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Carpet industry in dire straits as Afghan weavers leave Pakistan

Instead of criticising the Pakistani economy, ask yourself the question why Afghanistan is run on opium.

Nice to see you again my friend :) We miss you here and I also enjoy taking a potshot at each other.

Hope you are well :)
Yeah I know it is okay for you but it's great for us because the flow of those remittances will be diverted to Afghanistan instead.
Beileve me, It's great for us too. A stable and developing Afghanistan is in Pakistan's interests. The refugees need to go back and start rebuilding their country.
Nice to see you again my friend :) We miss you here and I also enjoy taking a potshot at each other.

Hope you are well :)

Brother A-Team I always enjoy having a conversation with you:) In Pakistan the carpet industry is diverse and an experienced weaver can duplicate the style. The best artisans come from Baluchistan and they can weave Persian rugs.
Beileve me, It's great for us too. A stable and developing Afghanistan is in Pakistan's interests. The refugees need to go back and start rebuilding their country.

I as an Afghan am very thankful for the support the people of Pakistan have given to the millions of Afghan refugees for last 4 decades, it's time for them to return.
I as an Afghan am very thankful for the support the people of Pakistan have given to the millions of Afghan refugees for last 4 decades, it's time for them to return.
You are very welcome. It's time to rebuild Afghanistan and turn it into a transit route for regional trade.
Supply meets demands. One way or another demand for carpets will be met and the pain will be short term only.

You are always in a hurry two blame Ghq and you have a impression that Pakistan is only standing because of afghanis buddy you are mistaken .
I m saying all this because that's what majority Afghanis say or think that you are also playing the game of victim by making Ghq as the evil

The only thing you talk about is strategic depth , strategic depth
Let me explain few things for you understand properly you need to check the history way before creation when there was no Ghq , migration movement happened what did Afghanis did with those millions Muslims
Now you guys cry about we are Muslim brothers bla bla

As after the creation of Pakistan and even Afghanistan still doesn't recognise daurd line as international border while Pakistan did it

After creation of Pakistan Afghanis took two steps
1 joined India and user create trouble in Pakistan specially in NwFP
They also funded separatist parties and this is 50s and 60s era way before Pakistan had to do anything Afghanistan

Now coming back to strategic depth after CIA and Pakistan supported Taliban in Afghanistan GHQ saw a golden chance to turn a hostile state to a friendly country and any country will do that because it's for national interest as any sane patriotic person will do that

You are always in a hurry two blame Ghq and you have a impression that Pakistan is only standing because of afghanis buddy you are mistaken .
I m saying all this because that's what majority Afghanis say or think that you are also playing the game of victim by making Ghq as the evil

The only thing you talk about is strategic depth , strategic depth
Let me explain few things for you understand properly you need to check the history way before creation when there was no Ghq , migration movement happened what did Afghanis did with those millions Muslims
Now you guys cry about we are Muslim brothers bla bla

As after the creation of Pakistan and even Afghanistan still doesn't recognise daurd line as international border while Pakistan did it

After creation of Pakistan Afghanis took two steps
1 joined India and user create trouble in Pakistan specially in NwFP
They also funded separatist parties and this is 50s and 60s era way before Pakistan had to do anything Afghanistan

Now coming back to strategic depth after CIA and Pakistan supported Taliban in Afghanistan GHQ saw a golden chance to turn a hostile state to a friendly country and any country will do that because it's for national interest as any sane patriotic person will do that

Thank you for the biased history lesson :)

BTW I have to check my references but I remeber Z.Bhutto traveling to Afghanistan to thank Afghan leadership for staying neutral when India and Pakistan were in the middle of a significant war ( which Pakistan lost), if we wanted we could have have invaded from the other side and tore another piece out of you.

So it is nice to read a neutral history and not the one taught by GHQ :D

@pakistani342 : I remeber having this somewhere in my notes, where Zia traveled to Afghanistan specifically to thank Afghanistan for not taking advantage of the India-Pak war and stayed neutral. Do you have any references on this episode ?

@Sher Malang : FYI, if you any references on this episode ?
Thank you for the biased history lesson :)

BTW I have to check my references but I remeber Z.Bhutto traveling to Afghanistan to thank Afghan leadership for staying neutral when India and Pakistan were in the middle of a significant war ( which Pakistan lost), if we wanted we could have have invaded from the other side and tore another piece out of you.

So it is nice to read a neutral history and not the one taught by GHQ :D

@pakistani342 : I remeber having this somewhere in my notes, where Zia traveled to Afghanistan specifically to thank Afghanistan for not taking advantage of the India-Pak war and stayed neutral. Do you have any references on this episode ?

@Sher Malang : FYI, if you any references on this episode ?
No friend, why don't you neglect the history from 1947 to 1965 . What happened between this time ?History does not start after the invasion of USSR .
So you saying by not attacking pakistan you did favor ?
What i mean to say for some people every ill is coming from pakistan and vice versa
No friend, why don't you neglect the history from 1947 to 1965 . What happened between this time ?History does not start after the invasion of USSR .
So you saying by not attacking pakistan you did favor ?
What i mean to say for some people every ill is coming from pakistan and vice versa

So imagine this, 1971 war Pakistan is super busy because of its involvement in Bangladesh crises, people have revolted, Indian army has crossed over the border and have also provided assistance and then you hear news that Afghan forces have crossed over the durand line and approaching Peshawar, there is a complete harmony of the operations between India and Afghanistan. You hear that your military has surrendered in Bangladesh, the moral is low, and Afghanistan is operating at its full strength. You see the odds were not in your favor.

Now whether you consider that a favor, good will or plain stupidity on our part you be the judge ;)

So imagine this, 1971 war Pakistan is super busy because of its involvement in Bangladesh crises, people have revolted, Indian army has crossed over the border and have also provided assistance and then you hear news that Afghan forces have crossed over the durand line and approaching Peshawar, there is a complete harmony of the operations between India and Afghanistan. You hear that your military has surrendered in Bangladesh, the moral is low, and Afghanistan is operating at its full strength. You see the odds were not in your favor.

Now whether you consider that a favor, good will or plain stupidity on our part you be the judge ;)

Where was bangladesh ? thousand of KM way with not much force and problems for logistic and you were our neighbor .What india could not do it in 1965 how could you do it then ?By the way if you had tried you will be treated as same in 1950 at Dobandi area, 1951 khyber agency and 1961 at bajur.jundal &khyber. :smitten:.History is cruel not one sided .I am not starting from Said Akbar Babrak .
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