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Change of govt in Islamabad won’t affect CPEC: China


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Change of govt in Islamabad won’t affect CPEC: China

Zulqernain TahirUpdated November 03, 2017

BEIJING: China said on Thursday development work on 19 of 50 projects related to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) was already under way.

“It will not be affected by a change in government in Islamabad,” a senior official of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs told a group of visiting Pakistani journalists at the foreign office.

“It makes no difference (to China) who comes in (government) and who goes out as both countries have brotherly relations. What matters more is the timely completion of these projects, which we are closely watching. Since the CPEC is a flagship programme of the One Belt One Road (OBOR) project, it is very much important for us and we are keen on its timely completion. We also want Pakistan to seize this opportunity. It must not lose it,” he said.

Says it is not concerned about foreign, local criticism of the multi-billion-dollar project

Asian Affairs Department’s Deputy Division Director Liu Pengfei said China wants to complete the CPEC at the earliest because the initiative is important for the people of both countries.

“At the moment, we are satisfied with the pace of CPEC projects. But they will pick up further speed once the infrastructure situation improves in Pakistan,” he said, adding that Punjab will get more benefit along with other provinces from this project.

As for criticism of the CPEC by foreign and local parties, Mr Liu said, “We are not concerned about voices — foreign or local — against the CPEC. This project will benefit the people of both countries. We have to ensure its timely completion come what may. We want to let everyone know that China is a brother of Pakistan and stands by it.”

The United States alleged last month that the CPEC worth $56 billion passed through disputed territory. Its allegation was in reference to Pakistan’s northern areas, which India claims are part of the disputed Jammu and Kashmir territory. “The OBOR also goes through the disputed territory, and I think that in itself shows the vulnerability of trying to establish that sort of a dictate,” US Secretary of Defence James Mattis had alleged.

Mr Liu said, “The CPEC is not passing through any disputed territory in Pakistan.” He said Pakistan and India should resolve the Kashmir issue through peaceful dialogue.

Published in Dawn, November 3rd, 2017
Says it is not concerned about foreign, local criticism of the multi-billion-dollar project

Why clarify then ? :azn:

Mr Liu said, “The CPEC is not passing through any disputed territory in Pakistan.” He said Pakistan and India should resolve the Kashmir issue through peaceful dialogue.
CPEC route of Kashmir is not disputed but Kashmir issue needs to be resolved :omghaha:
Why clarify then ? :azn:

CPEC route of Kashmir is not disputed but Kashmir issue needs to be resolved :omghaha:

Question: Why is India concerned about the road through Gilgit-Baltistan if it has always existed?
Definitely, the show must go on that nothing stops with change of faces. Political leaders are subject to be elected or rejected by the people and development projects are not dependent upon leaders alone. As per my observation, few parties or specific lot was continuously trying to establish that xyz leader has to continue otherwise projects are prone to cancel or be in loss. CPEC is a national interest project or any party is not sole proprietor of the same as such. Current ruling party PMLn has been trying hard to establish a narrative that ousting nawaz, the corrupt leader is actually affecting many progresses along with CPEC; which has no relation at all nor does carry any weight in this regard.

PMLn lot can continue with its beloved style politics and reading such statement actually portrays a picture where it shows that someone from PMLn tried to get any sort of help either by statement or back door support so that corrupt lot may continue its reign. The same happened a bit in past when Zardari tried hard to have money in the name of xyz whereby was replied as deserved with cold tone and now PMLn. Sharif family & Khawaja Asif need to read the same carefully with open mind and stop fooling the people further.

CPEC will go on.
Question: Why is India concerned about the road through Gilgit-Baltistan if it has always existed?

Why is Pakistan concerned about Kashmir when it is in fact North India.

Doesn't Gilgit-Baltistan belongs to earlier state of Jammu and Kashmir just like Azad kashmir, Jammu, Ladakh, Kashmir valley, Aksai Chin and Trans-Karokoram tract (gifted by you in 1963)

Naming territory by regional name does not alter the title.
Why is Pakistan concerned about Kashmir when it is in fact North India.

