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Chandrayaan 3 - a curtain raiser by ISRO

Hey guys why do we have to reply, to every post that revolves around same theme? That is peddled by West, and conveniently used by few?

Let us wait for next orbit raising maneuvers, and hope that the next step of the craft getting into Lunar orbit is successful. We still have three more steps to go, before we can call it success.

Orbit raising maneuvers, for the craft to be inducted into Lunar Orbit
The journey to Lunar orbit itself
Then the successful landing on moon

40 days of nervous wait, ISRO has always succeeded the second time after their first failure.

40 days are a long time before landing?
Hi yes tentatively as of now, that is the time expected for the craft to land

Orbit raising maneuvers, for the craft to be inducted into Lunar Orbit
The journey to Lunar orbit itself, which is some 3,84,000 km around
Then the successful landing on moon itself, by the lander and deployment of rover

The rocket used isn't powerful enough, to have a sustained powered flight to Lunar orbit
People who don’t understand the contribution of space towards upliftment of masses and contribution to development of a nation, are either stupid by birth or by choice.

They can easily find these aspects on the internet rather than posing here, displaying utter lack of desire to be a little better. No surprise that nations with such citizens are at the bottom of any such quests. And boy, they are so happy to be there.

Such specimens need to be ignored. Let them be, where they belong.
Look everyone knows,, the U.S etc are looking at deeper space

This for the Indians is a ego trip, nothing else regardless of any scientific spin you put on it

Here is the thing EVERYONE KNOWS though, and the question is your wasting money to show off when your capital city is flooded, Manipur is in civil war and India is a divided mess

Even this rocket thing as pointless as it is has done nothing but release a storm.of hindutva extremist communal messages targeted Indian Muslims and others
You keep repeating "ego thing", it looks to me the only ego going around in this thread is yours and its going down, it took a major hit.
Doesn't matter with what we do.

Your flag hiding a$$ forgot that India even failed at doing that simple thing, having a nice apparel export sector.

You had it - but you f*cked it up. Typical Pujari f*ckup behavior. Inefficient, lazy, "chalta hai" attitude for perpetuity.

India is going to be the next China (right!), talking about semiconductor revolutions my a$$.

What happened this Monday?

You mean to say you kanjoosis would turn down the opportunity we have of exporting US$ Fifty Billion plus every year ??

You'd pack Cow-dung and try to export it to make money.

Your bheekhari Modi-land is too advanced to stitch Chaddis?

Tell me some thing that makes sense.

"Holier than thou - we bheekh mangey laborers don't stitch Chaddis".

"We are proudly Hindutva - though most of the remittance money for our glorious Hindu campaigns (including Modi showcase projects) comes from non-Muslim Gulfie Arabs".

You guys are a laugh a minute. :lol:
Oh wait! did foxconn move to Bangladesh? The truth is they didn't even consider Bangladesh for your inabilities...

I fail to understand what tech ISRO will provide to the Indian private industrial entrepreneurs so that the average Indian subsisting on poverty wages can work on, to feed his/her family.

I mean, if you Indians want to emulate China (which your BJP leaders are jumping up and down about all the time), you should follow China's lead.

China started thirty years ago with basic industries, basic wage jobs to export basic items like hammers, screwdrivers, shoes, clothing. plastic toys, tchotchkes.

Indian can't even largely make the components for basic cellphone consumables like Li-Ion batteries or SMT chip-populated cellphone motherboards. It has to import them from China. This is the industrial sophistication level of India.

WTH will sending rockets help with, giving Indians basic jobs? Except get Modi more votes?

It's just a Hindutva circle jerk to artificially feel good about India.

Fakery and escapism, if you ask me.

One can question the need for a nation to send an expedition to the moon when it is almost dead last on the World's hunger index and has lower per capita GDP nominal figure than a nation called Bangladesh.

Your need to artificially feel good about your country exceeds your auqaat.

The world can't respect India when it's leaders spend money on useless things like moon/mars missions and 250 foot statues.

As useless as fireworks when millions of Indians are going to bed hungry on empty stomachs.

Priorities buddy. :-)

Says somebody whose only tech is putting a thread to a needle. Even if the world funds your nation today, you will not be able to achieve what India can and that causes deeeeeep hurt for you.. Sorry man but there are no rocket scientists in Bangladesh

Time to celebrate with a Goober Cow $hit Party! And these people look educated! Wow !!

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The hurt is super real..must suck to have no ability to reach the moon after all the big talk about superior Bangladeshis...

Your attempt to humiliate Pakistanis in a Pakistani forum have been noted (and reported).

Shameless lot you RSSers are.

Bharat Rat$hit forum down? Why you hangin' here?
You have been reported too! I'll make sure you are in every Indian thread you talk shit!
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I kneel.


India technology is now to be respected.

India is 20 years behind China in Technology.

Time to celebrate with a Goober Cow $hit Party! And these people look educated! Wow !!

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Filthy Indians can never be civilized.

Oh wait! did foxconn move to Bangladesh? The truth is they didn't even consider Bangladesh for your inabilities...

Foxconn left India even before it came to India.

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10m$ to land a rover on the moon, impressive.

Edit: Wiki has the wrong figure, according to Forbes it’s 70m$, still impressive

Launching is one thing but landing is an another.

I have full faith in the loud mouth Indians who deliver failure after failure.

Indians are getting ready to collect their participation certificate.
Launching is one thing but landing is an another.

I have full faith in the loud mouth Indians who deliver failure after failure.

Indians are getting ready to collect their participation certificate.

We don't much care land or failed, idiot. ... We are happy enough that we have capability to work on such project and can try it.

There are twoo parts of the project :
1. ISRO has already successfully demonstrate her capabilities by launching such heavy payloads in orbit. It will bring a lot of dollars to india and ISRO by sending foreign satellites.

2. Future is full of space technology, and a lot of scope is available.... How many countries having such capabilities to explore it? We are proud that our Institute is one of the TOP in the world... They regularly demonstrate their capabilities.

Meanwhile, Suparco will be happy to book tickets by paying dollar to Chinese, and will fly on Chinese Rocket... Well ISRO might also offer for only commercial satellites in the future.. Be happy a being passenger, never try for being owner.
Ye kaise hua?

then, expected response
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