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Chabahar vs Gwadar

Yeah sure what ever you thinks..


That is EEZ. You only have fishing and mining rights in that area. You people do not control it, and anyone could use that area for navigation, laying down sensors, laying down cables and pipelines.

Here: UNCLOS and Agreement on Part XI - Preamble and frame index (Hint: Read part V and VI)

You people never disappoint anyone who question your intelligence!
That is EEZ. You only have fishing and mining rights in that area. You people do not control it, and anyone could use that area for navigation, laying down sensors, laying down cables and pipelines.

Here: UNCLOS and Agreement on Part XI - Preamble and frame index (Hint: Read part V and VI)

You people never disappoint anyone who question your intelligence!

Problem with indian's are they can't read or comprehend. read again.
chahbahar afghaistan Route doesnt look feasible for india.
Really? And you are? Maybe it doesn't look feasible to you.

> An India-operated port in Iran's Chabahar would open a gateway for the country to Afghanistan and Central Asia. The decision to ink MoU with Iran for expansion of Chabahar Port, after a long delay, will finally open up major commercial and strategic opportunities for India.

> In the absence of transit through Pakistan, Iran is India's gateway to Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Russia and beyond and the Chabahar port is the key element in that.

> While the Chabahar port is essentially meant for commercial purposes and provides transit route to Afghanistan, India can use the facility to monitor Pakistani & Chinese activities in the Indian Ocean Region as well as Gulf.

> Once functional, Chabahar will further undermine Gwadar. While Pakistan & China both had high hopes from Gwadar (built with Beijing's assistance), the insurgency in Balochistan is proving to be Achilles hill for both the countries.

> Indian investment in the port would serves as a link to Delaram-Zaranj road that India built in Afghanistan. Chabahar port would give New Delhi a base to position itself after American troops withdraw from Afghanistan. India-built Zaranj-Delaram road in Afghanistan will connect to the Chabahar port via Milak. Iran with financial aid from India is upgrading the Chabahar-Milak road.

> The Chabahar-Milak-Zaranj-Delaram highway will open up the Indian market to Afghan farm products and other exports. It will also help combat the scourge of illicit drugs production and export and assist the trade, transport and transit network of Iran.
Really? And you are? Maybe it doesn't look feasible to you.

> An India-operated port in Iran's Chabahar would open a gateway for the country to Afghanistan and Central Asia. The decision to ink MoU with Iran for expansion of Chabahar Port, after a long delay, will finally open up major commercial and strategic opportunities for India.

> In the absence of transit through Pakistan, Iran is India's gateway to Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Russia and beyond and the Chabahar port is the key element in that.

> While the Chabahar port is essentially meant for commercial purposes and provides transit route to Afghanistan, India can use the facility to monitor Pakistani & Chinese activities in the Indian Ocean Region as well as Gulf.

> Once functional, Chabahar will further undermine Gwadar. While Pakistan & China both had high hopes from Gwadar (built with Beijing's assistance), the insurgency in Balochistan is proving to be Achilles hill for both the countries.

> Indian investment in the port would serves as a link to Delaram-Zaranj road that India built in Afghanistan. Chabahar port would give New Delhi a base to position itself after American troops withdraw from Afghanistan. India-built Zaranj-Delaram road in Afghanistan will connect to the Chabahar port via Milak. Iran with financial aid from India is upgrading the Chabahar-Milak road.

> The Chabahar-Milak-Zaranj-Delaram highway will open up the Indian market to Afghan farm products and other exports. It will also help combat the scourge of illicit drugs production and export and assist the trade, transport and transit network of Iran.

You are an idiot of highest kind. You think 'Balochistan' insurgency is only limited to Pakistani side of the border ? :D Oops I am even not talking about centuries old Afghani insurgencies here :D. Looks like for these Indians, everything is so easy pesy for them ...no disruption, no insurgencies, even if there is a 3rd world war going on at that very land, India will have continued supply of business lol.
Menstruation Cycle is in full swing. Honestly build your Chabar port, the ace up your lungi. lets see what Modi gets when he reaches Beijing and plays chankya with the Chinese.
Yeah sure what ever you thinks..

Problem with indian's are they can't read or comprehend. read again.
Repeating the same lines does not change how the world works or international laws are.
I don't quite understand why is it always the Pakistanis who are least informed in the world.

That is called the EEZ. It is not Pakistani sea. By International Law Pakistan cannot stop any commercial shipping in this route.

If Pakistan stops any commercial shipping, it would be declaration of war, which it would have been in any case had Pakistan tried to block commercial shipping anywhere else in the world or whether this area was demarcated as EEZ or not.

