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Çay Bahçesi

Wow, I didn't even say anything about your Prophet, God, religion or whatever and you're calling me a provocateur? So all those times I would report people on here for making such slanderous comments against the Prophet and such and this is what I get?

Good bye.

Güle güle Lejyon. Unfortunately you are not the eagle of the 9. Legion. he had honor
Is that a threat? So we should fear Billions of HUMANS more than God? Interesting, no wonder Islam is going through a purge. Too many cattle and not enough intelligence.
Islam going through a purge? Last time i checked, we're the fastest growing religion.

Yeah thats because the worlds poorest have the highest birth rates on earth. Congratulations, Islam is growing because poor people are getting more kids.
Wow, I didn't even say anything about your Prophet, God, religion or whatever and you're calling me a provocateur? So all those times I would report people on here for making such slanderous comments against the Prophet and such and this is what I get?

Good bye.
Relax man,you are always welcome here.
poor people are getting more kids

Latest news :

In Cologne 60 women were at Silvetser Night molested from 1000 refugees at Cologne Main Station ,one was raped. Most from Syria, Iraq , Afghanistan and Iran .

INSPIRING very inspiring. None of them was Sunni. That's for sure. I have my serious sources
Latest news :

In Cologne 60 women were at Silvetser Night molested from 1000 refugees at Cologne Main Station ,one was raped. Most from Syria, Iraq , Afghanistan and Iran .

INSPIRING very inspiring. None of them was Sunni. That's for sure. I have my serious sources

You are so weird man, you make no sense at all. How is that relevant to what I said? You should get yourself checked.

For all that we know that those molesters were North African / Arabic, so they were probably Muslim, which sect? I dont know but the only Shia countries are far away from those regions:


I hope I could help you a bit, still dont know what you're onto but I guess neither do you.
You are so weird man

You are weak. Eren Erdemi ?

Don't quote WIKIPEDIA. That map is BS.
Iraq 60 %, KSA 15 % , Egypt 30 % , Turkey 10 %, Pakistan 10 % and finally IRAN 100 %

It is a Farsi- Arap war on the shoulders of Muslims

Syria 40 % (Nasuri), Lebanon 30 %, Afghanistan 10 %

Real Muslims are respectful to women and society, they don't molest people in their guest countries.
The German police is telling lies, Wikipedia is. Sure thing.
The German police is telling lies

Did you joined PKK and DHKP-C hunger strike in Cologne , Dusseldorf and Dortmund claiming Turkish Government massacring Kurds and Alevites ?

Germany allowed that and made PROPAGANDA with it, HAPPY now ?

In this forum are 30 % leftist Turkish terror oriented people with fake accounts trying to suck news and INFORMATIONS.
But that's very very good open source.


Quote : That's official for press but not that what insiders know !

"Am Silvesterabend hätten sich auf dem Bahnhofsvorplatz etwa 1000 Männer versammelt, die «dem Aussehen nach aus dem arabischen oder asiatischen Raum» stammen. Aus der Menge hätten sich Gruppen von mehreren Männern gebildet, die Frauen umzingelt, bedrängt und ausgeraubt hätten. Albers sprach von Sexualdelikten in sehr massiver Form und einer Vergewaltigung.Der Polizei lagen bis Montag 60 Anzeigen vor, darunter auch Diebstähle von Taschen, Handys und Geldbörsen. Die Ermittler gehen von weiteren Opfern aus, die sich bisher noch nicht gemeldet haben.
Please stop it. You are now also an inside and know more that others do.

SZ: Kölns Polizei rätselt über "völlig enthemmte" Gewalt - Panorama - Süddeutsche.de
Das gemeinsame Merkmal, das Beamte und Opfer nennen, sei, dass die Menschen "vom Aussehen aus dem nordafrikanischen und arabischen Raum kommen können", sagte Polizeipräsident Albers.

FAZ: Übergriffe in Köln: „Straftaten einer neuen Dimension“ - Kriminalität - FAZ
Am Silvesterabend hatten sich im Schatten des Kölner Doms nach bisherigen Erkenntnissen der Ermittler rund tausend Männer versammelt, die „dem Aussehen nach aus dem arabischen oder nordafrikanischen Raum stammen“, wie Albers formulierte.

Spiegel: Köln: 60 Frauen erstatten Anzeige nach sexuellen Übergriffen an Silvester - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Die Täter sollen "überwiegend aus dem nordafrikanischen beziehungsweise arabischen Raum" stammen, sagte Albers.

Three of the most important newspapers/magazines quoting the police office in charge.
You are one big fat liar. Its not to late, you can stop and try to be a good human being.

Just stop lying, accusing other people of shit and think before you talk/type. You can do it bro.
Just stop lying, accusing other people of shit and think before you talk/type.

Go on with your propaganda SISTER.
Please quote leftist TAZ : " People from migration background "!

Who pays you for trolling ?

The German police is telling lies, Wikipedia is. Sure thing.

Naive sister

Wassss ??? Whaattt ??? Typical blondes and Turkish stupids. Name is ID - Card

The bad word in Germany , women use if they are unsure what to say
Now I'm his Sister too, you cant make this shit up.

Obviously you fall in love with me, but don't like hairy mountain monkeys;
I could change my mind if you are blond and white :cheesy:

Ugly,transpirating hairy ...booohhhh . Good enough for some mountains monkeysa




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