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Çay Bahçesi

Watch your mouth then.

Of course, I can not do that with you.

I will not tolerate you describing my country an ISIS supporter or a country that tolerates terrorism.

You can debate that with respect or not.. when not.. this happens.

Again, act civilised and be respectful to all.. and have your ban overturned. Otherwise you are not returning here.
You can see where my post reads some of you since I do mean certain members that I know of, I changed it knowing the possibility it can be misconstrued.
And it is NOT one user.

There are issues you can agree on and cannot agree on. But throwing insults, and acting like a wolf pack does not work.
The same message I sent to the Chinese, the Indians and even opposing political rivals in Pakistan.

Agree to disagree and move on.

Turkey as a people or as portion of the state? As I said, you can debate it; you can offer proofs to the contrary or logic. But throwing out insults and thinking you own the topic as a different Turk member tried to demonstrate is not happening.
It only leads to flaming and derailment; makes my job harder. So if I have to play hardball, play god.. so be it.

1. Agree to disagree

2. See 1.
I did not once insult you, i just said I was going to report your post. that is all.
If what you said was going to bother me so much, i'd not even be on a forum. :)
I was just responding to Kedis comment about me causing trouble. LOL.
I did not once insult you, i just said I was going to report your post. that is all.
If what you said was going to bother me so much, i'd not even be on a forum. :)
I was just responding to Kedis comment about me causing trouble. LOL.
I am not referring to you. A certain member tried to be smart; he is already seeing the result. If instead of trying to be a smart alec had replied with a well written post and not a knee jerk hateful reaction.. the result would be different.
It does not apply to all Turks, heck I would not even be in this thread if he had not made the stupid mistake of trying to tag me in here.
But now that I am here and able to read the replies of the rest which were pitiful.. I think I need to make the message clear.

Just because we have a natural affection and affinity for Turks does not mean we are not entitled to reasonable opinions based on news and reports.. and also entitled to reasonable replies to debate it.
I am not referring to you. A certain member tried to be smart; he is already seeing the result. If instead of trying to be a smart alec had replied with a well written post and not a knee jerk hateful reaction.. the result would be different.
It does not apply to all Turks, heck I would not even be in this thread if he had not made the stupid mistake of trying to tag me in here.
But now that I am here and able to read the replies of the rest which were pitiful.. I think I need to make the message clear.

Just because we have a natural affection and affinity for Turks does not mean we are not entitled to reasonable opinions based on news and reports.. and also entitled to reasonable replies to debate it.
Yes, I saw, he got way too emotional, and said things he shouldn't have. Although, i did agree with him on a few things.
As I said before I deleted my comment, a lot of Pakistanis and others do not agree with what our country does, and each have their own opinion. it is to be expected.
Anyways, i better run, i look forward to debating with you in the future. adios my friend.:angel:
Herkesin Cumhuriyet Bayramını Kutlarım.
Tüm ulusumuzun Cumhuriyet Bayram'ını kutlarım. 1977 doğumlu birisi olarak okullarda Cumhuriyetçi ve Atatürkçü ruh öğretimine yetiştim. En azından her sabah "Andımızı " okumuş efsane nesiller arasındayım:)
Tekrar Cumhuriyetimizin doğum gününü kutlarım.
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Baykal wasn't joking some half year ago when he said that chp is "hdp'lilesiyor". True chp members and people should distance themselves from the current chp under Kilicdaroglu and not vote for them out of protest, but i doubt it.

It's funny to see how Kılıçdaroğlu hijacked this party. It even funnier how some spineless people from CHP are adapting this new paradigm. One of the six arrows in the party ideology is Turkish nationalism. This promoted rejecting any idea of Ummah that was widespread in Turkish community and rejecting any other ethnic nationalism other than Turkish nationalism which was extremely widespread among Ottoman minorities. Thus Atatürkçülük promotes assimilation of non-Turk Ottoman minorities and CHP party ideology obeys that. (Normally Kurds were not regarded as a minority in Ottoman era because they were Islam. This model clearly doesn't hold in modern politics and Kurds are clearly an ethnic minority and should be assimilated into Turkish identity.)

HDP rejects any form of Turkish identity and wants to not only preserve the Kurdish identity but also Kurdish culture (this part fuels ethnic nationalism) as a whole. It's not like they only want to speak Turkish but to be recognized as a Kurdish minority. Let's analyze this on subtopics.

- They want to speak Kurdish
For this part AKP gave huge compromise by Kurdish TV channel and by overturning the ban on Kurdish language in educational institutions

- They want a territory inside Turkey to be recognized as Kurdistan
Federalism, AKP still showing some backbone but I have no reason to trust a party that flip flops constantly for 14 years, but still let's cross our fingers and hope for the best.

- They want to seperate Kurdish cultural memes from parent container Turkish or Anatolian culture

Ethnic nationalism, this can't be affected by government but still pre-2012 AKP provided a very nurturing intellectual environment for this. From things like Kurdish cinema, Kurdish Music, Kurdish literature, all of them both in Turkish and Kurdish, to "Kurdish Sivas Kangal dog", "Kurdish Carpet", "Kurdish Börek", "Kurdish Baklava or "Kurdish Pistachio" I've heard a lot of small cultural memes that they want to get their hands on by simply marking them with "Kurdish" prefix. By the way I see some pro-AKP writers in the media and even in here think that Barzani is our guy. Hence they legitimize the compromises given to Barzani. We're even training their soldiers like our own. Have those guys ever heard Rudaw (Barzani news agency)? Have those guys ever read anything at there? Don't worry you guys won't be so unfamiliar because of the Kurdish language since that news agency also promotes it's entire news in Turkish as well. They are even trying to "reach" their Kurdish folks, who simply doesn't know Kurdish and are in the brink of assimilation. Yeah they are not only making it harder for Turkey to assimilate non-Turkish speakers but also they influence the ones that are already assimilated in some sense.