Pakistan's sea is and always will be the same as it was before this right was awarded, that of 12nm from its coastline.
Chah bahar is not as much about trade, it is more about encircling Pakistan. I hope Pakistan is aware about the game. Though there is no shortage of optimistic Pakistanis who consider Iran as Pakistan's friend, which in my opinion she is anything but.
SO SINCE Pakistan is building a port other countries should not make their own. what ducking logic is this?

India and Iran will step up sabotage and terrorist activity in Gwadar to make Chabahar more viable
as if pakistan lack home grown ones !

Child. CHABAHAR DOESNT HAVE THE WATER DEPTH TO FACILITATE LARGE TRADE. You need a water depth of atleast 30+ feet to be called a deep sea port.

Therefore, Chabahar is not in the same league as Gwadar
so why ur fellows are so worried!
Chabahar can complement Gawadar, however, there is absolutely no alternative for Gawadar. It's in a league of it's own due to geographic location of Pakistan and the economic center of gravity that has shifted towards China. Think of it as if the magnetic poles of the earth have shifted, anyone with even with ONE functioning neuron will realize the magnanimity of what Gawadar means in the long term, and anyone who thinks that this can be somehow replaced by any other port is delusional at best. This is our cash cow, which we shall milk for eons to come!
Seriously dude???
Why are the Pakistani members so worked up about India developing Chahabar! To the point somebody (Shamian I think) actually wanting to create terrorist attacks in the road that India will use from that port!

I have to credit their far sight. Only reason must be farsight. Because what that planned Indian railway line from Afghanistan to Chahabar does is completely kill any and all Pakistani hopes for unduly profiting from Afghani minerals. As Ghani spoke, in the next 15 to 20 years Afghanistan will be the largest source of iron ore and in the top five for another 20 minerals. It is possiblrpe that Pakistan and China were hoping to extract high transit rates from Afghanistan ...now there is a viable alternative so blackmail pricing may not be possible.

I don't know if Indians intended it that way but they have created for Afghanistan one of the most strategic and highly effective tools to prevent Pakistani bear hug. At the same time scoring some cookie points with Iran.
Why are the Pakistani members so worked up about India developing Chahabar! To the point somebody (Shamian I think) actually wanting to create terrorist attacks in the road that India will use from that port!

I have to credit their far sight. Only reason must be farsight. Because what that planned Indian railway line from Afghanistan to Chahabar does is completely kill any and all Pakistani hopes for unduly profiting from Afghani minerals. As Ghani spoke, in the next 15 to 20 years Afghanistan will be the largest source of iron ore and in the top five for another 20 minerals. It is possiblrpe that Pakistan and China were hoping to extract high transit rates from Afghanistan ...now there is a viable alternative so blackmail pricing may not be possible.

I don't know if Indians intended it that way but they have created for Afghanistan one of the most strategic and highly effective tools to prevent Pakistani bear hug. At the same time scoring some cookie points with Iran

Afghanistan will use either Gwadar or Karachi for the port not Chahabar in fact they are already using Karachi for export/import without any issues. Its India who wants to avoid Karachi port. Time for you to return back from your deep delusional slumber.
Factors that must be considered:
1) The Pak-China Economic corridor would have high quality roads, and state of the art facilities. (It can be linked with Kabul most easily) Would the Chabahar, Zaranj and Delarm roads be of the same quality? Most certainly not!
2) Gwadar Port has already been completed, while the work on the Road of China-Pak ec corridor will soon be started and I sense that it will be completed very soon since it would be handled by the chinese ;) . As compared to this, the Chabahar port will take some time to develop to that extent.
3)The Pakistan Army has planned to make an entire force for the security of all the workers working on this project. Would Iran, and Afghanistan be able to provide the same amount of security? Most certainly Not!
4)Iran would also not be very jumpy in this development beacuse it does not have much high stakes, and it also would not want to raise it's tensions against Pakistan. As compared to this Pakistan's top priority would be to develop gwadar.
Are we assuming here Iran will submit to every demand of any/ every country? Will Iran play puppet to other nation's plans? I am not so sure. When/ if sanctions are lifted you will see increasingly assertive Iran emerging willing to turn down lucrative offers. It has ambitions of its own. It turned down Indian offer to develope one of its gas field recently, didn't she?

Right now, it is all guesswork. How things shape up in future; only time will tell. And we shall see how it works out. Hold your fireworks for now.
Afghanistan will use either Gwadar or Karachi for the port not Chahabar in fact they are already using Karachi for export/import without any issues. Its India who wants to avoid Karachi port. Time for you to return back from your deep delusional slumber.

Do you not understand or do not want to? Read slowly . I said Chahbar gives Afghanistan a non Pakistani option thus taking away yet another hold that Pakistan had on them .
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