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Caste System Discrimination Documentary in India today (Warning:Disgusting)

I saw almost 60 % of the video and i accept that CASTE system in INDIA has a very bad understanding in rural areas, i have not seen one instance of this kind of a discrimination being done or captured in developed Towns or Cities.
To your information, I am from a village and i belong to a Chatriya category yet i nor my father and brother have never disriminated
a person based on his caste. This is the change that is right now happening in most villages and rural areas where fore thinking Chatriyas are present.

Can you tell me why Hindus always marry within their castes?

Can you tell me why Hindus always marry within their castes?

why muslims only marry muslims and ask to convert if other religions??? dude india is the only country where a sikh gets elected twice as the prime minister. a muslim becomes the supreme leader of nation and country wants him back again this year. a muslim leads our nuclear program and is respected by every child in the nation as his role model. only in india a muslim leads elections and richest muslim buisness man is in india. something can only happen in india not in pakistan.

Can you tell me why Hindus always marry within their castes?

its an age old practice for arranged marriage, the reason being every caste has its custom and behavioral traits.
its like how Muslims in a arranged marriage will not allow their kids to marry a spouse from HINDU.
besides, most of the love marriages that are taking place in INDIA are not bound to happen with in the same caste.
why muslims only marry muslims and ask to convert if other religions??? dude india is the only country where a sikh gets elected twice as the prime minister. a muslim becomes the supreme leader of nation and country wants him back again this year. a muslim leads our nuclear program and is respected by every child in the nation as his role model. only in india a muslim leads elections and richest muslim buisness man is in india. something can only happen in india not in pakistan.

Erm, I know Muslims that have married Christians and Hindus.

We are not secular, duh! We are made an Islamic Republic, so obviously there won't be a Hindu, Sikh, Christian president..
Erm, I know Muslims that have married Christians and Hindus.

We are not secular, duh! We are made an Islamic Republic, so obviously there won't be a Hindu, Sikh, Christian president..

then if ur not secular then dont talk about religion with india, the day u allow a hindu to lead ut country, then come back and call urself non discriminatory.
then if ur not secular then dont talk about religion with india, the day u allow a hindu to lead ut country, then come back and call urself non discriminatory.

When did I call myself non-discriminatory? IQ showing again?
why muslims only marry muslims and ask to convert if other religions??? dude india is the only country where a sikh gets elected twice as the prime minister. a muslim becomes the supreme leader of nation and country wants him back again this year. a muslim leads our nuclear program and is respected by every child in the nation as his role model. only in india a muslim leads elections and richest muslim buisness man is in india. something can only happen in india not in pakistan.

The question was simple enough. If you cannot answer it then kindly don't reply.
No need to give an off topic rant.
We don't care if you have the world biggest doughnut or the worlds fattest cow, it's irrelevant to the topic and the question.
. .
A very eye opening documentary on how caste system and discrimination still exists in India today. Other nationalities are welcome, but I would like Indian Members inputs on this issue, and would like to have a constructive discussion about this issue without turning it into a trollfest of mudslinging at each other.

The documentary is almost 2 hours long, but very informative and eye-opening.

India Untouched : To those who claim there is no Castism in India! Research Documentary! - YouTube

Yups ...this is reality...a fact that Modern India has received in Legacy of 10000 years of social bifurcation....where the ones who became powerful treated others like ****..... it will take another 100 years to get people out of this mentality.... and no amount of ranting or chest beating on the internet is going to do that..... people like you and me have to get out of our cozy rooms and make this change happen... treat people you meet daily with respect, irrespective of their work...cast or sect... and you will see this happening. remember...10000 years of wrong can not be made right in 6 decades... its going to take some time ...and may be a generation or two of open minded people....no matter what Trolls here on internet say..but I am playing my part in this social change...and so should everyone ....

The Caste System or varna-ashrama has been one of the most misrepresented, misinformed, misunderstood, misused and the most maligned aspects of Hinduism. If one wants to understand the truth, the original purpose behind the caste system, one must go to antiquity to study the evolution of the caste system. Caste System, which is said to be the mainstay of the Hindu social order, has no sanction in the Vedas. The ancient culture of India was based upon a system of social diversification according to SPIRITUAL development, not by birth, but by his karma. This system became hereditary and over the course of many centuries degenerated as a result of exploitation by some priests, and other socio-economic elements of society.

