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Chancellor Merkel will boycott Sochi

Juvenile gesture. My once high opinion of Merkel has been lowered.

I'm also a little surprised in that, in the wake of extensive and illicit surveillance and espionage conducted against Germany by the USA/UK, she doesn't care to fortify relations with eastern neighbors to give her some bargaining leverage.

Merkel never visited any olympic games. Why should she go this time? She did also not attend London or Beijing
Merkel never visited any olympic games. Why should she go this time? She did also not attend London or Beijing

That's a good point. So why did you present it as a snub in your OP?
And what's the trade? Trade and attempt to capture and enslave the country - two different things. We do not want the EU, but we are not against trade with the EU.
And what's the trade? Trade and attempt to capture and enslave the country - two different things. We do not want the EU, but we are not against trade with the EU.
How are our trade interests and investments secured then?
How are our trade interests and investments secured then?
And how people are trading worldwide? This is interdependence built on trust and projected long-term relationship. Or do you want with Russian gas and oil to Europe drove Russian tanks?
And how people are trading worldwide? This is interdependence built on trust and projected long-term relationship. Or do you want with Russian gas and oil to Europe drove Russian tanks?

I don´t know. Your country is not very trustworthy for us.
Kid, the first thing that comes in someones mind about your country, is killing 6 million innocent jews. You are also responsible for any $hit happened during WW1 and WW2, including the death of more than 50 millions of innocent people during WW2.
Dude, you should not talk about USA like this, since USA is the country which tamed you and threw money at you by marshal plan for lap dancing for her. If it wasn't for Marshall plan, you would have lived way worse than Russians by now. BTW, US bases are almost anywhere in your country, and NSA is watching and listening anything and anyone in your country including your iron lady; so, be careful dude, otherwise you may get kicked in the a$$ by one of our 50,000 soldiers in your so called country.:rofl:

Cutting edge technology, world class products, economic powerhouse come to my mind when I think about Germany. If the Nazis killed 6 million Jews, then the hands of Americans, British and Israelis are also red with the blood of millions of innocent people. Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.

The real reason behind the onset of the West German economic miracle were the economic policies adopted by their minister of Economic Ludwig Erhard, also known as the father of Wirtschaftswunder. Germany was not even the biggest beneficiary of the Marshall Plan, UK and France received far more money than Germany. No money of this world can change the fate of a nation unless its has the will of changing its fate and its people are motivated, well-educated, highly trained and hard working - Germany had all that in abundance. Judging by their past I am sure that even without American money they would have recovered quite quickly.
Markuss as half italian how can you support the EU and germany? Thanks to EU, european capitalist dont have to bother anymore defending national interest and can engage and settle where ever they want in the EU.

Look what Fiat did, one of the biggest traditional companies of Italy now settling down in Netherlands showing its italian heriage the finger. The biggest winner of european union is germany and the benelux countries. Dont have illusions that if germany and netherlands do well so will the others. There is no win win.
Take a guess.You would naturally say because the Olympics are placed on top of a genocide site but no.They're boycotting it because Russia doesn't allow gays to dance in the streets in their underwear.Hypocrisy at an enourmous scale.

The majority of Communist countries banned homosexuality during the Cold War. And no its not just Orthodox countries, homos were banned in China until the late 1990s. I do mot think you can attribute this solely to orthodox religion of eastern Europeans, if you guys were religious your birth rate wouldn't be so low. More like you have an innate revulsion to gays, more than western Europeans, than because of being more religious. Because even atheist Eastern European Communists and Stalinists hate gays, guess which leader passed the Soviet Union's first anti gay law? His name starts witth an S and ends with an N........

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