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Chancellor Merkel will boycott Sochi

I sometimes think that he is not Deutsche - just Gypsy or Romanian living in Germany

Please my friend I respect you,but dont pull me in your "Russo-Romanian" war on this forum.I think that he is German,and his opinion is opinion like your or mine.But he puts wrong information in his goal to represents his country most superior then others.And that is sad and miserably.And wrong.

Like I said i meet aloooot Volksdeutsche people and alot of them are very polite and represents old Bismarck style of life of German people.One large part of them was pro Nazi back in WW2 but one part of them are very simple,good anti faschist people.
Please my friend I respect you,but dont pull me in your "Russo-Romanian" war on this forum.I think that he is German,and his opinion is opinion like your or mine.But he puts wrong information in his goal to represents his country most superior then others.And that is sad and miserably.And wrong.

Like I said i meet aloooot Volksdeutsche people and alot of them are very polite and represents old Bismarck style of life of German people.One large part of them was pro Nazi back in WW2 but one part of them are very simple,good anti faschist people.
Ok. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
No Romanian-Russian war can not be in principle. Equal war with equal. Russian can fight with the Americans or at least with European Union, but not with the Romanians.
No need to say sorry,friend.
But I think it is not my bussines,considering that Romania and Russia is very good,brother nations to Serbia,and we all share same religion.It is too much evil blood between Slavs and between Orthodox countries.
When I said "Russo-Romanian" war i didnt mean for real war but your dispute on this forum.
You are wrong in your opinion, that i should not see myself as part of the best in the world. I have evry right to do so.

We all compete on earth and only the best suceed. Germany was always a dominant power in the world. And the germany today is the strongest germany that ever existed. We rule the european union. We made it our empire. The Europe of the 21st century is a german europe. Thats not some racist bullshit, because i don´t believe in races. Being half italian/german makes that clear for me. The german EU is a powerful EU.

I don´t want foreign friends and i guess you have the wrong assumption that nations should have friends. There are only interests. This is not "internet war". That would imply that i would want bad for other nations. Thats not true at all. I simply don´t care about them. In my opinion others exist only to serve our interests.

I welcome our agressive politics against Ukraine. We benefit from this as well as our military industry. Thats all what matters.

It is also nonsense to bring up past for me. I live now. And i don´t care about what was before i even was born.

You are from russia. You seem to think i would see you as an enemy? That is wrong. We compete with each other in a game. And Ukraine is the price. And it looks like we just get a large chunk of it.
No need to say sorry,friend.
But I think it is not my bussines,considering that Romania and Russia is very good,brother nations to Serbia,and we all share same religion.It is too much evil blood between Slavs and between Orthodox countries.
When I said "Russo-Romanian" war i didnt mean for real war but your dispute on this forum.
In the 18th,19th and 20th century Russian spilled a lot of blood for the freedom of Orthodox and Slavic brothers. Besides Armenians, Serbs and partly - Greeks and Bulgarians nobody remember it and no one feels gratitude.
What is the reason?
BTW, we don't know german language, dude.

Take a guess.You would naturally say because the Olympics are placed on top of a genocide site but no.They're boycotting it because Russia doesn't allow gays to dance in the streets in their underwear.Hypocrisy at an enourmous scale.
Take a guess.You would naturally say because the Olympics are placed on top of a genocide site but no.They're boycotting it because Russia doesn't allow gays to dance in the streets in their underwear.Hypocrisy at an enourmous scale.

I agree with you. It is ridiculous. They don't care for the people and it seems that they only want to pressurize Russians at this step by any means. They are not better than Russians. BTW, They have committed the worst genocide in the history during the WW2, so people may laugh at them if they boycott an event for being a genocide site.
germany is the economic powerhouse and largest trade partner of russia. Also germany rules the EU.

russia is a dictatorship and a open air prison. Germany does not agree with putins tyranny. So we will boycott it. Its our right to do this. Or do you want force us to watch this crap?

Hasnt been a century yet and Germans are on the high horse about dictatorship. Russia is a progressive modern nation and like any progressive modern nation, there will be the usual quantum of dissent voiced by some people. Should we go by the 99% movement in US to label America a dictatorship? Grow up, you and Merkel.
Russia should recognize Circassian genocide otherwise it should be boycotted.
turkey should recognize kurdish, arabian, armenian and greek genocides first

You are wrong in your opinion, that i should not see myself as part of the best in the world. I have evry right to do so.

We all compete on earth and only the best suceed. Germany was always a dominant power in the world. And the germany today is the strongest germany that ever existed. We rule the european union. We made it our empire. The Europe of the 21st century is a german europe. Thats not some racist bullshit, because i don´t believe in races. Being half italian/german makes that clear for me. The german EU is a powerful EU.

haha this german Europe is most weakest since history everyone can see it.
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germany is the economic powerhouse and largest trade partner of russia. Also germany rules the EU.

russia is a dictatorship and a open air prison. Germany does not agree with putins tyranny. So we will boycott it. Its our right to do this. Or do you want force us to watch this crap?
Germany is a dictatorship everyone can see it, people of germany cant even elect their president or chancellor. Germany isnt the largest trading partner of russia, china is now.
turkey should recognize kurdish, arabian, armenian and greek genocides first

haha this german Europe is most weakest since history everyone can see it.

