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Chanoykkyo war tacts in Bangladesh: Bluff, damage & dominate.


Nov 3, 2008
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Monday April 27 2009 19:58:07 PM BDT

BY Abu Zafar Mahmood

India plays double face policy and it`s mobilisations have been distabilising the entire power structures in Bangladesh.They show freindly attitude in one face and arrange savotage in other face.This is Chanoykkyo tactics.Now, Ms Sheikh Hasina Wazed is empowered with stunned result in 29th December election process as she agreed to execute India-Israel`s plan of Indian expansion on Bangladesh supporting to make it a buffer state to India.CIA could be in it too,nothing surprise.

Indian Army Cheif General J J Singh spoke openly in November 23rd,2005 that they are following the tactics of Chanoykkyo policy of Hindu Mythology -"Bluff,damage enemies and Conquer" which was published widely in Indian news papers.He was explaining the Interests and goals of Indian Military power with the aim to be a super power.Indian Army adopting this policy to prioritise bluffing tactics in their war technologies in Bangladesh and almost have reached in goal and have advanced Bangladesh turning a buffer state to India.

The present Army Cheif General Deepak Kapoor was keeping eyes on their commando`s operation in Pheelkhana.Assassination of Army officers done and Indian commandoes hided safe.Then his announcement of dramatic words were published in the newspapers and involved to support in reorganizing Bangladesh Rifles as Indian design with the clearance of Hasina govt.

Air Vice Marshall Ziaur Rahman is sent to India.He is known as pro-Indian officer who is honored to a high ranking delegate.The Defense Minister A.K.Antony,Naval Cheif Admiral Suresh Mehta,Army Cheif General Deepak Kapoor will teach him accurately as he has schedule to met.The arrangements of exceptinal enjoyments and gifts are kept ready in Indian style.India is ready for pushing sell their Advanced war helicopters,defense ecquipments and to assist building warships to Bangladesh.

Information got from Journalist Vivek Raghuvanshi`s news in Defense news website points out with naming the source of Indian defense ministry officials.

As the report says Indian Defense Ministry concerns about last two years Chinese weapons supply to Bangladesh.Where it included artillary systems,Combat aircraft and Small arms.China already built a military base in Coco Islands,leased from Burma(Myanmar),near Indian Andamaan islands,close to Orissa prodesh in Eastern part of India.

Last two years there was no political party government in Bangladesh.A care taker Govt did role the country by Military backing.At the last part of those days Sheikh Hasina and Khaleda Zia were pushed in Special Jails according to Indo-Israel master plan.

Now, Ms Sheikh Hasina Wazed is empowered with stunned result in 29th December election process as she agreed to execute India-Israel`s plan of Indian expansion on Bangladesh supporting to make it a buffer state to India.CIA could be in it too,nothing surprise.

As because Bangladesh is an Independent Muslim based country which region became EastPakistan in1947 at the time of breaking British-India through Hindu Muslim communal riot.Easily the expansion of 9/11 strategy is on the way to be attempted in here.Analysts many more arguements show it`s a brilliant step of including Ctg Hilltracts and Bay of Bengal under Indian Dominion which Jawhar lal Neheru could not execute in his life time.Congress and other expansionists are jointly finishing their foreparent`s aim on Bangladesh.

So,we freedom fighters beleive that the primary war strategy on Bangladesh was started engaging us of fighting each other and keep divide in 1971 during Bangladesh liberation war.Now Islamic Muslims and non-Islamic muslims cryteria cards are being played in cultural and political area to strengthen the pro-Indians.The aim is simple and clear.Divide,Bluff and Damage Bangladeshis.

At the same time isolating Bangladesh from the Muslim states of the World.Sheikh Hasina returned from Saudi Arabia not getting any treaty with them rather degesting hard approach from Saudi King.Nine millions of Dollar`s visit and Chartered plain and her categories of Ministers,family members,relatives, v v i p`s servants returned home with bluffing the entire nation.Her assignment for saving the Indian interests are at the exchange of downing Bangladesh,no matter what.

Under the global might competitions Bangladesh is one war-targeted region.Indian ARIAN BRAHMIN leadership has been playing it`s traditional communal fanatic card here.They have their best choice of using Sheikh Hasina`s family and their political party-Awami league in savotaging from inside the country.The 1/11 in Bangladesh could have connections or similarities of goal with the 9/11 in United States of America.Atleast the Arians are utilizing that spirit.India needs the isolation of Bangladesh from China and Pakistan to have this Muslim zone easy to crush down.

Sheikh Hasina was ready to accept the Indian invasion if any BDR-Army fight would go through.Indian foreign minister Pronob Mukherjee announced on air their preparation of invading Bangladesh.A plan of assassinating top political leaders also missed as the BDR or Army controlled their emotions with professional practice.However RAW`s bluff is clear to many.I think they overplayed even CIA and Mossad at that cruel attempt.Indian Intelligence spared none.They bluffed United States also.Why Sunita paul disclosed all of pro-Indian politicians connections in Pheelkhana massagre?Differences might be broken out among these intelligence`s interests.However,it`s a star to star game.

