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Car bomb almost goes off in NYC

Unbelievable, AVM Bahar Ul Haq's son, I can't believe it. He's such a nice guy, this just a setup they picked on a guy just to create more havoc and misery for Pakistan.

As federal agents closed in, Faisal Shahzad was aboard Emirates Flight 202. He reserved a ticket on the way to John F. Kennedy International Airport, paid cash on arrival and walked through security without being stopped. By the time Customs and Border Protection officials spotted Shahzad's name on the passenger list and recognized him as the bombing suspect they were looking for, he was in his seat and the plane was preparing to leave the gate.

But it didn't. At the last minute, the pilot was notified, the jetliner's door was opened and Shahzad was taken into custody.

After authorities pulled Shahzad off the plane, he admitted he was behind the crude Times Square car bomb, officials said. He also claimed to have been trained at a terror camp in Pakistan's lawless tribal region of Waziristan, according to court documents. That raised increased concern that the bombing was an international terror plot.

dude he seems to be going around buying every thing with cash HELLO IS THIS THING ON
I don't think it is a conspiracy these guys just become brainwashed by these nuts that use religion to justify these acts. The drive these guys have to know they are going to kill people and they think it is right is a serious problem. That they will throw their whole life for it shows how much impact it has on them.
I hope that he will be declared as innocent, However Let this be a message to the so called elites of Pakistan, after piling up money in their foreign bank accounts they settle abroad in search of better life, but they forget that the country the are leaving was created to protected them from the injustice which they encounter on foreign lands . Wat a pity!!! Only if people of Pakistan worked on improving what they had, we wouldn't be in this mess, I hope some politicians kid is caught next to serve as an eye opener for his/her corrupt daddy/mommy
Well having a beard is not obligatory. Wearing Hijab for a woman is obligatory in Islam. I bet if you had pictures of those men's wives they would have some kind of cloth covering their hair atleast.

Take a look at the NYC bomber and his wife and child. If he was an extremist islamist fundamentalist he would make his wife wear hijab. He was definately a westernized Pakistani-American and so is his family. Looks like a normal average AMERICAN couple with their child.

By the way, the beard he has many young Pakistani guys have that and its not for religious reasons just a fashion thats very common among young Pakistani guys.

While I normally try not be inflammatory or behave irrationally, I cannot control but just say this:-

Can u distinguish chinese, korean, taiwanese
Can u distinguish german, austrian, swiss
Can u distinguish nigerian, ugandan , ghana?
Regarding ajmal kasab you talk to your govt. 
Phew.   You are a 26 yr old senior member eh!
Suspects held in Karachi over NY bomb plot

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

By Salis bin Perwaiz

KARACHI: Personnel of spy agencies here on Tuesday arrested some suspects for their alleged involvement in the botched New York car bombing.

One Tauseef had been arrested from Gulshan-i-Iqbal Block-13D-2 and shifted to an unknown place for interrogation.
Some suspects were also taken into custody from the Nazimabad area. Sources said the US security personnel informed the authorities in Pakistan about the presence of suspects having links to Faisal Shahzad, who was arrested at a US airport while trying to flee the country.

Agencies add: Pakistan on Tuesday arrested several relatives and a relative of the Pakistani-American held in New York on suspicion of driving a bomb-laden car into Times Square, security sources said.

“We have picked up a few family members related to Shahzad,” a security official in Karachi said. A friend of Shahzad was also detained. Shahzad is from the disputed Kashmir region but it is not known if he was affiliated with any militant group, a source familiar with the investigation said on Tuesday.

A man, identified as Tauseef, was a friend of Faisal Shahzad and arrested from Karachi, said an official. Another official said several people had been taken into custody in Karachi since the failed attack Saturday. Neither said when the detentions had taken place. They said no charges had been filed.

News Desk adds: Security officials in Karachi said they had arrested a Pakistani man who had spent time with Shahzad during a recent visit there. Investigators said they arrested the man, Muhammad Rehan, in Batkha Mosque in the North Nazimabad area just after morning prayers. The mosque is known for its links with the militant group, Jaish-e-Muhammad.

Investigators said Rehan told them he had rented a pick up truck and driven with Shahzad to Peshawar where they stayed from July 7 to July 22, 2009. The account could not be independently verified

NY suspect’s phone led to arrests in Pakistan

Wednesday, May 05, 2010
By Sami Abraham

NEW YORK: More than a dozen people have been taken into custody by the Pakistani law-enforcement and intelligence agencies in various parts of Pakistan for their possible links with the failed car bomb attempt in the Times Square of New York. The information retrieved from the cell phone of the main suspect Faisal Shahzad led to the detention of these people, a highly-placed source told this correspondent here on Tuesday.