This german europe is the greatest economy worldwide.

Germany is a dictatorship everyone can see it, people of germany cant even elect their president or chancellor. Germany isnt the largest trading partner of russia, china is now.

We elect the members of the Bundestag, who elect the chancellor. The president is only for signing laws. Why would anyone want elect him? The true power comes from the chancellor.

As for Putin, its cute how he always crawls behind the germany and tries to impress us. Its also cute that he speaks fluent german and thinks that automaticly makes us friends...

I agree with you. It is ridiculous. They don't care for the people and it seems that they only want to pressurize Russians at this step by any means. They are not better than Russians. BTW, They have committed the worst genocide in the history during the WW2, so people may laugh at them if they boycott an event for being a genocide site.
Which genocide are you talking about? I did not know we murdered all those native americans? Or do you mean the episode with the jews? We had other genocides in namibia for example which were far greater in its result. Herero for example.
@MarkusS Look I dont know how many years you have.
But you give a bad name for all Germans.In my little town live alot of Volksdeutsche from Swabia.And they are normal people.
You said "Divide et impera" but your country was humilited by US and USSR for almost a five decades.

And you are very uninformed for your age probably (19-22).Germany isnt biggest trading partner of Russia but it is EU and EU have a deficit of 120 bln dollars in trade with Russia.
West Ukraine want to join EU and they have right to do that.But East want to join Russian Federation and 70 % of GDP was producted in the East,instead of your keyboard war,I have been to Ukraine both West and East and I have seen some thing.

And please dont use Divide et impera term becouse your country is under US strong rule.NSA spy on you "Iron Lady" and nothing....your "Iron Lady" isnt Iron but Plastic.

And I dont give a damn about your western game with Russia.That only shows that both of you dont give a damn for ordinary working class but only look at your interests.Shame on your both.

you and vostock shouldnt be delusional about germans, they are really like him. I know germans and live here in germany and everyone in germany whos being part of political establishment and the middle class and up hates russia in nature or is anti russian in any way.
They despise eastern europeans and orthdox christians and view themselves as superior to eastern europeans (catholic and orthodox) and now they view also southern europeans more and more as inferior. They wont admit it in public but if you drink beer they make stupid comments how lazy greeks are and how poles steal all the time from etc. There is whole stereotype of poles that they steel since ever here in germany.

They dont care about their history, yeah its true you can see them how they comdemn nazism when nazis killed jews and homosexuals because these two groups arent interfering with their national interests and expansion in eastern europe. But when it comes to slavs they dont care what they did, there is a huge jewish monument for killing 6 million jews but there is no moment of that size for the killed 27 million Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. They are all bunch of hypocrites. This all crying tears for jewish people is just PR propaganda.
In eastern europe they havent changed at all they still expand there and are flooding this region with their products destroying eastern european chance of prosperity and making us an open slave labor camp for their aging country thanks to neo liberalism, free trade and open borders.

you and vostock shouldnt be delusional about germans, they are really like him. I know germans and live here in germany and everyone in germany whos being part of political establishment and the middle class and up hates russia in nature or is anti russian in any way.
They despise eastern europeans and orthdox christians and view themselves as superior to eastern europeans (catholic and orthodox) and now they view also southern europeans more and more as inferior. They wont admit it in public but if you drink beer they make stupid comments how lazy greeks are and how poles steal all the time from etc. There is whole stereotype of poles that they steel since ever here in germany.

They dont care about their history, yeah its true you can see them how they comdemn nazism when nazis killed jews and homosexuals because these two groups arent interfering with their national interests and expansion in eastern europe. But when it comes to slavs they dont care what they did, there is a huge jewish monument for killing 6 million jews but there is no moment of that size for the killed 27 million Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. They are all bunch of hypocrites. This all crying tears for jewish people is just PR propaganda.
In eastern europe they havent changed at all they still expand there and are flooding this region with their products destroying eastern european chance of prosperity and making us an open slave labor camp for their aging country thanks to neo liberalism, free trade and open borders.


And you know whats best? There is nothing you can do about this :D
Which genocide are you talking about? I did not know we murdered all those native americans? Or do you mean the episode with the jews? We had other genocides in namibia for example which were far greater in its result. Herero for example.
Kid, the first thing that comes in someones mind about your country, is killing 6 million innocent jews. You are also responsible for any $hit happened during WW1 and WW2, including the death of more than 50 millions of innocent people during WW2.
Dude, you should not talk about USA like this, since USA is the country which tamed you and threw money at you by marshal plan for lap dancing for her. If it wasn't for Marshall plan, you would have lived way worse than Russians by now. BTW, US bases are almost anywhere in your country, and NSA is watching and listening anything and anyone in your country including your iron lady; so, be careful dude, otherwise you may get kicked in the a$$ by one of our 50,000 soldiers in your so called country.:rofl:

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