Mossad linked to 9/11 attacks: Report

New found information has implicated the Israeli Intelligence agency Mossad in the staging of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. According to a recent article published in the American Free Press weekly, the revelation that the cousin of alleged 9/11 hijacker Ziad al-Jarrah was in fact working as a longtime Mossad agent is proof that Israel had a hand in the terror attacks on US soil.

The New York Times recently reported that Lebanese national Ali al-Jarrah, a supposedly earnest Palestinian supporter, had been actually working as a highly valued spy for Israel over the past two decades. Al-Jarrah reportedly admitted that he had been conducting covert espionage activities against Palestinian groups and the Lebanese Hezbollah since 1983.

"It is not the family's first brush with notoriety. One of Mr. Jarrah's cousins, Ziad al-Jarrah, was among the 19 hijackers who carried out the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001," said the Times. His connections with one of the key masterminds of the terror attacks have fueled speculations about Israel's recruitment of people claiming to be Muslims as undercover assets.

Israeli connections to 9/11, according to the New York Times, can be traced back to the five 'dancing Israelis' who were witnessed jumping and high-fiving with shouts of 'joy and mockery' as Flight 11 and Flight 175 slammed into the World Trade Center in New York. The Israelis were reportedly held in custody for 71 days before being quietly released after they were suspected of being Mossad agents.

Citing two former CIA operatives, the Forward weekly then reported that at least two of the detained Israelis were found to be members of a Mossad surveillance team. "There was no question but that [the order to close down the investigation] came from the White House. It was immediately assumed at CIA headquarters that this basically was going to be a cover-up so that the Israelis would not be implicated in any way in 9/11," the weekly stated. At least 2,970 people died on the morning of September 11, most of whom were civilians.

Former Italian prime minister Francesco Cossiga has touched on the issue, suggesting that the events of 9/11 were none other than a CIA-Mossad inside job. "All the [intelligence services] of America and Europe ... now know well that the disastrous attack has been planned by the CIA and the Mossad in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part ... in Iraq [and] Afghanistan, " the Italian ex-premier was quoted by Corriere della Sera as saying ( http://www.american freepress. net/html/ 9-11_solved118. html )

His argument was further strengthened by leaked reports that employees of Israeli telecom firm Odigo -- which provides instant messaging services -- received a warning two hours before the attacks on the World Trade Towers and forewarned Jews to stay away from work that day. Odigo headquarters is situated 2 blocks away from the former location of the World Trade Towers.

http://www.presstv. ir/detail. aspx?id=87982&sectionid=3510203

Ms Crystina is a daughter of Jewish mother and Indian non-muslim father? If so,though lot of sources confirmed from Washington DC and Delhi it`s genuinity with yes in 2003,it came beleiveable.She is the honorable wife and diplomatic guider of Sajib wajed Joy,the only beloved son of Sheikh Hasina Wajed.Then So what? If the MOSSAD and RAW take over the entire controll of dominating Bangladesh to surrender it`s integrity and turn into Buffer State of India.Nothing unlikely.The deputy director of Mossad is assigned also for taking necessary steps and to train his brother-in-law S W Joy thus may take over the controll of the country within no more then 2012.

The power gambling entered in crucial and risky field.India`s attention on Bangladesh foreign remittances is another target.Their preparations are set up to divert the remmitance flow to Bangladesh through the State Bank of India.Some of the Bangladesh Govt`s high officials,powerful leaders and ministers are connected in this gambling,so far the sources confirmed.The Indian intelligence operatives are seriously backing on it.

Another chankiya lover, well Communist is gonna love this.

Anywaz, back to the topic, i never would understand why india has to play all rounder every time, someone should tell her that she still has a long way to go before it reaches the point at which she can dictate to others.

No wonder indian ministers complain of being surrounded b 3 foes.
Anywaz, back to the topic, i never would understand why india has to play all rounder every time, someone should tell her that she still has a long way to go before it reaches the point at which she can dictate to others.

Please don't rack your cell's. The author certainly didn't ... "Mossad linked to 9/11" .. Spare us your bilge please.
Please don't rack your cell's. The author certainly didn't ... "Mossad linked to 9/11" .. Spare us your bilge please.

Oh..the truth bites back!

Well why dont you stop bothering me add something to the thread instead?
The Chankya diplomacy India is doing along with Mossad and RAW operatives must be met with similar diplomacy. In order to defeat a Chankya, one needs to be another Chankya. In diplomacy, no honesty, no modesty, no nonsense like that. Just do it type professionalism.