The official said, on condition of anonymity, that one of the arrested persons in Karachi met Faisal Shahzad in July last year. Other suspects have been arrested from various parts of Khyber-Pakhtuknwa, the official added. He did not confirm any arrests from Punjab.

The official also said that the cell phone of Shahzad has provided a lot of information and various people in the United States are also under surveillance. He added that Shahzad did not resist the arrest when a team of US law enforcing agencies approached him inside the Emirates flight 202 which was bound for Dubai.

The Pakistani community here is shocked over this news and many were of the view that community and religious leaders must come out to condemn this act in a very strong manner.

“I believe it is time that we must take responsibility as a community not only to condemn, but also to work hand in hand with US officials to nab such criminals who want to kill innocent people in the name of religion,” Dr Tariq Ibrahim of Association of Pakistani Physicians of North America (Apna) said.

Damn it. One guy arrested in Karachi from "Batkha Mosque in the North Nazimabad area just after morning prayers.The mosque is known for its links with the militant group, Jaish-e-Muhammad".

This is not just bad press, this is doomsday press for us.
I think he lost his house may be due to him lossing his job and became disgruntled and did a stupid thing like this without thinking of repurcussions on his country of origin. From fact on TV it looks to be a one man job who is disgruntled and done a stupid thing and he and only he should pay for his crime.

for Whatever the reasons he did this horible thing, it is not acceptable in Islam.

An honorable Muslim will drive a taxi to survive in Newyork and make a good life for himself and his family and make his country of origin poud.

I know of/heard of many Pakistanis who are highly educated, are driving Taxis, doing od jobs and are living honorable lives in New york U.S.A. and in Canada.

Those are the one that we should salute and talk about not these criminals.
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PESHAWAR/NOWSHERA: Air Vice Marshal (R) Baharul Haq, father of Faisal Shahzad, the accused in New York’s failed bomb plot, hurriedly vacated the family home in Hayatabad town here late Tuesday apparently to avoid attention.

Eyewitnesses said he packed some belongings in a vehicle and left the house located in Phase IV of the posh Hayatabad town along with male and female members of the family. Their destination wasn’t known.

Earlier, members of the media, in particularly TV crews had converged on the house in a bid to talk to family members and learn more about Faisal Shahzad, who was arrested Tuesday in the US on charges of plotting the vehicle bomb attack and now accused of an attempted act of terrorism. However, nobody in Air Vice Marshal (R) Baharul Haq’s household or the neighbours were ready to talk to reporters. A Geo TV reporter was shown outside the house trying to engage in conversation with neighbours. Some people in the neighbourhood expressed ignorance about Faisal Shahzad’s arrest in the US.

Air Vice Marshal Baharul Haq retired from the Pakistan Air Force some years ago. Maj Gen (R) Tajul Haq, reported to be his brother, served as the Inspector General of Frontier Corps (IGFC) in the past.

A reporter of The News and Geo TV also paid a visit to the family’s village, Mohib Banda, near Pabbi in Nowshera district and met some relatives of Faisal Shahzad. They were largely unaware of the happenings in the US and some of them felt Faisal Shahzad had been trapped in the case under some conspiracy.

Enquiries revealed that Faisal Shahzad is married with two children. His Pakistani identity card was made in Karachi as he had a job there some years ago. It was learnt that he had come to the village some months ago with his wife and children to attend a wedding.

Sareerul Haq, a cousin of Faisal Shahzad and nephew of Air Vice Marshal (R) Baharul Haq, said he could not believe the allegations against his cousin. He pointed out that Faisal Shahzad had gone to the US for studies.

Sareerul Haq is living in the village house owned by Faisal Shahzad’s family. He said the house hasn’t been mortgaged as stated by interior minister Rahman Malik. Jabir Khan, another cousin of Faisal Shahzad, insisted that Faisal was innocent. He said it was a conspiracy against his cousin to charge him for committing act of terror. Nazeer, another villager from Mohib Banda, said he was a childhood friend of Faisal Shahzad. “I don’t think Faisal had links with any militant group,” he stressed.

Faisal Shahzad’s father vacates Peshawar house
Shahzad’s village in KPkhwa shocked

By Waseem Ahmad
PESHAWAR: The dramatic arrest of Faisal Shahzad in connection with the Times Square bomb plot has shocked people who know the family here.

Villagers of Mohib Banda in Pabbi, Nowshera, said that members of Shahzad’s family believed he had been implicated in a false case. “They are a well-respected family. They are apolitical,” a family friend said.

“I know Shahzad’s family very well. They are highly respected in the entire village and adjoining areas,” said Advocate Kifayatullah Khan, a former member of the provincial bar council.

He said the family believed that Shahzad had been framed. “The entire family is highly educated and enlightened. The villagers don’t believe that Shahzad could act in such a manner,” he said.

Dawn tried to contact family members for comments, but calls made to their residence in Hayatabad were not answered.

