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Çay Bahçesi

I'm just wondering if we still have the respect of the world after what Erdogan and his party did and still doing . I'm wondering if we still have friends or at least a country wants to works with us ? I'm an Arabian / Turkish boy , My friends(Jews,Christians and Muslims ) hates my Turkish origin.I'm proud because I am an Arabian but at the same time I feel ashamed because I share the same thing with ignorant people and Terrorists. I'm proud to be Turk but unfortunately, I feel ashamed because of some "Turks" who are trying to divide our nation and spreading hates between Turkey and the world.
Recent Erdogan moves it's a pure politic move with no religion reason, but It's makes me sad because I don't feel we are a secular country anymore and this what he wants ...
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I'm just wondering if we still have the respect of the world after what Erdogan and his party did and still doing . I'm wondering if we still have friends or at least a country wants to works with us ? I'm an Arabian / Turkish boy , My friends(Jews,Christians and Muslims ) hates my Turkish origin.I'm proud because I am an Arabian but at the same time I feel ashamed because I share the same thing with ignorant people and Terrorists. I'm proud to be Turk but unfortunately, I feel ashamed because of some "Turks" who are trying to divide our nation and spreading hates between Turkey and the world.
Recent Erdogan moves it's a pure politic move with no religion reason, but It is makes me sad because we're not a secular country and this what he want ...
What country you from?
ah the Good Ole CIA and their Islamists lackeys Turkey gotta watch the increasing Arab and Kurdish minorities on its frontiers at end of the day down the road in decades you will be facing not just a Kurdish threat but Arab one and what makes you thinks the Syrians are loyal to you guys once Syria stablises they could be used against TURKEY

@Taskforce @GlobalMillitary96 @-SINAN-
There are millions of Syrians in Turkey. They are poor, low IQ, desperate and have no future. They are perfect material to recruit by CIA or any other agency. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do. People who imported these Arabs can sit on something.
They dont have the citizenship luckily so deporting them is a matter of will - one which the AKP doesnt have and as a result of that the next election is already a clear defeat for the AKP.
I'm just wondering if we still have the respect of the world after what Erdogan and his party did and still doing . I'm wondering if we still have friends or at least a country wants to works with us ? I'm an Arabian / Turkish boy , My friends(Jews,Christians and Muslims ) hates my Turkish origin.I'm proud because I am an Arabian but at the same time I feel ashamed because I share the same thing with ignorant people and Terrorists. I'm proud to be Turk but unfortunately, I feel ashamed because of some "Turks" who are trying to divide our nation and spreading hates between Turkey and the world.
Recent Erdogan moves it's a pure politic move with no religion reason, but It's makes me sad because I don't feel we are a secular country anymore and this what he wants ...

You are a very confused person, do you realize that?
There are millions of Syrians in Turkey. They are poor, low IQ, desperate and have no future. They are perfect material to recruit by CIA or any other agency. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do. People who imported these Arabs can sit on something.

As a Turk how bad has the boiling point reached between Turks and Syrians and you also got illegal immigrants from as far as Afghanistan and Pakistan

They dont have the citizenship luckily so deporting them is a matter of will - one which the AKP doesnt have and as a result of that the next election is already a clear defeat for the AKP.

They could rig and win again
They could rig and win again

I think they will attempt something like that in the next election but the approval rate is simply no longer there which means since the key problems havent been adressed (like the situation with the illegals) it is simply unlikely that they will receive another chance. Furthermore there are additional new parties by former akpeons which means another wave of voters which are lost for the AKP.
They dont have the citizenship luckily so deporting them is a matter of will - one which the AKP doesnt have and as a result of that the next election is already a clear defeat for the AKP.
Out of the blue they made Agua Sofia a mosque. They can give Syrians citizenship out of the blue too and win elections this way. They will use this card for sure. That is why they keep them in the first place. They are already silently handing out citizenship in mass.
Out of the blue they made Agua Sofia a mosque. They can give Syrians citizenship out of the blue too and win elections this way. They will use this card for sure. That is why they keep them in the first place. They are already silently handing out citizenship in mass.

I mean, they could but they will have to answer some very harsh questions in the election period and such a move would be very dangerous for them. The nationalist which are in the AKP coalition right now have a clear position on the illegals- keep that in mind.
I think they will attempt something like that in the next election but the approval rate is simply no longer there which means since the key problems havent been adressed (like the situation with the illegals) it is simply unlikely that they will receive another chance. Furthermore there are additional new parties by former akpeons which means another wave of voters which are lost for the AKP.

Out of the blue they made Agua Sofia a mosque. They can give Syrians citizenship out of the blue too and win elections this way. They will use this card for sure. That is why they keep them in the first place. They are already silently handing out citizenship in mass.

Erdogan isnt dumb he is power hungry he is looking long term to save his butt but if economic and political stagnation continues Turkey will be in deep problems
I mean, they could but they will have to answer some very harsh questions in the election period and such a move would be very dangerous for them. The nationalist which are in the AKP coalition right now have a clear position on the illegals- keep that in mind.
Those same nationalist stayed silent when Erdogan did worst things but I hope I'm wrong and you are right.

Nationalists in Turkey are not educated and easily tricked by Erdog media.

When our republic was newborn, even then was Aya Sophia registered as a mosque. Maybe Atatürk saw all this coming and had it registered as a mosque, until our nation was strong and educated enough to figure out what to do. My personal stance is. I don’t care whatever it is. But any fuxking insult to Atatürk or insinuation is not acceptable. Any state leader who thinks he can insult Atatürk is a no go.
Insults to Ataturk are getting worse and worse. And one point the public has to say enough and lynch and deport these islamists.
Education and enlightening people is the only way to deal with that. Those so called muslims who insult Atatürk didn’t have to walk in his shoes. People still blame him even after his death. Well that unfortunately displays how ignorant people are.

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