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Change "Thank" to "Like"

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^^ Yahoo has a thumbs up and thumbs down button on their posts....

I just suggested to add Like as a friendly recommendation :)
I hope it is eliminated completely!

Yes, it is not a popularity contest!

Some people take the count of thanks too seriously and that may even modify the posting behavior for some...
Imagine There is an update on bomb blast and members thanks to person for giving the update... Would you rather be happy to "like" that update for bomb blast?

Is there a chance to have both options?

As in you would "like" a photo, a witty one-liner and "thank" would be used on the more complex opinions, replies into which considerable thought was put in or when you actually learned something new.

Also i agree there should not be a "dislike" button, as it would lead to a slug fest.

Just a suggestion....
Thanks buttons is more professional to this Defence forum, we don't need LIKES copy from the fb, too many trollings.

Please keep Thanks buttons!
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