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Chandrayaan-2: India to go it alone

So do we have an ETA for this mission to begin? Or is it just another bragging session without an end date.

First, get the GLSV reliable before brag about missions afterward.
So do we have an ETA for this mission to begin? Or is it just another bragging session without an end date.

First, get the GLSV reliable before brag about missions afterward.

Dont worry GSLV is pretty much on cue. Don;t get mad!
That statement I highlighted shows you have no idea what you are talking about. And you are an Engineer? What bloody University did you graduate from? I guess the standards musht be pretty damn low if you can;t use open sources and analyz the info yourself. You seem to taken an emotional position without considering all the facts, yet you boast you are an Engineer. There are difference between being a good and bad enigneer. YOu obviously fall into the latter. By the way, Sri Lanka doesn;t do ****.

From the evidence that I had infront of me, that was the only conclusion. If you have evidence otherwise, please fill me in.

And I'm still studying, I wouldn't be sitting on this forum If I was a P.E.
From the evidence that I had infront of me, that was the only conclusion. If you have evidence otherwise, please fill me in.

And I'm still studying, I wouldn't be sitting on this forum If I was a P.E.

You might have done your Aerospace engg. in Asian Aviation center(pvt ltd)

the courses they offer in Srilanka are

1)Higher National Diploma in Engineering (Aerospace/Mechanical/ Automotive),

2) Foundation Degree in Aircraft Engineering and Certificate IV in Aviation Engineering,

3) Aircraft Maintenance. Engineer (Mechanical: Maintenance).

Does any of the topics related to space??

You are related to aircraft maintenance and also trained in flying aircrafts, I don't think you are in any innovation field. You may have some basic knowledge about Aviation and its physics.

You are criticizing NDTV journalist for his article about ISRO's commercial launches.

You are not even related to space. India has mastered lot of tech related to space launches and they are planning a manned mission. Do you have any idea how many innovations are required for a GSLV launch or manned space mission??

Do you know how much ISRO aided our Indian public all these decades right from education, weather forcasting, fisheries and the list goes end less.

There are projects like IRNSS which will replace American GPS.
You might have done your Aerospace engg. in Asian Aviation center(pvt ltd)

the courses they offer in Srilanka are

1)Higher National Diploma in Engineering (Aerospace/Mechanical/ Automotive),

2) Foundation Degree in Aircraft Engineering and Certificate IV in Aviation Engineering,

3) Aircraft Maintenance. Engineer (Mechanical: Maintenance).

Does any of the topics related to space??

You are related to aircraft maintenance and also trained in flying aircrafts, I don't think you are in any innovation field. You may have some basic knowledge about Aviation and its physics.

You are criticizing NDTV journalist for his article about ISRO's commercial launches.

You are not even related to space. India has mastered lot of tech related to space launches and they are planning a manned mission. Do you have any idea how many innovations are required for a GSLV launch or manned space mission??

Do you know how much ISRO aided our Indian public all these decades right from education, weather forcasting, fisheries and the list goes end less.

There are projects like IRNSS which will replace American GPS.

LOL why would I go to private college. I have top marks. I get a government scholarship. And there's only 1 university that produces Engineers in Sri lanka, so keep trying.
Look who is talking here on Indian Space organization, Mr. Sinhala the vocabulary you are using doesn't appear to me of an Engineering graduate.

We have been dealing/cooperating with NASA more than you would even imagine and we have no problem accepting it. India has all the rights to claim they discovered water on moon, we do not need approval from some rag tag Engineer from Sri Lanka. The logic behind it is, the comprehensive scientific methods used to confirm the discovery with the help of NASA and their previous test results.

Your inferiority complex is leaking out from all of your post. Telling us private space industries are better than government is just a plain stupid especially when Sri Lanka's own private space cooperation if there is any is a test case of comparing it with Indian capabilities.

A nation who uses Chinese govt. owned agency for its satellites to be launched tells a lot about your contradictions.

ISRO engineers eat engineers like you everyday with their breakfast cereals. People like you line out side ISRO for recruitment and wait for many years to even get glimpses of their rocket assembly workshops.

Chandrayaan 2 will be Indo-Russia mission: ISRO lab director

AHMEDABAD: India's second lunar mission will be undertaken with Russian participation though it has got delayed, a top official of an ISRO lab said today amidst reports that 'Chandrayaan 2' will be a solo mission.

Chandrayaan 2, an Indo-Russian joint project, is going ahead but it has got delayed, Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) Director J N Goswami said here.

Ahmedabad-based PRL is part of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

"The Indo-Russian mission is going ahead. The project has got delayed. Currently, we are whole-heartedly working for the Mars project scheduled for November. The moon mission, for the time being, has got delayed," Goswami told PTI.

Roskomos, Russia's space agency, and ISRO had signed an agreement on November 12, 2007. Under the pact, Roskomos had assumed the vital responsibility of providing both the orbiter and the rover, while its Indian counterpart was to design and build the lander for the ambitious mission.

"The failure of Roskosmos Phobos-Grunt mission (in December 2011) has, for the time-being, delayed the moon mission," he said, adding the construction of lander for the combined mission has been delayed.

Chandrayaan 2 will have five primary payloads on the orbiter, two of which will be improvements on instruments that were onboard Chandrayaan 1, launched in October, 2008.

Also, the rover will carry two additional instruments. Chandrayaan 2, originally scheduled in 2015, will be launched by a GSLV-powered by an indigenous cryogenic engine.

Reports had appeared in a section of media quoting a scientist of PRL S V S Murty as saying India will go it alone in the Chandrayaan 2 mission. Despite repeated efforts, he was not available for comments on the issue.

PRL is involved in designing indigenous payloads for Chandrayaan 2.

Chandrayaan 2 will be Indo-Russia mission: ISRO lab director - The Economic Times
I know someone that works for ISRO, I get more money working for McDonalds in Colombo LOL

Good I m sure you will be Proud of working for an American Company. Poor Indians try to work for there own organisations even when it means less pay, that is the reason why today ISRO is one of the TOP-6 space research organisations in the world & it is hiring people who have left a NASA job.

BTW, weren't you an Aerospace engineer?? Din't know mcD recruit them also.

If you want a technical discussion you can stay, but looking at your posts in this thread, you hardly want any good discussion, so my advice to you will be to stop making FOOL of yourself & better leave this thread.
I know someone that works for ISRO, I get more money working for McDonalds in Colombo LOL
Well respect that person, instead for working for a private company, he is working for less in an Indian organization to help his country grow. :lol:

See, who is more patriotic.
No off topic trolling from now on.

You people want to troll and start fighting, get ready for a infraction.

And take your Sinhalese affiliations to some other thread.
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