attack cannot be ruled out. Let's wait for the investigations to conclude. I'm quite sure Indian hand is involved.
It happened very close to Pathankot attack. IT seems this attack was a retaliation.

Although Pathankot attack not proved Pakistan did it, Indian media knew it was Pakistan while attack was still not happening. Pakistan would not be so foolish to make the attack so obvious that Indian media will know right away. Having said this, there seems to be a relationship between the attack in India and the one in Pakistan today.

How about jacka$$es on either side who do not want peace? And looking at the troll fest developing here ... they have achieved the objectives. Bloody dastardly act - the attack on the university. There is no two ways about it.
If so, what are you gonna do about it? You attack us, we do the same to you as retribution. That's par for the course, right? Stop bellyaching! After all, the days of turning the other cheek are gone!

As the saying goes: Do unto others what they do unto you! Period!

Have a nice day! :-)

So you are going to kill students and teachers, good show your true face Indians.
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