However, as Alain Danielou, son of French aristocracy, author of numerous books on philosophy, religion, history and arts of India, says: "Caste system has enabled Hindu civilization to survive all invasions and to develop without revolutions or important changes, throughout more than four millennia, with a continuity that is unique in history. Caste system may appear rigid to our eyes because for more than a thousand years Hindu society withdrew itself from successive domination by Muslims and Europeans. Yet, the greatest poets and the most venerated saints such as Sura Dasa, Kabir, Tukaram, Thiruvalluvar and Ram Dasa; came from the humblest class of society." In the words of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, " In spite of the divisions, there is an inner cohesion among the Hindu society from the Himalayas to the Cape Comorin."

Caste system has been exploited against the Hindus, for the last two centuries by the British, Christian Missionaries, Secular historians, Communists, Muslims, Pre and Post-Independence Indian politicians and Journalists for their own ends. One way to discredit any system is to highlight its excesses, and this only adds to the sense of inferiority that many Indians feel about their own culture. Caste system is often portrayed as the ultimate horror, in the media, yet social inequities continue to persist in theoretically Egalitarian Western Societies. The Caste system is judged offensive by the Western norms, yet racial groups have been isolated, crowded into reserves like the American Indians or Australian Aborigines, where they can only atrophy and disappear.

Caste system has enabled Hindu civilization to survive all invasions and made Indian society stronger. Caste system served a purpose, performed certain functions, and met the needs appropriate to the times in history. India's caste norms may once have had a rationale; but the norms are outlived today. Caste system is not stagnant and is undergoing changes under the impact of modernization. Caste system should undergo reforms in the social arena so that unjustified discrimination and abuse is eliminated.

In an inter-faith debate, most Hindus can easily be put on the defensive with a single word-caste. Any anti-Hindu polemist can be counted on to allege that "the typically Hindu caste system is the most cruel apartheid, imposed by the barbaric white Aryan invaders on the gentle dark-skinned natives." Here's a more balanced and historical account of this controversial institution. Merits of the Caste System

The caste system is often portrayed as the ultimate horror. Inborn inequality is indeed unacceptable to us moderns, but this does not preclude that the system has also had its merits. Caste is perceived as an "exclusion-from," but first of all it is a form of "belonging-to," a natural structure of solidarity. For this reason, Christian and Muslim missionaries found it very difficult to lure Hindus away from their communities. Sometimes castes were collectively converted to Islam, and Pope Gregory XV (1621-23) decreed that the missionaries could tolerate caste distinction among Christian converts; but by and large, caste remained an effective hurdle to the destruction of Hinduism through conversion. That is why the missionaries started attacking the institution of caste and in particular the Brahmin caste. This propaganda has bloomed into a full-fledged anti-Brahminism, the Indian equivalent of anti-Semitism. Every caste had a large measure of autonomy, with its own judiciary, duties and privileges, and often its own temples. Inter-caste affairs were settled at the village council by consensus; even the lowest caste had veto power. This autonomy of intermediate levels of society is the antithesis of the totalitarian society in which the individual stands helpless before the all-powerful state. This decentralized structure of civil society and of the Hindu religious commonwealth has been crucial to the survival of Hinduism under Muslim rule. Whereas Buddhism was swept away as soon as its monasteries were destroyed, Hinduism retreated into its caste structure and weathered the storm. Caste also provided a framework for integrating immigrant communities: Jews, Zoroastrians and Syrian Christians. They were not only tolerated, but assisted in efforts to preserve their distinctive traditions.
The reality is that caste system is widely used in india nowadays still. In the rural side, it is even worse.

It is said that the life of a low caste indian is not even worth the life of a dog in a high caste indian home.

Caste system is a man made concept which has been taken out of context as per the holy teachings, I have explained this in the past and ill do it again.

There is no caste system as the word ‘caste’ implies that which is fixed from birth and not changeable. But there is a Vedic class system, which is defined in the Bhagavad-Gita as follows:

“Brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, and sudras are determined by their nature, qualities, and work performed.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita Original 18.41)

What this means is that based on the qualities developed and the actions taken by a person. A person will belong to one of four classes:

Brahmans - Peacefulness, self-control, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty, knowledge, wisdom and religiousness. Those who possess these qualities should be the leaders in society.

Ksatriyas - Heroism, power, determination, resourcefulness, courage in battle, generosity and leadership. Those who possess these qualities should be the administrators in society.

Vaisyas - Farming, cow protection and business. Those who possess these qualities should be the business owners and farmers.

