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Chandrayaan-2: India to go it alone

I'm sick of hearing this nonsensical argument. If it was up to you mind of people we'd still be living in caves in Africa! Have you heard of aspiration? How do you think a country devlops if not through intensive R&D and scientific Exploration? If you left it to the pvt sector all they'd be doing is taking paying millionaires on joy rides into space.

Do you know what a merit good is?

Private corporation are more efficient at R&D, most technology you see today is a result of privately funded R&D

And btw it has been said that up and till 2000 for every $1 the USG Invested in NASA they got $30 back through patents and royalties from the new innovations created by NASA's R&D.

So NASA helped make the private corporations R&D more efficient by using its citizen money who have no stake in those private corporations profits?
Private corporation are more efficient at R&D, most technology you see today is a result of privately funded R&D

So NASA helped make the private corporations R&D more efficient by using its citizen money who have no stake in those private corporations profits?

The pvt sector is not the answer to all the world's ills mate. There is such a thing as social benefit. A govt is accountable to its people a pvt company is only accountable to its shareholders.
The pvt sector is not the answer to all the world's ills mate. There is such a thing as social benefit. A govt is accountable to its people a pvt company is only accountable to its shareholders.

The investments you are talking about do not have social benefits. If anything they provide free technology for private corporations making better use of their R&D spending to ultimately maximize profit return to its shareholders.
I tried opening the scientific publication however its telling me file not found. http://lunarscience.arc.nasa.gov/files/MIP.pdf

You can always keep dreaming, I'm not going stop you.

Unlike India, SL's space industry is completely privatized has no government involvement and are profit making entities. I'm pretty sure ISRO has been running negative ever since its creations.

While your government dwindles with an inferiority complex, SL corporations are returning profit from your own industries careless investment decisions. SupremeSAT (Pvt) Ltd

Sri lanka does things out of a reasoned thought process, not for 'water finding achievements' lol

So how many space mission Srilanka launched.....Mr Big Mouth
I don't have an inferiority complex to answer that question.

Sri Lankan space agency. I heard it all. Not all satelites are to find water on the moon.

Synthetic aperture radar allows RISAT-1 to collect data during both day and night and in all weather conditions. The satellite is intended to be used for natural resources management, primarily agriculture planning and forestry surveys, as well as to predict and prevent flooding. It will be used for monitoring paddy plantations and yields in the kharif season and to assist India's food security planning. Pictures from RISAT-1 will be used to estimate the number of hectares being farmed in India, to assess crop health and predict total yield. They can also be used to identify wreckage from aircraft which go down in forested areas. RISAT-1 was not designed as a surveillance satellite, given its reliance on the C-band.

And come back when you have an SLV.
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Sri Lankan space agency. I heard it all. Not all satelites are to find water on the moon.

And come back when you have an SLV.

So how many profit did ISRO make from the farmers? what was the ROI?
I don't build SLV's I am an Engineer, I don't part take in menial labor tasks. I get paid to provide a service.
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So how many profit did ISRO make from the farmers? what was the ROI?
I don't build SLV's I am an Engineer, I don't part take in menial labor tasks. I get paid to provide a service.

I dont know, but if these satellites helps streamline certain sectors, it doesn't really matter if they're going negative a bit. Same thing with the railways, metros, etc, etc, etc.
So how many profit did ISRO make from the farmers? what was the ROI?
I don't build SLV's I am an Engineer, I don't part take in menial labor tasks. I get paid to provide a service.

for every single rupees we invest in ISRO, we get eight rupees in return.
So how many profit did ISRO make from the farmers? what was the ROI?
I don't build SLV's I am an Engineer, I don't part take in menial labor tasks. I get paid to provide a service.

These are services given to agriculture to prevent catastrophes that it self is a good service there by making agriculture profitable.

Going by the projections ISRO offers cheapest services in space industry and is bound to make good profits even NASA is considering JV's

because of economic slow down in US.
The investments you are talking about do not have social benefits. If anything they provide free technology for private corporations making better use of their R&D spending to ultimately maximize profit return to its shareholders.
ISRO's remote sensing satillites are used,in part, to help the Indian met department accurately predict and track monsoons storms and help Indian farmers. Not to mention their is significant trickle down effect for many Indians as do many government agencies.
matlab chandirran per beth ker india akeel achand per ja raha hai please take me with you india i want to take pics on moon for my FB dp :rolleyes:
matlab chandirran per beth ker india akeel achand per ja raha hai please take me with you india i want to take pics on moon for my FB dp :rolleyes:

uske liye pehle 10rs do :party: phir hum kuch sochenge :)
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