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Car bomb almost goes off in NYC

---------- Post added at 05:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:30 AM ----------

the news says they are looking for a white male in the 40s who took off his dark shirt to reveal a red one underneath and then he put his dark shirt in some kind of bag.
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I didn't know the TTP have the power left after the recent military actions to attack New York half a world away. Sounds like propaganda. Maybe some 'wannabe militant'?

---------- Post added at 05:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:32 AM ----------

there is no evidence to support the idiot taliban's claim
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WASHINGTON: An Internet video purportedly from Pakistani Taliban group, Tehreek-e-Taliban, claimed responsibility for the car bomb attempt in Times Square in New York, the US monitoring service SITE said Sunday.

Posted on YouTube, the video said the attempted bombing was in revenge for the recent killing of two top Al-Qaeda leaders in Iraq, US drone strikes in Pakistan and US treatment of a Pakistani neuroscientist, SITE said.

“Congratulations to the Muslim Ummah on the jaw-breaking blow to Satan's USA. We, Tehreek-e-Taliban, with all the Pride and Bravery, TAKE full responsibility for the RECENT ATTACK IN THE USA,” an English message on the video said.

AFP was unable to independently view the video on YouTube. The video apparently was posted on YouTube early Sunday by Taliban News, but a service message said it had been removed because of a “use violation.”

SITE said the video contained an audio message from Qari Hussein Mehsud, a Tehreek-e-Taliban official, that was played over anti-American images with English subtitles.

The group said the attempted attack was to avenge the killings of Abu Omar al-Baghdadi and Abu Ayub al-Masri, the top two leaders of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, in an air and ground assault last month near the city of Tikrit, SITE said.

It also said it was in revenge for “the recent rain of drone attacks in the tribal areas and the abduction, torture and humiliation of our most respected & innocent sister Dr. Aafia Siddiqui.”

Siddiqui is a Pakistani neuroscientist who was convicted in a New York court last month of attempted murder and armed assault on US soldiers while in custody in Afghanistan. -AFP

Source: DAWN.com
This story just does not sound right. The source of this video once again is SITE, which was suppose to be defunct now but for some reason Rita Katz is still getting more videos from Terrorists then any other person on planet earth. SITE claim to monitor militant-alqaida linked website/forums which quite honestly I have never found even if you search for them. SITE have been responsible for every al-qaida video released in the past 5 years. Ms. Katz is Iraqi Jew living in United States, if US is really interested in locating Osama then it should interrogate Ms.Katz since she is the one releasing all his videos for the past 5 years.

TTP should know better that the so called bomb was a failure. This so called video is trying to create a reason for the US to invade Pakistan, to justify an all out open war. Never in the past have TTP came forward and condemned inhumane treatment of Dr. Afiya now all of a sudden they care. It could be that once again TTP is trying to take credit for every thing under the sun just like BM told the press that he was behind the Immigration center attacks in New Jersey last year. But it seems some thing far more nefarious is at play here and it is not the TTP. They just do not have that capacity.
terrorist organization TTP wants to take credit for everything in the world! hate freaking bloody TTP and now the new boys asian tigers! bloody morons all of them!

but its ironic Al Qaeda & all taliban organizations said they are happy about what happened at 9/11 in US but no one took responsibility!:coffee:
What the heck is there to laugh for??

like it or not, if it was the case in India, than car would have exploded before your security could have find out anything.

Last i checked US intelligence dropped the ball on this attack.

If it was not for the keen observation on one American citizen ,
who alerted the authorities of the suspicions vehicle

BBC reported on the African American Vietnam veteran who , tipped of the police.

Had he , or another concerned citizen not done so
the worst may have happened
we should all be grateful it did not .


So , don't go making claims on India security .
You are just making the assumption that India equals inferior
Owner of S.U.V. Holding Bomb Material Is Located
The police and F.B.I. investigators have tracked down the owner of the 1993 Nissan Pathfinder that contained the makings of a crude car bomb discovered in Times Square over the weekend, but that person is not considered a suspect, the police said on Monday.

“We’ve identified and spoken to the registered owner,” said Paul J. Browne, the Police Department’s chief spokesman, who stressed that the police had not yet identified a suspect or a motive. Nonetheless, the resolution of the vehicle’s provenance is a significant advancement in the 38-hour-old investigation.

