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Captured CST Terrorist

Its worn after the puja is completed. Its not worn as an accessory.

Its not a "lucky charm", and its not analogous with the Sikh bracelet.

Also, Blair was not presented the thread as a "gift" when he went to the hindu temple - it was tied to his wrist after the prayer was completed.

It's a symbol of religious significance in Hinduism basically.
Why not open a kalava thread separately. This thread seems to be stuck on this non-issue!

Why is something worn by a terrorist an issue at all? It could most likely be a red-herring. Let's move on to more meaningful stuff. There is multi party investigation going on, the results will be out in due time.

AFAIK, even the 9/11 bombers did not dress themselves in skull caps or Kaffiyahs. Anything worn or not worn by them is a NON-ISSUE. They are terrorists and deserve all our contempt.
AFAIK, even the 9/11 bombers did not dress themselves in skull caps or Kaffiyahs. Anything worn or not worn by them is a NON-ISSUE. They are terrorists and deserve all our contempt.

The 911 bombers also did not wear Kalavas or symbols of other faiths, like crosses.
pl check the thread Zaid Hamid -detailed video reponse . You can find pictures of a famous Pakistani wearing the same
pl check the thread Zaid Ahmed -detailed reponse . You can find pictures of a famous Pakistani wearing the same

Oh...did he provide navigational intelligence to guide the boats down to the sea? [/sarcasam]
Oh...did he provide navigational intelligence to guide the boats down to the sea? [/sarcasam]

that famous Pakistani is Shoaib Akhtar and by your thinking anyone who wears a red armband is a hindu zionist then.... you are accusing your icon yourself. I am new member and I cant post pictures but some other friend has posted the pics
pl check the thread Zaid Hamid -detailed video reponse . You can find pictures of a famous Pakistani wearing the same

So what if a famous Pakistani has worn it? Tony Blair has worn one for a day also. The point is that no radical Muslim on his last suicide mission is going to stick on one of those things when he knows full well it's a Hindu symbol. And it's very commonly worn during rituals such as Puja by millions of devotees of Hinduism. One liberal like Akhtar does not mean it's common for non Hindus to be wearing one.
that famous Pakistani is Shoaib Akhtar and by your thinking anyone who wears a red armband is a hindu zionist then.... you are accusing your icon yourself. I am new member and I cant post pictures but some other friend has posted the pics

It's already been posted. Go back 4 or 5 pages.
that famous Pakistani is Shoaib Akhtar and by your thinking anyone who wears a red armband is a hindu zionist then.... you are accusing your icon yourself. I am new member and I cant post pictures but some other friend has posted the pics

No, thats what you think. The arm bands, persons dialect, person clothes, persons toothpaste, etc.. give no evidence. May be you should teach that to your media.
No, thats what you think. The arm bands, persons dialect, person clothes, persons toothpaste, etc.. give no evidence. May be you should teach that to your media.

It's people on this forumn and in your media who are thinking a fashion accesory is a religious symbol not me.

It's they who believe that since the terrorist was wearing the armaband he is a hindu
It's people on this forumn and in your media who are thinking a fashion accesory is a religious symbol not me.

It's they who believe that since the terrorist was wearing the armaband he is a hindu

What do you think a Kalava is?

Let me help you

A "Kalava" is the sacred Hindu thread also called 'mauli' in hindi. It is worn while performing Hindu rituals like Yajna or Puja. It is tied by a priest on the wrists of all the people attending the prayer ceremony. Kalava is tied on right hand of males and unmarried females, and on left hand of married females. Sometimes it has small yellow parts in between the mostly red string. It sometimes has knots which are tied up while reciting Sanskritmantras to invoke God and is worn to ward off evil from the person who wears this red thread.

Here are lots of Hindus with their orange threads trying to ward off evil


You see perhaps a connection with the orange wrist band that the terrorist was wearing?
What do you think a Kalava is?

You see perhaps a connection with the orange wrist band that the terrorist was wearing?

my dear friend a wristband is what the name suggests a wristband a fashion accessory nothing more nothing less. shoiab akhtar wears one and everyone round the world wears it for the same purpose - a fashion statement.
just do a google image search on Shoaib Akhtar, select picture size as medium and on second or third page you would find pics of Shoaib Akhtar wearing the same.
Better still go to the Zaid Hamid detailed video response thread in this forumn to see the picture
There are NO ORANGE BANDS AROUND ANYONE'S WRISTS in this Hindu ceremony

What you are seeing is an illusion.

What is most suspect about this photo is that he is wearing a Rakhi band on his wrist. How do we know he is not a Hindu? We should draw assumptions without full access to the information collected and that the security services of Bangladesh and Pakistan should be part of the interrogation.

Its not a rakhi band but its a thread from the Ajmer Sharif Dargah which is considered as lucky. Do u even know how Rakhi look like?
wrist band is definately faith identification but main thing is who behind these terrorists who brain wash these hindu young men to perform such brutal act.

Mumbai attacks and 9/11 attacks one objective is same that to blame islamic jehadi organisations and creat a reason to attack muslim countries ,destroy their economy,kill innocient people and drag them to stone age.

Halaku Khan have the same war strategy .

you have seen pictures of people wearing wristbands, and are yourself saying some people wear it for fashion and still you are maintaining that wristband is definitely faith identification. how can you reconcile all the three statements.
speaking mathematically wearing of wristband is not the necessary and sufficient condition for identifying a hindu
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