Under the global might competitions Bangladesh is one war-targeted region.Indian ARIAN BRAHMIN leadership has been playing it`s traditional communal fanatic card here.They have their best choice of using Sheikh Hasina`s family and their political party-Awami league in savotaging from inside the country.The 1/11 in Bangladesh could have connections or similarities of goal with the 9/11 in United States of America.Atleast the Arians are utilizing that spirit.India needs the isolation of Bangladesh from China and Pakistan to have this Muslim zone easy to crush down.

Sheikh Hasina was ready to accept the Indian invasion if any BDR-Army fight would go through.Indian foreign minister Pronob Mukherjee announced on air their preparation of invading Bangladesh.A plan of assassinating top political leaders also missed as the BDR or Army controlled their emotions with professional practice.However RAW`s bluff is clear to many.I think they overplayed even CIA and Mossad at that cruel attempt.Indian Intelligence spared none.They bluffed United States also.Why Sunita paul disclosed all of pro-Indian politicians connections in Pheelkhana massagre?Differences might be broken out among these intelligence`s interests.However,it`s a star to star game.

The entire argument of this "article" is that since India is "ARIAN BRAHMIN" it wants to crush "this Muslim zone". Can anyone properly explain to me how anyone can believe this tripe? Why on earth would India want to invade Bangladesh? How is it even logical?

Of course, i should probably not expect logic from someone who can't even properly frame a sentence as the article demonstrates, but can anyone in this forum explain to me why Indian "fascists" would want to invade Bangladesh?
i can only laugh!!!! you know they learn one new word from india and the word becomes india's treachery to its neigbours...... here the word is "chanakya "-diplomacy ........has any one even read arthasasthra? . looks like any one can make up their own theories , publish them and call himself a journalist and he gets respected. how do these people get such crap? do they have spies inside mossad and raw ? then this would be like infiltrating highly trained mossad and the over-rated -raw??????????????? this is unbelievable .it would be better if a journalist reports news rather than theories......
ione even read arthasasthra? . looks like any one can make up their own theories , publish them and call himself a journalist and he gets respected. how do these people get such crap? do they have spies inside mossad and raw ? then this would be like infiltrating highly trained mossad and the over-rated -raw??????????????? this is unbelievable .it would be better if a journalist reports news rather than theories......

I have read the arthsasthra and RAW is not over rated. They do somethings exceptionally well such as sabotage, propagnda and infiltration but are hopeless at others such as predicting attacks within their own country. I think this shows where RAW is most focused.
I have read the arthsasthra and RAW is not over rated. They do somethings exceptionally well such as sabotage, propagnda and infiltration but are hopeless at others such as predicting attacks within their own country. I think this shows where RAW is most focused.

here he goes again , the self proclaimed author of conspiracy theories........
do you know the raw has installed a new spy cam and a electronic olfactory sensors in your toilet .

p.s. i have inside information from raw:whistle:
here he goes again , the self proclaimed author of conspiracy theories........
do you know the raw has installed a new spy cam and a electronic olfactory sensors in your toilet .

p.s. i have inside information from raw:whistle:

What can you say? He is MBI, whatever that means. I will be surprised if he did not bring something in this thread, which he has in every thread. I am not going to say what it is, what if you been aroung here for for while, you already know.
Just for the record, I do not want to that footage
here he goes again , the self proclaimed author of conspiracy theories........
do you know the raw has installed a new spy cam and a electronic olfactory sensors in your toilet .

p.s. i have inside information from raw:whistle:

You just do not have the educational eligibility to join the RAW. And RAW officials do not have extra time to surf internet for time pass. Got the point?
If you read Al Zakirs post carefully and also analyse MBI munishis post , a new reality is beginning to dawn.

A very clear faultline in Bangladesh, between hardcore Islamists , an anti Hasina or AL formation and the more secular AL .

This has the potential to destabilise Bangladesh and the region as a whole !
There is a pathological hatred of the AL amongst this group, more than hatred of India or love of extreme islamic idealogy !

This fissure will become a tremor which might become a devastating earthquack that will surely make Bangladesh as unstable as FATA !

India , even with its most extremists Hindus do not exhibit this tendancies where they hate the PM or any political party.

India should ramp up its North East regions and should have contingency policies in regard to Bangladesh.
Let it not sleep on the job and realise the trouble when trouble starts !!
India should ramp up its North East regions and should have contingency policies in regard to Bangladesh.
Let it not sleep on the job and realise the trouble when trouble starts !!

Would you please explain these lines?
You just do not have the educational eligibility to join the RAW. And RAW officials do not have extra time to surf internet for time pass. Got the point?

when did i say that i joined the raw , i said i had inside information from raw, lol , when MBI- A BANGLADESHI CAN HAVE SO MUCH INFORMATION ABOUT RAW , WHY NOT ME- A INDIAN
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