Investigators continue to review surveillance footage from Saturday evening, when the car bomb was found, that showed a white man who appeared to be in his 40s walking away from the area as he looked over his shoulder and removed a layer of clothing. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. seemed optimistic in comments he made Monday morning. “I think that we have made really substantial progress, Mr. Holder told reporters in Washington. “We have some good leads."

Raymond W. Kelly, the New York City police commissioner, said on Sunday that officers found gasoline, propane, firecrackers and simple alarm clocks in the Nissan sport utility vehicle, as well as eight bags of a granular substance, later determined to be nonexplosive grade of fertilizer, inside a 55-inch-tall metal gun locker.

The bomb, Mr. Kelly said, “would have caused casualties, a significant fireball.”

The materials will be sent to the F.B.I. laboratory in Quantico, Va., on Monday for analysis, Mr. Kelly said in an interview Monday morning with WCBS Radio. “They’ve got the top laboratory in the world to do these sorts of examinations, and we’ll keep some samples here,” he said.

Detectives flew by helicopter to Pennsylvania to interview a tourist who shot video that they believe show the same man who changed his clothing leaving the area near the S.U.V. “We have seen the video and we’re looking to put that out,” Mr. Kelly said. Asked if the video was important to the investigation, he said, “It depends on what other people see in that video. Not so much what we see.”

Speaking on the “Today” show, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg cautioned that “the person on the tape may not become a suspect.”

“There are millions of people that come through Times Square,” the mayor said. “This person happened to be in a position which a camera got a good shot of him, and maybe he had something to do with it, but there’s a very good chance that he did not. We’re exploring a lot of leads.”

Had the bomb exploded, said Mr. Browne, there was “a good possibility of people being killed, windows shattered, but not resulting in a building collapse.”

While the authorities said they were treating the failed bombing — described as a “one-off” by Janet Napolitano, the homeland security secretary — as a potential terrorist attack, they said there was no evidence of a continued threat to the city.

Additional patrols will be placed in Midtown, Mr. Kelly said, but no significant increase in the city’s police presence is planned. Detectives conducted what is known as a “24-hour canvass” on Sunday night and Monday morning, but Mr. Kelly did not divulge any new leads Monday morning. The police also planned to visit nearby businesses that were closed over the weekend to review footage from their cameras.

No motive had been determined in the attempted bombing, and federal and local officials said there was no evidence to support a claim of responsibility issued Sunday by a Pakistani Taliban group that has a reputation for making far-fetched attempts to take credit for attacks.

The police and F.B.I. officials are also investigating a separate tip received by a news organization, but Mr. Kelly said it had not turned up any suspects.

Investigators were reviewing surveillance footage that showed an unidentified man walking away from West 45th Street, where the Nissan Pathfinder had been parked. The police said the man was a “person of interest.” The man was seen in Shubert Alley, which runs between 44th and 45th Streets, looking furtively over his shoulder and removing a dark shirt, revealing a red one underneath, officials said. The man then stuffed the dark shirt into a bag, officials said.

“We just felt that person warranted an interview,” Mr. Kelly said. “It could be perfectly innocent.”

Asked if he considered the failed bombing the work of terrorists, Mr. Kelly said: “A terrorist act doesn’t necessarily have to be conducted by an organization. An individual can do it on their own.”

All Broadway shows ran as scheduled on Sunday.

Two street vendors had flagged down a mounted police officer after they noticed smoke coming from the Pathfinder, which had been parked haphazardly at the curb with its engine running and its flashers on. The area was cleared so the police could examine the vehicle, which was first seen on video surveillance cameras at 6:28 p.m., heading west on West 45th Street.

The Pathfinder was brought to a forensics center in Jamaica, Queens, where investigators were scouring it for DNA evidence and hairs, fibers and fingerprints. No fingerprints had been found as of Sunday night, officials said.
Owner of Explosives-Packed Nissan Found in Times Square Is Located - NYTimes.com
Last i checked US intelligence dropped the ball on this attack.

If it was not for the keen observation on one American citizen ,
who alerted the authorities of the suspicions vehicle

BBC reported on the African American Vietnam veteran who , tipped of the police.