Doesn't Gilgit-Baltistan belongs to earlier state of Jammu and Kashmir just like Azad kashmir, Jammu, Ladakh, Kashmir valley, Aksai Chin and Trans-Karokoram tract (gifted by you in 1963)

Naming territory by regional name does not alter the title.

Yes, pakistan has been concerned about Indian Occupied Kashmir since the beginning (day one).

However, my question remains... why is India now concerned now about a road which has always existed?
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As long as provincial governments are intact and stable and the army is strongly backing CPEC, it should manage to smoothly go through this 'political crisis'.
Yes, pakistan has been concerned about Indian Occupied Kashmir since the beginning (day one).

However, my question remains... why is India now concerned now about a road which has always existed?

No Indian has ever been able to answer this.... Unless they admit the real truth.

Back to topic: political shifts we are currently seeing in pakistan are actually good for CPEC in the long run.. As the corrupt are brought to task.... At least by some of the more newer movements of patriots and IK struggle
However, my question remains... why is India now concerned now about a road which has always existed?
Your question appears simple but it in fact it is very complicated.

To begin with, as per your understanding a Road was always present there, which is not true. This road was built in 1960s and 70s and opened in 79 for public. Both China and Pakistan build their sections of road.

Now, it is China which is investing in this Economic Corridor under CPEC program inside Pakistan and part of that corridor passes through Gilgit Baltistan which is part of Kashmir and is considered by India an occupied region by Pakistan.

Therfore India not only has a right but also has a duty to intimate China about her reservations on Chinese investments in a disputed region.

If Pakistan is making any investments in that region then india will welcome that as eventually the land will come to India in future once the issue is settled.:D

No Indian has ever been able to answer this.... Unless they admit the real truth.

Back to topic: political shifts we are currently seeing in pakistan are actually good for CPEC in the long run.. As the corrupt are brought to task.... At least by some of the more newer movements of patriots and IK struggle
hope you got the answer
Change of govt in Islamabad won’t affect CPEC: China

Zulqernain TahirUpdated November 03, 2017

BEIJING: China said on Thursday development work on 19 of 50 projects related to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) was already under way.

“It will not be affected by a change in government in Islamabad,” a senior official of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs told a group of visiting Pakistani journalists at the foreign office.

“It makes no difference (to China) who comes in (government) and who goes out as both countries have brotherly relations. What matters more is the timely completion of these projects, which we are closely watching. Since the CPEC is a flagship programme of the One Belt One Road (OBOR) project, it is very much important for us and we are keen on its timely completion. We also want Pakistan to seize this opportunity. It must not lose it,” he said.

Says it is not concerned about foreign, local criticism of the multi-billion-dollar project

Asian Affairs Department’s Deputy Division Director Liu Pengfei said China wants to complete the CPEC at the earliest because the initiative is important for the people of both countries.

“At the moment, we are satisfied with the pace of CPEC projects. But they will pick up further speed once the infrastructure situation improves in Pakistan,” he said, adding that Punjab will get more benefit along with other provinces from this project.

As for criticism of the CPEC by foreign and local parties, Mr Liu said, “We are not concerned about voices — foreign or local — against the CPEC. This project will benefit the people of both countries. We have to ensure its timely completion come what may. We want to let everyone know that China is a brother of Pakistan and stands by it.”

The United States alleged last month that the CPEC worth $56 billion passed through disputed territory. Its allegation was in reference to Pakistan’s northern areas, which India claims are part of the disputed Jammu and Kashmir territory. “The OBOR also goes through the disputed territory, and I think that in itself shows the vulnerability of trying to establish that sort of a dictate,” US Secretary of Defence James Mattis had alleged.