Sudras - Labor and service to others. Those who possess these qualities should work under the guidance of the above classes.

Every corporation in the World uses the Vedic class system. For example, in a corporation people are employed based on the qualities of work they have developed. Some are vice presidents, some are managers, some are admin clerks, and some are janitors.

It is a fact that everyone is not the same; this can be proven by the fact that not everyone has all the good qualities or all bad qualities. By following the Vedic class system, everyone will strive to become the best among men. Those at the top (Brahmans) will strive to keep their high position, and those below will strive to advance to a higher position. At work, do you want to advance or would you prefer to stay in the same position?

Everyone would agree that at work, there should be opportunities for advancement for everyone based on the effort put in by each worker. If there are no opportunities for advancement based on the efforts of the workers, then everyone loses the motivation to work and the quality of workers diminishes. This would result in the collapse of the corporation.

In a classless society, there is no motivation to develop good qualities and everyone becomes degraded into the lowest class. This is the case everywhere in the World today. The leaders in most countries around the World are thieves, liars, and have no spiritual knowledge. The result of this is that the public suffers with injustice, high taxes, inflation, unemployment, and insecurity.

Wouldn’t it be nice if all the Politicians were peaceful, self-controlled, pure, tolerant, honest, knowledgeable, and religious? This is the aim of the Vedic class system. To ensure that suitably qualified personnel are appointed suitable roles in society. This concept is already used in corporations around the World.

The current caste system in India is a complete corruption of the Vedic class system that is prescribed by Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita and so it should be rejected. Currently the son of a Brahman is also called a Brahman, even though the son only has the qualities of a Sudra. Can the son of a high court judge also be called a judge? Can the son of a doctor be also called a doctor? The simple answer is no. One can only be called a judge or doctor, if one has developed the qualities of a judge or doctor.
Erm, I know Muslims that have married Christians and Hindus.

We are not secular, duh! We are made an Islamic Republic, so obviously there won't be a Hindu, Sikh, Christian president..

and I know cases where upper caste women have married lower caste men in INDIA and vise versa. LOVE has no religion nor caste.
As far as arranged marriage is considered, has the case happened where in a MUSLIM parents have chosen a HINDU girl or a boy to their kid. if not then you have to accept the fact that parents see custom first and then only the kids wish of choice.
So how could a so-called world largest democratic country called india that has been independent for more than 60 years still cannot get rid of such idiotic system???

Where is your resolution???

Caste system has been taken out of context from the religious texts and bastardized by men who want nothing but power.
The reality is that caste system is widely used in india nowadays still. In the rural side, it is even worse.

It is said that the life of a low caste indian is not even worth the life of a dog in a high caste indian home.
have you witnessed this with your own eyes, or do you have a friend who have gone through this plight.
come on man, just dont spark rummers.
yes, we have a caste system that have been used to take away peoples right, but in ones own home what he or she sets as rules are rules.
For example most CHINESE here in PDF consider INDIANS as low lifes, so i belive that if I come to your home some day and you to belive that i am inferior to you then there is ample chance that you might not want me to sit in front of you as a equal and in your home this is your rule, then to honor yourself and to up hold my dignity, I'll better not enter your home rather than enter your home and get discriminated.

I hope you get it, this is what happening in INDIA, as my other friend quoted you can not do away with a age old custom in over a decade. it will take a century or couple of century to do away with it.
Caste discrimination is one of the prevailing issues impeding social progress in modern India. This evil practice has only been made irrelevant in very few states like Kerala, Goa and few states along the North-east.

So what was different with these states ? Let's take the example of Kerala. This used to be a state following very rigid caste system. There used to be a time when a lower caste person had to make loud noises when walking so a higher caste person would be able to avoid crossing paths with the lower caste person.

So what prompted them to make a complete turn-around in their policies and change their entire thought process ? This can be attributed to several factors.

1. Later Maharajas of Kerala were progressive individuals. They sought in earnest to remove caste based discrimination. Most of their policies were reflective of this agenda.

2. Kerala had a sizable population of Christians and Jews who were well established. When Christian Missionaries from abroad set their foot in Kerala, they faced the least resistance. As a result, they were free to establish schools and hospitals all over the place. These schools served to remove the social prejudices and were at the forefront of fighting caste based discrimination.

3. The progressive policies adopted by the COMMUNIST government of Kerala empowered laborers, trade unions and removed a great many unjust practices in one swift stroke.

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