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Change of govt in Islamabad won’t affect CPEC: China

You should read between the lines. :D

Chinese are making investments. Chinese are saying something in between the lines. Chinese are whistling in the dark. Let them say it openly to save CPEC :D

Who is teaching you all this non sense?

Chinese were working on Pakistani section of KKH back in 60s as well. Here is the graveyard in Pakistan of those Chinese worker who died back then while building KKH.

You mean to say that China funded whole KKH ? :o:

Well Well and everyone thought that 1960s was the era when Pakistan was much richer than China. We expected that Pakistan would have paid for at least her side of the highway to the poor chinese labourers who helped building it.

Thanks for letting us know that KKH was a gift from China. But I still feel that Pakistan built their side of KKH from their own pocket.
Chinese are making investments. Chinese are saying something in between the lines. Chinese are whistling in the dark. Let them say it openly to save CPEC :D

They need to need to say anything, you in India will keep on guessing, while we march on with CPEC . :D

You mean to say that China funded whole KKH ? :o:

Well Well and everyone thought that 1960s was the era when Pakistan was much richer than China. We expected that Pakistan would have paid for at least her side of the highway to the poor chinese labourers who helped building it.

Thanks for letting us know that KKH was a gift from China. But I still feel that Pakistan built their side of KKH from their own pocket.

No, I just make you look silly. Thats all it is. Enjoy!
You need to re-read what you have posted.

Is India doing any development or it is just propaganda which you will find useful later on. :p:

I know what I have posted. Perhaps you should start checking independent sources to verify what you post. It is the propaganda of your criminal govt which makes you believe that the people of Kashmir would ever accept Indian hegemony. So the little infrastructure that Hindustan has built for its military will be useful when Kashmir gets rid of this pathetic Hindustani army.
You mean to say that China funded whole KKH ? :o:

Well Well and everyone thought that 1960s was the era when Pakistan was much richer than China. We expected that Pakistan would have paid for at least her side of the highway to the poor chinese labourers who helped building it.

Thanks for letting us know that KKH was a gift from China. But I still feel that Pakistan built their side of KKH from their own pocket.

ridiculous mental gymnastics

Just answer his question, why the idiotic concerns now and not earlier.
Those showing these flags are earning some pocket change. But we can stop it any time just by using the same tactics which have been employed in Balochistan to contain any dissidence

This notion of those protests being the work of paid agents is laughably stupid. If it were so, it is remarkable that your Hindustani army chief had to warn the people of Kashmir against protecting the freedom fighters and stop breaking up military operations in spite of risk to their lives.

If these are tactics, Modi and Doval would've applied them by now. Instead, Hindustan has got its dumb spy locked up in Pakistan. This is the propaganda that you fall for. Wake up son.

But you must keep your provinces together to celebrate that moment. Your politicians are pulling your states in different direction. anyways Best of luck. hope you live long enough to cherish that moment :enjoy:


Hindustan needs this luck more than Pakistan. It is an unnatural country that will only find peace in pieces.
No, I just make you look silly. Thats all it is. Enjoy!
Someone do look silly and enjoying
I know what I have posted. Perhaps you should start checking independent sources to verify what you post. It is the propaganda of your criminal govt which makes you believe that the people of Kashmir would ever accept Indian hegemony. So the little infrastructure that Hindustan has built for its military will be useful when Kashmir gets rid of this pathetic Hindustani army.

At least we did some improvement in infra. Thanks for accepting that

ridiculous mental gymnastics

Just answer his question, why the idiotic concerns now and not earlier.

Before jumping in, do read the earlier posts.

We are not concerned, but as per our right and duty intimating the China
Hindustan needs this luck more than Pakistan. It is an unnatural country that will only find peace in pieces.
You must be sharing this observation from your own 71 experiences
Naturally. Projects that have a development and implementing period that is decade or above requires such commitment from both countries.

CPEC is being overseen by army as well so it will get implemented and recently political parties have also stopped bickering over it.

However one thing will destroy CPEC and its a very serious issue. If by any chance we elect zardari again then its game over for CPEC. He will eat it and the Chinese. Otherwise nothing can stop it.
Naturally. Projects that have a development and implementing period that is decade or above requires such commitment from both countries.

CPEC is being overseen by army as well so it will get implemented and recently political parties have also stopped bickering over it.

However one thing will destroy CPEC and its a very serious issue. If by any chance we elect zardari again then its game over for CPEC. He will eat it and the Chinese. Otherwise nothing can stop it.

CPEC is an economic corridor and it should be economically viable to keep working and growing.

How can army be taking the policy decisions which have economic repercussions ?
Quote any of your post with substance and I will feel embarrassed :omghaha:

Let me refresh your memory.

Point was raised that India stayed quite all these years when KKH was build and operated. You, trying to be smart arse, came up with non sense that Pakistan and China build their own part of KKH which I debunked with historical facts.

Still not feeling embarrassed? Silly rants are useless. :D
those whom harm CPEC will never sit in office for next week . be it 2020 or 2030
Your question appears simple but it in fact it is very complicated.

To begin with, as per your understanding a Road was always present there, which is not true. This road was built in 1960s and 70s and opened in 79 for public. Both China and Pakistan build their sections of road.

Now, it is China which is investing in this Economic Corridor under CPEC program inside Pakistan and part of that corridor passes through Gilgit Baltistan which is part of Kashmir and is considered by India an occupied region by Pakistan.

Therfore India not only has a right but also has a duty to intimate China about her reservations on Chinese investments in a disputed region.

If Pakistan is making any investments in that region then india will welcome that as eventually the land will come to India in future once the issue is settled.:D

hope you got the answer
Thank you for the detailed response.

As I suspected india does not really have a case here.

Since the road has existed 40 to 45 years already and coupled with the fact that india has never formally contested the existence of the road until the very recent past... means India is not protesting the road itself but rather the increase in capacity (incremental development).

This goes against the basic human rights and sovereign rights of any nation or people to progress and develop and is why India doesn't have the moral high ground here.
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