Mr Liu said, “The CPEC is not passing through any disputed territory in Pakistan.” He said Pakistan and India should resolve the Kashmir issue through peaceful dialogue.

Published in Dawn, November 3rd, 2017

Change of govt in Islamabad will not affect China, but it will definitely affect Pakistan in a negative way.

Has anyone ever noticed why a military dictatorship always feel much more pleasant than a democracy? That is because there isn't any stupid opposition which continuously tries to derail the government by weaving a tale imminent doom. That is what is happening in Pakistan today.

Your question appears simple but it in fact it is very complicated.

To begin with, as per your understanding a Road was always present there, which is not true. This road was built in 1960s and 70s and opened in 79 for public. Both China and Pakistan build their sections of road.

Now, it is China which is investing in this Economic Corridor under CPEC program inside Pakistan and part of that corridor passes through Gilgit Baltistan which is part of Kashmir and is considered by India an occupied region by Pakistan.

Therfore India not only has a right but also has a duty to intimate China about her reservations on Chinese investments in a disputed region.

If Pakistan is making any investments in that region then india will welcome that as eventually the land will come to India in future once the issue is settled.:D

And we Pakistanis are happy that Indians are making ZERO investments in Kashmir. That only reinforces the fact that India is only out to grab the land of the Kashmiris and so the Kashmiris will fight even harder to get away from the occupation of India.

Thank you for being so greedy for land and being disconnected to the Kashmiris.
And we Pakistanis are happy that Indians are making ZERO investments in Kashmir. That only reinforces the fact that India is only out to grab the land of the Kashmiris and so the Kashmiris will fight even harder to get away from the occupation of India.

Thank you for being so greedy for land and being disconnected to the Kashmiris.

World Highest railway bridge


India's longest tunnel


I pity your ignorance But it is not your fault. I know that these things were never shown to you by your media :p:
World Highest railway bridge


India's longest tunnel


I pity your ignorance But it is not your fault. I know that these things were never be shown to you by your media :p:

Hahaha! I pity your arrogance. But it is not your fault. You have been taken in by the propaganda of your own state which bombards you with utter gibberish.

This is not Kashmir. The Pakistani flag being flown in the streets of Srinagar, the celebration of Pakistan's victory over India in the streets of Srinagar and your apathy towards Kashmiri people is the real Kashmir.

I wrote my post precisely because I wanted you to boast of Indian development of Kashmir. Weappreciate it because we will find it useful when the rest of Kashmir wins its independence from Hindustan.
You have been taken in by the propaganda of your own state which bombards you with utter gibberish.

I wrote my post precisely because I wanted you to boast of Indian development of Kashmir.

Weappreciate it because we will find it useful when the rest of Kashmir wins its independence from Hindustan.

You need to re-read what you have posted.

Is India doing any development or it is just propaganda which you will find useful later on. :p:

The Pakistani flag being flown in the streets of Srinagar,

Those showing these flags are earning some pocket change. But we can stop it any time just by using the same tactics which have been employed in Balochistan to contain any dissidence..

Weappreciate it because we will find it useful when the rest of Kashmir wins its independence from Hindustan.

But you must keep your provinces together to celebrate that moment. Your politicians are pulling your states in different direction. anyways Best of luck. hope you live long enough to cherish that moment :enjoy:

CPEC route of Kashmir is not disputed but Kashmir issue needs to be resolved :omghaha:

You should read between the lines. :D

To begin with, as per your understanding a Road was always present there, which is not true. This road was built in 1960s and 70s and opened in 79 for public. Both China and Pakistan build their sections of road.

Now, it is China which is investing in this Economic Corridor under CPEC program inside Pakistan and part of that corridor passes through Gilgit Baltistan which is part of Kashmir and is considered by India an occupied region by Pakistan.

Who is teaching you all this non sense?

Chinese were working on Pakistani section of KKH back in 60s as well. Here is the graveyard in Pakistan of those Chinese worker who died back then while building KKH.

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