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Case filed to 'stop anti-India voice'

This is extremely troubling to read. I was under the impression that the trial was being conducted under normal judicial process. If what you say is true, then most of the basis of common law principles have been violated.

No good will come of trials under the conditions described.

I will give you credit for having ability to accept the truth.

So far Awami prosecutor could not come up with any hard evidence to proof jamati leaders affiliation with mass killing or raping during 71 conflict. Every single so called witness against them either thief or Awami chamchas. Yes, Jamat was opposing separation and they have already admit their stance but that no way fall withing the category of "war crime".

This Awami kangaroo court trying to murder Jamat e Islami politics form Bd due to it's affiliation with Bangladesh Nationalist Party(BNP) because Awami can never win any election against BNP-Jamat coalition.

I bet million buck. Jamat leaders will be set free if they declare their disassociationwith BNP today. Even Awami chamcha here can not deny this hard truth with straight face.
they didnt surrender to mujib, that being said gaddar should be tried first, they did the gaddari with their own quam

That depends! They were pakistani and was fighting for its Unity! You have to admit not all Bangladeshis were fighting the war, most of them lived neutrally during the war but later danced with the Muktis!
That depends! They were pakistani and was fighting for its Unity! You have to admit not all Bangladeshis were fighting the war, most of them lived neutrally during the war but later danced with the Muktis!

For the bold part... most of the people may not join fighting or remain neutral but everyone was waiting and praying for the win of the freedom fighters. It is not the other way around. Dancing with the muktis what you have said was the clear example and indication for that. No one can be won if its people were not in the side of the freedom fighters.

Just curious what was your family view?? Was it to remain with Pakistan or for a separate country???

Just giving you some glimpse what was the general condition back then. You can figure it out from the speeches of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Definitely this was earlier then 1971. But when a so called leader need to speak like that way one can easily make a guess in which direction everything was going...

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Whats extremists? This was war and Jamatis at best worked as informer and scout of pakistani forces.... So these idiots are facing trials when pakistani officers were forgiven by the big daddy sheikh Mujib

So you want to say that no Jammat leader or party member back then had any involvement in killing or raping??? The accused person of this article has been said that formed Al Badr. Is it really necessary to remind you what were the activity of Al Badr, Al Shams etc was???

Even forget about Jammat what is your view on the killing and raping that occurred and done by Pakistani army and their collaborator??? I am asking this as the BNP Chairperson herself was a victim of this brutality. So as a BNP activist can you deny such crime by the Pakistanis???

Whether the big daddy pardoned the Pakistani soldier or not, but that big daddy did another work that I hope none of the BNP supporter will ever forget or accused him of. That is convincing President Ziaur Rahman to accept Khaleda Zia when she returned being abused by the Pakistani soldier and Ziaur Rahman refused to accept her, saying if you do not accept her what will happen to the rest of the 2,00,000 mother and sisters???

For your information this is the BNP acivists those who were most anti Jammat in Bangladesh in 80s and 90s. Even now there are numerous report that BNP student wing and activists refused to cooperate or work with shibir or jammat activists. What is your thought on this???

Sorry if I hurt anyone's sentiment.
Student parties fought each other for controlling campus! Chatradal recently didn't want union with Shibir just because they can't allow a well organized group to take over when Chatrdal is divided in 6 groups! I don't support rape or killings. Those who were involved in war crimes should be punished. The thing is i don't believe awami court! Most of the witness are hostile and fabricated!
Student parties fought each other for controlling campus! Chatradal recently didn't want union with Shibir just because they can't allow a well organized group to take over when Chatrdal is divided in 6 groups! I don't support rape or killings. Those who were involved in war crimes should be punished. The thing is i don't believe awami court! Most of the witness are hostile and fabricated!

Thanks for your clarification and I dont second that. But there were no other way to bring the accused people into justice. Anyway hearing some rumor in the last couple of days that Awami league and Jammat has entered or nearing into a pact that Jammat will run for election independently and in return none of the Jammat leader will be hanged.

But while saying this I would like to say that most of the people are for the trial though the credibility of the procedure is under question.

You can find this indication from the comment list with the news that 4 Jammat Leader has managed 16000 witness for them.

????????? ??? ????? ????? ?? ????? ??????! - ????? ???
I will give you credit for having ability to accept the truth.

So far Awami prosecutor could not come up with any hard evidence to proof jamati leaders affiliation with mass killing or raping during 71 conflict. Every single so called witness against them either thief or Awami chamchas. Yes, Jamat was opposing separation and they have already admit their stance but that no way fall withing the category of "war crime".

This Awami kangaroo court trying to murder Jamat e Islami politics form Bd due to it's affiliation with Bangladesh Nationalist Party(BNP) because Awami can never win any election against BNP-Jamat coalition.

I bet million buck. Jamat leaders will be set free if they declare their disassociation BNP today. Even Awami chamcha here can not deny this hard truth with straight face.

first of all do you even have a million dollars? second didnt bnp and their al shams chamchas get a political bashing in terms of votes?

right jamat had no hand in the genocide, read the Quran and what it says about denying the truth and upholding falsehood
Was he not engaged in organizing and mobilizing Razakars during independence? Was he then acting as a political leader?

