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CERN wants more Indian scientists, engineers

Again wrong.The US, Russia and China are not part of it.It is primarily a European counterpart to American, Russian and Chinese indigenous organizations. Its member countries, like Cyprus and Slovakia, do not have "significant and substantial" programs.Over time, desperate for money, they tried to attract more members, but have been having a hard time.
If you don't know India has been part of this program from the start. I already told you about My professor and ex-director of my institute, who is part of CERN LHC program.

I know about Indian contribution.
p.s. just check out how much Fundamental Research is carried out in USA vis-a-vis Applied Research; for example. It will be be an eye-opener!

I have friends who worked at FermiLab and LLNL, so I am quite familiar with basic physics research in the US.

Not sure what point you are trying to make.

If you don't know India has been part of this program from the start. I already told you about My professor and ex-director of my institute, who is part of CERN LHC program.

I know about Indian contribution.

Lots of countries have relationship with CERN. Pakistani scientists also work at CERN.

The whole deal with membership (associate and up) is to pay annual dues in the tens of millions.
@Developereo I am talking about Large Hadron Collider. About this experiment only.

I don't know why you are putting everything on Money. Indian scientist played a significant role in LHC.

My two juniors worked there when they were in 3 rd year of Under Graduate. The scientists couldn't believe that they haven't Graduated and still so productive and intelligent.

Our prof. sent those two students on Summer internship which got extended for 6 months.
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good news. Indian doctors and engineers are known for their hard work along with the chinese.


Chinese doctors and engineers are known for their hard work around the world;

while Indian doctors and engineers are known for their hard work within India and world's liberal mass media diversity fantasy in which everyone have the same potential.

On topic:

1. Heuer was addressing to an Indian audience in India. so what he should say to be polite if not "Indians this and that"? If he had addressed Koreans in Korea, the subject would have had been entirely different.

2. As a CERN official, to be 100% politically correct and safe, Heuer was talking from his backside indeed.

India is NOT "FULL OF well-educated Indians" unlike what he blindly repeated of those mainsteam media lies. Anyone with more than 2 brain cells and a bit of integrity knows that India, and India in particular given its size, is FULL OF illiterates instead, both in absolute # and in % term. What's the basis for that stupid claim of this liar Heuer? None!

3. World'mass media always say that "(GDP, wealth, history, etc, etc whatever of ) India + China is how much how much"- another stupidity or poorly-designed lie. Since China alone is already huge in every measure, in fact any country, say Somalia or Turkey + China is still a big chuck of world's GDP for instance.

The ambiguous term of "India + China is about the size of blah blah" is designed by the mass media to cheat on the low IQers, on the expanses of China.

4. more on the topic, "I must say that the quality of your researchers is very high”, claimed this liar Heuer.

Any proof of that? Zero! The facts are instead on the contrary:

Given India's sheer population size as world's #2, India's annual science papar output is pathetic in quantity in fact, and VERY LOW in quality (measured by int'l peer-quotations)as well, with modest annual growth rate similar to that of Spain!

A tiny land such as Netherlands or Austria or Sweden has mostly likely more scientific papers published per year (quantity) and has more int'l peer quotations (quality) than India, let alone a lightly bigger one such as Spain, Italy or Korea which still have less population than Bigger New Delhi.

Actually all these hard facts have further confirmed India's average IQ, contrary to what Heuer blindly claimed.

5. It's about the first time in the living memory that someone annonuces that Indians/India are good at nuclear research, considering its pathetic state of nukes, both military and civilian, generations behind the EU. Very amusing!

Perhaps Heuer should have thanked some second-rate Canadians as well since it were them who taught military nuclear abc level tech to Indians not that long ago. :rofl::rofl:
@Developereo I am talking about Large Hadron Collider. About this experiment only.

I don't know why you are putting everything on Money. Indian scientist played a significant role in LHC.

My two juniors worked there when they were in 3 rd year of Under Graduate. The scientists couldn't believe that they haven't Graduated and still so productive and intelligent.

Our prof. sent those two students on Summer internship which got extended for 6 months.

I am not denying the value or quality of Indian scientists. (Pakistan also had 20-30 people on this experiment at the LHC.)

My only point was that membership is about raising money. Of course, it would give extra access to Indian scientists, but I am sure India wants to be in the same league as US, Russia, China, Japan, not just an associate member of a European organization.
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Chinese doctors and engineers are known for their hard work around the world;

while Indian doctors and engineers are known for their hard work within India and world's liberal mass media diversity fantasy in which everyone have the same potential.

On topic:

1. Heuer was addressing to an Indian audience in India. so what he should say to be polite if not "Indians this and that"? If he had addressed Koreans in Korea, the subject would have had been entirely different.

2. As a CERN official, to be 100% politically correct and safe, Heuer was talking from his backside indeed.

India is NOT "FULL OF well-educated Indians" unlike what he blindly repeated of those mainsteam media lies. Anyone with more than 2 brain cells and a bit of integrity knows that India, and India in particular given its size, is FULL OF illiterates instead, both in absolute # and in % term. What's the basis for that stupid claim of this liar Heuer? None!

3. World'mass media always say that "(GDP, wealth, history, etc, etc whatever of ) India + China is how much how much"- another stupidity or poorly-designed lie. Since China alone is already huge in every measure, in fact any country, say Somalia or Turkey + China is still a big chuck of world's GDP for instance.

The ambiguous term of "India + China is about the size of blah blah" is designed by the mass media to cheat on the low IQers, on the expanses of China.

4. more on the topic, "I must say that the quality of your researchers is very high”, claimed this liar Heuer.