Had he , or another concerned citizen not done so
the worst may have happened
we should all be grateful it did not .


So , don't go making claims on India security .
You are just making the assumption that India equals inferior

It was said that when one of nypd officer saw little smoke coming from inside the care, he called for back-up and than more nypd officers came.

i don't say Indian security equals inferior. i said that, because the other guy was making fun of America security. So i was just reminding him that all this is common in India. Now Indian security forces cannot stop that, now can they ?? in some cases yes, But in cases like Mumbai attack.... Nope.

Did you notice one thing that the bomb they found was like made up from simple materials rather than actual bomb.

Why is that?

because it's almost impossible to bring bomb from outside into NY, ans espically in times square without being detected.
Personal Note : Damn ****. Everything fricking comes back to us. Seriously, WTF !

American Who Recently Visited Pakistan Eyed in Times Square Bomb Plot


Federal authorities have identified a person of interest in Saturday night's Times Square bomb attempt -- a naturalized American citizen who was in Pakistan for several months and returned to the United States recently, investigative sources told Fox News.

The latest developments seem to support investigators' suspicions that there was a foreign connection behind the failed car bomb attempt in New York City, senior Obama administration officials told Fox News, shedding light on the growing body of evidence.

Sources say that evidence includes international phone calls made by the person of interest, who has not been identified publicly. The Associated Press identified the person as a man of Pakistani descent, citing unnamed law enforcement sources.

Police also have interviewed the registered owner of the bomb-laden sports-utility vehicle. They say he is not a suspect, but he recently sold the dark-colored 1993 Nissan Pathfinder on Craigslist to another individual, whom the Associated Press reports was the Pakistani-American.

The bomb scare forced the evacuation of Times Square on a busy Saturday night, as police used a robot to break into the smoking SUV and diffuse the makeshift explosive, which was made from everyday items, such as propane tanks and firecrackers.

New York City police close down parts of Times Square after a 'failed incendiary device' was found in car.

One Obama administration official, while acknowledging the crudeness of the bomb, cautioned, "Do not necessarily assume that the plot behind it was not sophisticated."

The SUV's vehicle identification number had been removed from Pathfinder's dashboard, but it was stamped on the engine and axle, and investigators used it to find the owner of record. CBS News reports that owner told investigators he recently sold the vehicle for $1,300 to someone who looked "Middle Eastern" or "Hispanic." The buyer reportedly paid in $100 bills.

Sources told Fox News that investigators are focusing on the similarities between the failed attack in New York City and both the 2007 attack on Glasgow's airport in Scotland and the attempted bombing of a London nightclub the same year. Propane gas and gasoline were used in all three incidents.

In New York, police and FBI were examining hundreds of hours of video from around the area and wanted to speak with a man in his 40s who was videotaped shedding his shirt near the Pathfinder.

The video shows the man slipping down Shubert Alley and taking off his shirt, revealing another underneath. In the same clip, looks back in the direction of the smoking vehicle and puts the first shirt in a bag.

They traveled to Pennsylvania for video shot by a tourist of a different person, and were evaluating the tape and determining whether to make it public.

On Monday, the White House for the first time clearly defined the attempted attack as an act of terrorism, without saying whether it was the work of a foreign or domestic plot.

"I think anybody that has the type of material that they had in a car in Times Square, I would say that that was intended to terrorize. Absolutely," White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said when asked by Fox News how the White House would categorize the incident. "And I would say that whoever did that would be categorized as a terrorist. Yes."

Obama administration officials previously stopped short of declaring the incident terrorism.

New York Gov. David Paterson immediately called the attempted attack an "act of terrorism" after police were alerted to the bomb and cleared out Times Square Saturday night. But Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday said it was too early to officially designate the incident as terrorism.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, in several interviews since Sunday, has by turns described the incident as a potential or likely terrorist act, though she said investigators need to find out more about the origin of the plot.

"It certainly is something that I would not rule out," she told Fox News on Monday morning.

A Pakistani Taliban group released a videotape that appeared to claim responsibility for the incident, but New York City officials said they had no evidence to support that.

Fox News' Major Garrett, Catherine Herridge and Mike Levine and the Associated Press contributed to this report.
Source: Times Square bomb inquiry looks at Pakistani-American​


New York (CNN) -- Investigators are looking into whether a naturalized U.S. citizen of Pakistani origin played any role in the failed weekend attempt to set off a car bomb in Times Square, a federal source said Monday.

