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Changes in TDF section

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Oct 3, 2005
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United States
The TDF section isn't what it was used to be. Unfortunately, the moderation in previous months was too strict where members were unable to interact with each other. Lack of defence threads for Turkey was also an issue. This led to the section being non serious chit chat type section. We have now taken steps to fix this.

1) Improved moderation to only target terrorist sympathizers.
2) More freedom for discussions on Turkish issues.
3) Section open to members from Greece etc.

In the mean time we will find a moderator for this section who can "let members discuss" without fear of being banned.

With all due respect, i don't think the problem of "decreased activity" was ever Neptune's fault.

In the past months, we had heated issues like. "Syria downing our jet, Israel vs Turkey threads, PKK attacks, Gezi park protests"

Now all cooled down in Turkey and we have no more heated subjects thus activity decreased.
But the section was never closed to any nationality, even a terror sympathiser posted here and we has discussions with him in civilised manner as long as he didnt do his usual propaganda.
Why Greece ? This will make the TDF Section more to an Flamesection than the actually Problems.

There are no members from Greece, here in PDF. I couldn't understand webby.
What has happened ? I've been hearing about something gone wrong for the past 2 days ! :hitwall:

Is this an Political Section of Turkey or Defence related Section ? I mean Neptune has opened an Section for National and Political etc.

Why then we had here Members who are opening new Threads of Political and Nationals Issues here on the "Turkish Defence Section " of PDF ? I see on this Topics nothing that has one thing with Defence !!!

If Neptune has warn these Members or give them some Infractions then he has do nothing Wrong !
Neptune is just upset because can't be a mod anymore

We the management do the best job we can when dealing with moderation issues along with handling our professional lives and then more importantly spend time with family and friends.

Just because there is a delay in banning a member you dont resign.

Anyways, we have dealt with the issue and will try to do a better job.

I would like to thanks all the Turkish members who have been patient.

Understand that we have Iran-Saudi, Chinese-Indian, Pak-Indian, BD-Indian issues to deal with.

Feel free to discuss all issues regarding Turkey like before not just military. We will sticky military topics and work with seniors like cabalti for a better forum.

Wait so anti-Turk terrorist sympathizers get banned but you got loons who openly support terrorists like MQM and TTP on this forum who don't face the same auto ban. o_O
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