Any proof of that? Zero! The facts are instead on the contrary:

Given India's sheer population size as world's #2, India's annual science papar output is pathetic in quantity in fact, and VERY LOW in quality (measured by int'l peer-quotations)as well, with modest annual growth rate similar to that of Spain!

A tiny land such as Netherlands or Austria or Sweden has mostly likely more scientific papers published per year (quantity) and has more int'l peer quotations (quality) than India, let alone a lightly bigger one such as Spain, Italy or Korea which still have less population than Bigger New Delhi.

Actually all these hard facts have further confirmed India's average IQ, contrary to what Heuer blindly claimed.

5. It's about the first time in the living memory that someone annonuces that Indians/India are good at nuclear research, considering its pathetic state of nukes, both military and civilian, generations behind the EU. Very amusing!

Perhaps Heuer should have thanked some second-rate Canadians as well since it were them who taught military nuclear abc level tech to Indians not that long ago. :rofl::rofl:


you are a troll.:yahoo:
I am not denying the value or quality of Indian scientists. (Pakistan also had 20-30 people on this experiment at the LHC.)
My only point was that membership is about raising money. Of course, it would give extra access to Indian scientists, but I am sure India wants to be in the same league as US, Russia, China, Japan, not just an associate member of a European organization.
Well for that we need to reduce the gap non-linearly and Collaborative work with Foreign Scientists is one of the step taken to achieve this.

India lacks advance research facilities. While we build up our capabilities, we have to work in other countries to keep up with current technological advances.

Nowadays a liberal mass media tool such as Forbes is pure rubbish, worse than worthless toilet paper to be frank.
So whom should we believe ? Only those that fits your purpose and post ?

Either its Liberal Media, or Propaganda Media, or Biased Media, whatever source I provide, you will ignore it. So leave it that. Better move on to some other thread to bash India.

He also forgot this, i wonder how intelligent are those CCP funded posters in real life are? Because they're lagging in competitions in neutral venues.

Indians, who now number 3.18 millions, the third largest after the Chinese (4 million) and the Filipinos (3.4 million) have a median household annual income of $88,000, much higher than for all Asians ($66,000) and all US households ($49,800).

Indian Americans top in income and education - NY Daily News | NewsCred SmartWire
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Well for that we need to reduce the gap non-linearly and Collaborative work with Foreign Scientists is one of the step taken to achieve this.

India lacks advance research facilities. While we build up our capabilities, we have to work in other countries to keep up with current technological advances.

So whom should we believe ? Only those that fits your purpose and post ?

Either its Liberal Media, or Propaganda Media, or Biased Media, whatever source I provide, you will ignore it. So leave it that. Better move on to some other thread to bash India.

On science, you talk using in't peer-reviewed journals stats, only. Clear?

on social issues, most if not all main stream media (CBS, ABC, BBC, CNN, NYT, WSJ, Forbes, NEwsweek, etc, etc) are liberal, which publish nothing other than either straight lies or rubbish misquotes and hearsays, mostly of them are anything but facts. Heck even most right wing mainstream such as FOX or American Conservative for instance are becoming faux-right but left in its nutshell on all core issues.

Actually Forbes, a "hire-a-thug" type of mag, in particular, is mostly sponsored by Indians ( various American Indian lobby groups, AND Indian govt). Many completely wild articles and claims on Indians/India in the web are originated in fact by Forbes (the ultimate source) which are paid, like ads, by Indians themselves. It's for some years now. This is not news - google research on this and you'll find out.

If you want to know ANY issue, do your own homework using professional journals instead of quoting some main stream media rubbish.
People are burning their As$es here :lol:, just for a small news.

I donno what happens when India established CERN type system in India :lol::lol::lol:
People are burning their As$es here :lol:, just for a small news.

I donno what happens when India established CERN type system in India :lol::lol::lol:

we are already building one aren't we ..?
India-based Neutrino Observatory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A unique science laboratory is coming up deep inside the mountains in Idukki-Theni districts of Kerala and Tamilnadu in India for neutrino research. The lab has to be located in deep underground with 'walls' and roof of at least 1000 meter thickness for filtering the cosmic rays. There will be a big laboratory of 3432 sq meters in area and 32.5 meters in height and three smaller ones of 1600 sq m and 10 m high. The length of the tunnels will be 2491 meters and its portal of entry is in Theni district of TN. The projected life of the lab is 120 years. This mega science project of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) costing Rs 1,300 crores was approved for XIth five year plan. Tunneling will start soon. High energy neutrinos manufactured in Neutrino Factory at Chicago in USA will be beamed towards INO to study the changes occurring during the journey
Show me any new monetary contribution from India to CERN from last 5 years.

May be not in monetary terms, but India sure has helped a lot in spiritual terms:


High-energy physicists from India, mainly from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), have been participating in experiments at CERN since the 1970s. Subsequently, the TIFR-EHEP Group joined the L3 experiment, contributing hardware for the endcap hadron calorimeter, making major contributions to core software and participating in important physics analyses such as the lineshape analysis, Higgs searches, QCD and b-quark physics.

In the 1990s, The Centre for Advanced Technology (CAT) at Indore delivered hardware for LEP, and the Indian High-Energy Heavy Ion Physics Team contributed to the construction of Photon Multiplicity Detector for the WA93 experiment at the CERN-SPS, followed by physics analyses and publications.

All these developments paved the way for the Indian AEC’s (Atomic Energy Commission) decision in 1996 to take part in the construction of LHC and to contribute to the construction of the CMS and ALICE detectors. The success of the DAE (Department of Atomic Energy)-CERN partnership in the LHC has also led to a new Co-operation on Novel Accelerator Technologies (NAT), which envisions DAE’s participation in CERN’s Linac4, SPL and CTF3 projects, as well as CERN’s contribution to DAE’s programmes.


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