The sport-utility vehicle used in the unsuccessful plot was sold three weeks ago in a cash deal with no paperwork exchanged, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the investigation said Monday.

A seller in Connecticut put the Nissan Pathfinder up for sale through the online classified ad site Craigslist and sold it to a buyer who paid $1,800 for the vehicle, the source told CNN. The $1,800 deal was closed at a Connecticut shopping mall, where the buyer handed over the money and drove off, the SUV's source said.

The seller described the buyer as a man in his late 20s to early 30s, and investigators are checking into phone records between the two, the source said.

The registered owner is not a suspect in the bombing attempt, New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said Monday. But authorities are searching for two people they want to question in connection with the would-be bomb, which Kelly said could have produced "a significant fireball" in the heart of midtown Manhattan had it detonated properly on Saturday night.

A video obtained from a tourist in the area shows a person apparently running north on Broadway. Another video shows a balding man with dark hair removing a shirt and putting it in a bag before walking out of view of the camera, which was inside a restaurant.

"These are not suspects," Kelly said. "These are people we would like to speak to."

Investigators are examining phone records of businesses that sell some of the bomb's components and chasing leads in "several locations" on the East Coast and beyond, a federal law enforcement official told CNN. The official would not say whether any of the leads were in other countries, and cautioned that the investigation could take "a few more days or weeks."

The device inside the Pathfinder was made of propane tanks, gasoline and fertilizer that turned out to be of a nonexplosive grade, along with a metal pot containing wiring and firecrackers. More firecrackers were found in a can on the back seat of the vehicle, sandwiched between two full five-gallon gasoline cans and connected by wires to clocks.

New York police have been examining the device for clues such as fingerprints, hair and fibers since Saturday. The vehicle and bomb components were taken to the FBI's forensic laboratory in Quantico, Virginia, on Monday, FBI spokesman Richard Kolko said Monday evening.

Kevin Barry, a former New York bomb squad member, said the device had "no known signature" -- a style of construction that might link it to known terrorist groups. That suggests it was the work of either an individual or a new organization, said Barry, who is now an adviser to the International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators.

Barry said the detonating mechanism lacked the energy needed to properly set off the explosion. Jim Cavanaugh, a former agent with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, called the bomb "a Rube Goldberg contraption" that would have been difficult to set off.

"That does not mean that the bomb's not deadly," Cavanaugh said. Someone close by could be hurt or killed. "But it's not a very reliable working system, a fusing and firing system, at all," he said.

The question of who was behind the failed bomb attempt was the subject of scrutiny Monday.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said investigators have some good leads, but he declined to elaborate. Kelly said it was too early to say whether the attempt was carried out by a lone person, international terrorists, or any other type of network.

Pakistani Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud appeared on a video released less than 24 hours after the attempt, claiming Taliban fighters were prepared to inflict "extremely painful blows" in major U.S. cities. But a senior U.S. military official said Monday there is no credible evidence at the early stages of the investigation that the Pakistani Taliban was responsible for the Times Square incident.

Another U.S. official with direct awareness of the latest U.S. understanding of the incident said the Pakistani group has never shown "trans-national capabilities" like other groups, such as al Qaeda. But such a possibility is "not something one can rule out at this early stage," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the information.

Pakistan's Taliban movement has been linked to a 2008 plot to blow up subway stations in the Spanish city of Barcelona, and at least two of the 11 men convicted in the plot came to Barcelona from Pakistan, Spanish prosecutors said.

Times Square evacuation captured on iPhone

One counterintelligence official told CNN there was no evidence of any communications among terrorist organizations overseas about the device after Saturday night's attempt.

"People overseas were not giving high fives ... or saying anything about the bomb not working," the official said. "There is no indication that there was that kind of tie."

Cavanaugh said the bomber could have been "internationally inspired," but the device showed little sign that a group like al Qaeda was behind it.

"Their bombs would be better funded, better fused, better materials, better knowledge," he said.
would love to hear asq's views here...


Be it in New york or in Kashmir or in Palistine or in chechnya.

Above quote applies to all Humanity.

Quote from:-

Holy Quran

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