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Çay Bahçesi

You can't just say whatever you want and "Ohh, i was only jokinggg"... some values are sacred for us.
I agree. One cannot say anything about any sacred stuff and then say it was a joke. :tup:

Guys just leave this little terrorist, i used to forgive his personal insults but he died for me after his support for the most evil terror group in the world.

Yesterday he supported Iran/Turkey today he hates booth, this guy is a instable lunatic who knows what will happen tomorrow.
Never ever take them seriously. They are naive and unpredictable. They will screw you over if their interest changes. It is no surprise that they are called the world champion in backstabbing. They are naive, and emotional, and it is one of the reasons that they always lose.
You should check out his posts from the last two days, he is one of those guys who would kill you for your liberal views.

Really? :lol:

Guys just leave this little terrorist, i used to forgive his personal insults but he died for me after his support for the most evil terror group in the world.

Yesterday he supported Iran/Turkey today he hates booth, this guy is a instable lunatic who knows what will happen tomorrow.

Where do I hate Turkey?

You had no bad intention, but, even if you want to have jokes, or fun with someone, you still should not cross some boundaries ;)
I tried not to mind it, since I knew you had not any bad intention, but, it was still insulting in some extent ;)
Next time, please do not joke about subjects like flag, or family which are important for us, to avoid any confusion ;)

Don't take it as an insult even if you want it to be. It's not a big deal and obviously we were trolling each other. You guys have said similar things at me but i take them as jokes even if they were serious.

You sure do love drama. :lol:
@xenon54 I am sure this @Hazzy997 would create an organization named "Al-Dawla Islamiya Al-Michigan(ISM)" in the next coming days. :lol::lol::lol: he has went full retard. :lol::lol::lol:
Nah, his days of beeing a Internet Jihadist are numbered, hes going to end up in Gitmo. :)
He allready shared his name, picture and location here, its almost like invitation for NSA.


@telkon sup dude long time not seen. :cheers:
@xenon54 I am sure this @Hazzy997 would create an organization named "Al-Dawla Islamiya Al-Michigan(ISM)" in the next coming days. :lol::lol::lol: he has went full retard. :lol::lol::lol:

Why do you keep mentioning me loser? :lol:

This isn't about a single organization. It's about the whole Sunni Arab world which has gotten sick of you people.
Spain is getting raped by holland. (World Cup)

Wow, so many console fanboys here :P

So nobody is excited about this game?

You guys probably haven't experience the satisfaction of invading your foes playing as Ottoman Empire with this epic song back in Civ 5.

COD he says :disagree:
I cant stand cod. Im playing Arma 2 and total war games. I play a little civ here and there too.

The good thing about cod though is that you can increase your knowledge of fire arms. :lol:
LOL, it was like a gang rape :lol::lol::lol:

Spain is getting raped by holland. (World Cup)

I cant stand cod. Im playing Arma 2 and total war games. I play a little civ here and there too.

The good thing about cod though is that you can increase your knowledge of fire arms. :lol:
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