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Çay Bahçesi

I think what’s going on in Yemen is really saf, but we shouldn’t be involved in more countries problem. The fronts we have atm has made AKP step back on Mavi Vatan.

I am not sure our operations in iraq against PKK can be called a front though more like cleaning operation.

Syria is a real issue because of the refugees we’re dealing with.
I find it strange that the murders of women (even if they are inexcusable and cruel) are currently attracting so much attention ... at the same time, Armenians and Greeks are active - and the Armenians claim that the TR is planning a genocide with AZ and RTE would have said that on TV... of course, Europeans cannot understand Turkish...
anti-Turkish propaganda can now be seen under every tourism post...
The USA e.g. in relation to the population still has 5 times more femicides...

I think it's a bit strange brother
they are wahabis - they are no Muslims

actually UAE is a Selfish Kingdom (dictatorship) country.. they often did support anti muslim organisations mostly opposite of qatar wich mostly support muslim organisations...

and with that UAE is extreemly voilent and stupporn country

I wont say that they are extremists in religion but I would say they are extremists as a kingdom and nationalism and arabaism..
Dear Turkish brothers,

After prolonged disputes between this section and the Iranian section, I in consultation with the moderation team decided to take action to end this hopefully for once and all.
There are now a new set of guidelines you need to follow, which have been agreed with my fellow mods and senior Turkish posters, which of course includes our mod @cabatli_53 .

They are as follows;

Can't talk about Iranian posters by name or as a group.
This can't be used as a platform to attack Iranian posters.
Iranian members are banned from posting here.
You are banned from going to the Iranian section.

It's not ideal, but it's fair, and I took on board the confidence of many for this. By the way, the Iranian posters were NOT involved any of the above rules. These were put forward by myself as a blueprint, and they agreed upon by the moderation team and our @cabatli_53
I would like you to state that you agree to these rules. If you don't, I'll make note of names and any infringement will end up in a ban, that to for a long time.
You may engage each other in the Middle East section, and we are looking to toughen the moderation there. But these rules are for this section.

I'd also like to state the above is not up for negotiation, and there will be no discussion of what has gone on prior to this post i.e. the past. We are having a reset here.
Can we please also not attack moderating decisions in public.

You are our guests and brothers, honoured beyond belief. If you were to go to someone's house, let's say a friend, and there's someone you don't like there, would you start beating them up? Cause a commotion and demand they leave? Of course not, as it shows disrespect for the owner.
Your place is here with us.

Thank you selam and stay blessed.

@The Eagle
@Irfan Baloch
@AgNoStiC MuSliM
@Slav Defence
@Foxtrot Alpha

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For your information,the member @Philosopher was also involved in the sceme to get Turkish members banned.
I see you put um up for Iranian mod.

Not at liberty to discuss that (see above), however I did speak to him about it. Like I said let the past be. Thanks.
@waz @T-123456 Brothers, Please delete the conversations. I am talking with T-123456 about whole story and waz’s efforts to create a better environment.
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