Advocate Kifayatullah said that although the family had agricultural land and property in the village, they did not live there. He said that Mr Haq had been looking after the land since his retirement.

Shahzad married a woman from Mardan. His mother is from Charsadda and elder brother is an engineer currently living in Canada.

Officials said that Shahzad had been using three passports -- two of them Pakistani -since 2003. He left for the US via Dubai by an Emirate Airlines flight from Benazir International Airport in Islamabad in the first week of February.

Villagers told Dawn that Shahzad had attended a wedding ceremony in the village during his last visit early this year.

Investigators are trying to find out how an engineer settled in the US got in touch with militants, what prompted him to botch the bombing plot and who inspired him.
Pakistan arrests relatives of NY bomb suspect

KARACHI: In the wake of the arrest of a US citizen of Pakistani origin in the United States, Pakistani law-enforcement agencies swung into action here on Tuesday and picked up two suspects – a friend and the father-in-law of Faisal Shahzad.

The friend Tausef and father-in-law Iftikhar Mian were picked up by intelligence personnel from a house in Block N, North Nazimabad, sources privy to the development told Dawn.

According to the sources, Faisal’s immediate family, his wife Huma Mian and two children are also in Pakistan, but it could not be confirmed if his wife has also been detained.

The sources said that Faisal Shahzad had come to Karachi in 2009. He is son of Air Vice Marshal (retd) Baharul Haq, who retired in early 90’s. Later, he got a senior post in the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and his family moved to Karachi, the sources said.

Air Vice Marshal (retd) Baharul Haq has two sons. The elder son is settled in Canada.

Faisal had been living in the US. His father lives in Hayatabad area of Peshawar.

Local police officials, however, expressed disassociation with the developments and said they had not received any orders in connection with Faisal Shahzad.

“We didn’t get any order, but at our end we have collected information which confirms that a young man by the name of Faisal Shahzad did arrive in Karachi in April 2009 and left in August the same year. We have received information that some of his relatives live somewhere in North Nazimabad and police are trying to locate the house,” Capital City Police Chief Waseem Ahmed told Dawn.

Faisal Ali adds from Lahore: Police, with the help of intelligence personnel, picked up a few suspects from different parts of Punjab in connection with the recovery of explosives from a vehicle in New York.

Informed sources in the Punjab police told Dawn that the arrests had been made in Lahore and Rawalpindi.

Pakistan assures US of full cooperation

The government on Tuesday assured the United States it would fully cooperate in the investigation into a botched terrorist attempt at Times Square allegedly by Faisal Shahzad, an American citizen of Pakistani origin.

The assurance was given to US Ambassador Anne W. Patterson who visited the Foreign Office.

However, Interior Minister Rehman Malik said that the US authorities had not made any request to Pakistani authorities about information relating to Faisal Shahzad.

“We are receiving sketchy information about the suspect through media. Until and unless we are provided proper information through proper channels, I cannot verify the involvement of any Pakistani citizen in the New York attack plot,” he told media at the Parliament House.

The minister made it clear that Pakistan would extend full cooperation to US authorities if they sought any help.

“Let me reiterate the strong resolve of Pakistan that no one would be allowed to use Pakistani soil for terrorism in any part of the world,” he said.

[B]Mr Malik said the move could be a conspiracy hatched against Pakistan with nefarious designs.[/B] However, he said if any Pakistani was found involved in any act of terrorism, strict action would be taken against him.
I used to personally know the guy going back to about 1998 before he left for USA for college and didn't hear anything after that until this happened. I still can't believe this is the same person i knew back then. He was a normal guy. One point i would like to make here.....his house was supposedly in foreclosure here and he had recently spent 5 months in Pakistan. This suggests he was probably without a job all those months. Perhaps this was a desperate attempt on his part to make some money and save his house. We all know the current economy has led people to desperate measures. Maybe this was a desperate measure on his part.
As I assumed earlier, We have many military brats here. It is inevitable one of us might turn out to be an acquaintance, a school fellow, a class fellow or a gali mate.

Some fellow who must have landed through a Google search posted this on another thread:-

I used to personally know the guy going back to about 1998 before he left for USA for college and didn't hear anything after that until this happened. I still can't believe this is the same person i knew back then. He was a normal guy. One point i would like to make here.....his house was supposedly in foreclosure here and he had recently spent 5 months in Pakistan. This suggests he was probably without a job all those months. Perhaps this was a desperate attempt on his part to make some money and save his house. We all know the current economy has led people to desperate measures. Maybe this was a desperate measure on his part.
yes i did land here through a google search after googling the name i knew him by: Faisal Bahar. I did not know him as Faisal Shehzad. I would not like to divulge into how i know him through fears of big brother reading this, but it was related to being children of Pakistani Air Force officers.
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