The likes of Jamaat lobbied against the creation of Bangladesh, which is true. No one here denies that.

Second, is the Jamaat a political grouping or a religious group with political ambitions? We have Jamaat groupings in other worth Asian countries. Are they political or religious?

Jamaat in Bangladesh are both. Although technically, their support base is comparatively limited.

No evidence? Then why is he on trial? Did you not read my comment?

The courts are controlled by the government. They are not independent!

You may be surprised to know that Jamaat along with the AL conducted anti-Ershad rallies back in the early days :lol:

You may want to have a look at the criticisms behind this trial. Both local and international. They are technically pretty valid.

The BNP lawyer, Ilias Ali disappeared some months back. The man was very critical of the Tipaimukh dam project. Everyone saw what happened during the incident in Banani.

It is true, many people in Bangladesh generally despise Jamaat for their role in 1971. But at the same time, many do not trust the Awami League. The latter has little chance on improving that trust in the future.
Just need to expose your self contradicting and hypocritical bs - you with your hindutva ideology will label and render judgement on someone being extremist, which has not been proven. And then shed cocrodile tear on justice; just so you can deceive people on your professional bs. This type of indian deception is way too old.

You can shout until you are blue - in the face - and it will still not bear out what you said so pompously.

I am genuinely troubled at the narration of Munshi, as such a judicial process strikes at the heart of the system of justice. Even a criminal, an extremist, or a genocidal killer is entitled to be subjected to the judicial process, and he must be considered innocent in the eyes of the Law until convicted.

In India, even a killer seen on TV by millions was given the treatment that the law demanded he be given, a fair trial was conducted with no compromises to the judicial system.

That does not mean that we cannot draw the obvious conclusions about Kamaruzzaman from his affiliations, his role during the liberation struggle and the role of the Jamaat in mobilizing irregular support for the occupying Army. Muktijoddhas have repeatedly mentioned the role of the Irregulars. Even a casual reading of the proceedings of the Tribunals shows this.

There is no contradiction.

The imposition of unusual conditions on Thr Tribunals was to be deplored; I deplored it. The activities of the accused, outside a court of law, can well be understood and despised. I did so.

There is nothing left of your fanfarronade except for the crude, coarse words and expressions that you substituted for logic and reasoning.
Thanks for your clarification and I dont second that. But there were no other way to bring the accused people into justice. Anyway hearing some rumor in the last couple of days that Awami league and Jammat has entered or nearing into a pact that Jammat will run for election independently and in return none of the Jammat leader will be hanged.

But while saying this I would like to say that most of the people are for the trial though the credibility of the procedure is under question.

You can find this indication from the comment list with the news that 4 Jammat Leader has managed 16000 witness for them.

????????? ??? ????? ????? ?? ????? ??????! - ????? ???

Visit Amar Desh or Naya Diganta completely different comments are waiting for you! And majority opinion isn't correct always. You will find that everyone in myanmar supports Rohingya massacre! Don't you see not a single international community supported this trial except Indians?
I want to demand justice for innocent non-combatant Bihari's that were killed in 1971. Lets have a trial for their killers also, why should justice be one sided. Justice is blind. If we cannot face up to the reality, we are nothing but a nation of hypocrites.
Visit Amar Desh or Naya Diganta completely different comments are waiting for you! And majority opinion isn't correct always. You will find that everyone in myanmar supports Rohingya massacre! Don't you see not a single international community supported this trial except Indians?

Not necessarily regarding the news paper that you have said. Most of the article in prothom-alo find anti awami league comment. Just look at the news of resign of abul hossain.

Amar desh is a banned news paper n only now running online is of BNP ex mp falu. I do not believe it is even read by a fraction of reader that goes to prothom-alo.

If I not wrong is not naya diganta run by jammat???
Visit Amar Desh or Naya Diganta completely different comments are waiting for you! And majority opinion isn't correct always. You will find that everyone in myanmar supports Rohingya massacre! Don't you see not a single international community supported this trial except Indians?

sure indians are supporting it.because that old fool thinks its us who framed him.we want to know the truth..
He is the leader of an extremist religious grouping in Bangladesh, which was prominent during the war of liberation due to its members roles in acting as irregular formations supporting Pakistani regular troops. It is considered by some quarters that they killed far more Bangladeshis than the PA did, and that many of the atrocities ascribed to Pakistani troops was their handiwork.
After the formation of Bangladesh, many of these elements were still present and were allowed to remain politically active. As a result, the history of post-independence Bangladesh is filled with conflict between those who supported the new nation, those who regretted the separation from Pakistan, and those who supported the new nation but not the party then in power, the Awami League.

Most so-called Bangladeshis in PDF belong to the second group.

You are advised to gauge the affiliations of people posting as this influences the content of their posts.

@Chinese-Dragon: introducing these indian, they are called shiv sena in india who don't have any respect for minority people, vandalize age old mosque with police guard, rape Christian nun in church and then roam in a marketplace with the nun naked, burn Muslim alive in Gujarat, burn Christian saint alive in car, support illegal killing of Bangladeshi people by their d$g squad bsf.
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