Enjoy reading these rubbish pieces from Barzani news agency,


Within few minutes of skimming I found these pieces that contain remarks like "Southern Kurdistan" (where is the northern one you son of a b**** Rudaw editor), or "Kurdish Wedding", "Kurdish Music" and pejorative remarks like Turkey regards itself as the leader of the Middle East or Turkey wants to assimilate Kurds etc. We are watching the efforts of Barzani Kurdish nation building efforts live on Rudaw! @KediKesenFare

All in all Turkey that Atatürk desired and CHP ideologized with six arrows not only is definitely incompatible with current HDP or AKP view, it also opposes and firmly antagonize them. Thus Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu is not suitable for being the leader of CHP since he only wants to ignore Atatürkçü paradigm and numb CHP voters to anti-Turkish Nationalist HDP and AKP views.

Without Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu stepping down, CHP is clearly becoming toxic not only for CHP voters but also for national security as well. If CHP comes to the point of AKP or HDP in this nation building argument only MHP will be left to support Turkish Nationalism ideal in Anatolia which is somewhat Turkifying every single citizen in Turkish borders. That's not enough to preserve this country as a whole with a proper identity!

As far as I know the sex casette scandal of Deniz Baykal was a huge turning point in Turkish history. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu was planted to CHP's leader position as a trojan horse to hijack the party and numb the opposition. Today government should inquire this sex casette scandal and instead of snatching a few police officers they should completely demystify who really Kılıçdaroğlu is. And don't get me wrong I don't want a 3rd class A Haber flamebait news piece. I'm talking about actual proofs to what happened. Only that will maybe influence the mainstream CHP delegates and call for a convention.
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Ekşi sözlük sağolsun ben de izledim. Yapılan şey hepimizin yapılmasını istediği birşey, gayet de yerinde birşey. Lakin ben bu olayı kameraya alan askerin ne düşündüğünü ve kime hizmet ettiğini merak ediyorum. O video ile belki gelecekte öldürülecek 100lerce PKK'lının hayatını kurtardı.
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İşin birde öbür tarafı var. Bu videoyu izleyen biri dağa çıkma işini götü yiyorsa yapar çıkar dağa. Biliyorki eninde sonunda domuz gibi geberecek. Caydırıcı kanunlar yok ama dağda kanun asker bunu anlar ermeni domuzları.

Ha bunu koz olarak kullanacaklar ama arkasında güçlü bir siyasi irade varsa bir arpa boyu yol alamaz kansızlar.

Bu videonun getirisi götürüsünden fazla olacak. Artık yaptıkları yanlarına kar kalmayacak.
Bunu yayınlayan kişi yaptığının ya farkında değil ya da kasıtlı yapılmış bir karalama videosu.

Deşarj olanlar farkında değil deşarj olarak nelerimizi yitirdiğimizi. Hukuksuz infaz yapalım diye kurulmadı bu Cumhuriyet 1923'te. Kolluk kuvvetinin canı pahasına suçluyu adalete teslim etmesi idealizmiyle kuruldu. Adaletinde kariyeri pahasına adil olması esasıyla. Çok şey kaybediyoruz her geçen gün ama farkında değiliz. Ağlanacak halimizden bile tatmin olacak şeyler buluyoruz.

Polis, Asker bu ülkede kimsenin kafasına böyle keyfi sıkamaz arkadaş! Terörist sıkar, asker sıkamaz!

Askeri teröristten ayıran şey zaten böyle kafaya sıkmamaktır!

PKK'da bunu yapıyor yok! O yüzden onun adı terörist. Bu askerin, bu polisin PKK'dan daha yüksek standardı olacak! Öyle keyfi hareket olmayacak! O seviyeye düşülmeyecek!

En kısa zamanda umarım önce videoyu çekip PKK'ya propaganda malzemesi yapan şerefsiz vatana ihanetten yargılanır sonra o infazı yapanlar kasten adam öldürmekten.
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Deşarj olanlar farkında değil deşarj olarak nelerimizi yitirdiğimizi. Hukuksuz infaz yapalım diye kurulmadı bu Cumhuriyet 1923'te. Kolluk kuvvetinin canı pahasına suçluyu adalete teslim etmesi idealizmiyle kuruldu. Adaletinde kariyeri pahasına adil olması esasıyla. Çok şey kaybediyoruz her geçen gün ama farkında değiliz. Ağlanacak halimizden bile tatmin olacak şeyler buluyoruz.

Polis, Asker bu ülkede kimsenin kafasına böyle keyfi sıkamaz arkadaş! Terörist sıkar, asker sıkamaz!

Askeri teröristten ayıran şey zaten böyle kafaya sıkmamaktır!

PKK'da bunu yapıyor yok! O yüzden onun adı terörist. Bu askerin, bu polisin PKK'dan daha yüksek standardı olacak! Öyle keyfi hareket olmayacak! O seviyeye düşülmeyecek!

En kısa zamanda umarım önce videoyu çekip PKK'ya propaganda malzemesi yapan şerefsiz vatana ihanetten yargılanır sonra o infazı yapanlar kasten adam öldürmekten.

Ben video ile ilgili 2 olasılıktan bahsettim.

Güvenlik güçleri yasaların üstünde değildir; fakat yasalar hiç bir zaman ülke menfaatinin üstünde değildir; bir tek örnek Dünya üstünde yoktur.

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