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Capabilities if India and Pakistan get together?


yes i can answer ur question but...can u tell me the reasons why we are not togeather from last 1300 years and i dont think so u people are real muslims( i m not offending anyone on religion) because before 1300 years muslims in indian region does not exist your generations are converted muslims so you do not have right to say that we cannot be friends, yes if any person from middle east say things like this den i can understand but if you say things like dis dat is really heart breaking because i thought we have same blood and somewhere our thinking can match but i think our thinking just match one thing and that is fight!

i think no body have answer to my this question:whistle:
i think no body have answer to my this question:whistle:

That aint happening, we were together but now we cant, People who have three wars & are armed with Nuclear weapons to eliminate existence of each other cant be ONE, End of story..
I dont think this will happen any time soon as it is not in Pakistan's interest until all outstanding issues are settled. What is the point of going back into slavery after it took so much effort to escape it. However if they do unite then it would mean a sea change in politics as the present indians will no longer be able to govern the country with majority as the muslims (if bangladesh joined) would constitute nearly 49% of the population. So the hindus will not stand for it and will prefer the status quo because they will eventaully become the minority. Personally I see no future for Pakistan in an alliance with India but there is a future with China and afganistan where afganistan joins Pakistan in some sort of union as the two countries share history and religion and a comm on border. This would provide the new country access to the sea and central asian markets plus a bountiful supply for its army with the best fighters on this planet.
Agreed but why you brought Quran in it what about 200 million muslims of india A peaceful co existence is what we need in subcontinent

200 million? aren't you over-exaggerating the number.

As for the topic, I think we should get out of make-believe land for just a minute and think about the root problem of Pakistan-India tensions which is Kashmir.
If it didnt work out in 1947 when a united India was a real possibility why will it work even in 2047. A large section of Muslims did'nt want Hindus being in majority in a democratic setup where they are likely to be a minority and out of power.

Most of the people who were alive and remember partition of 1947 have left this world now.

Today, Pakistanis only know that they are Pakistanis. Being Pakistani is who we are, wherever we go in the world when people ask us our ethnicity we say Pakistani. Americans born to Pakistani parents are Pakistani-Americans, British born to Pakistani parents are British-Pakistanis and Pakistan will always be our homeland.

Some Indians have a tough time accepting Pakistan and Pakistanis, another reason why there is no peace between Pakistan and India.

We can be friendly neighbors if we resolve all our disputes, but we never can be one.

By the way, even most Indians today were not alive during partition of 1947 so I dont know why its so important for some to want Pakistan and India to be one country when they probably never been to Pakistan ever in their lives.

And we Pakistanis will never forget the sacrafices millions of Muslims made for Pakistan.
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India and Pakistan together? No way!

It is a big headache to have them as neighbors. Imagine them living in my house!!
I think it would be best to start with trade and more cultural exchanges.

Merging armed forces and other matters are not needed as Pakistan prefers to be free - :coffee:

The only thing common between India and Pakistan is our love for music , entertainment and family culture and Michmasala - rest is all different -

Every single day that I wake up , I am thankful to our elders for giving us the freedom - from british

Thank you -

PS it Qaid E Azam (Great lader) Mohammad Ali Jinnah -
:) it would have sucked to live and call ppl like gujrat leaders my representative while living in fear - thank god for freedom , hopefully other muslims in India will soon realize this reality - alot of them are starting to realize the ground realities -

O'Rielly's Lits of Unsimilarities between Pakistan / India

a) Pakistani eat Nihari , Indians don't have clue what that is or will ever know
what that dish tastes like, and I am sure there are million dishes in India
no one in Pakistani knows about or heard about it

b) Indians enjoy a desi daru , Pakistanis only drink Rooh Afzah. Some do drink the daru
but its all underground.

c) Indian , celebrate divali, Pakistani celebrate Eid ( Can you imagine 10 extra holidays)
in country ??? How productive is that.

d) Pakistani, are friends with china, India has disputes with most of its neighbours

e) Pakistani, care less about what happens in India, Indian media is always blowing up
a storm what happens in Pakistan.
Example: Can I name any major event happening in India now? Nope ....

f) Pakistani like the green color , in most sports, Indians sorta like the blue , even when
their national flag has no blue color in its color scheme.

g) Pakistanis have concept of donation to poor/needed, outside of taxation system
Indian just have donations but the whole structure is different.

h) Indian moves their head side ways , wobble, Pakistani love to move it front and
back, normally to accept all the demands lol


They do love Garma Garam chai , and Cricket, and Music , and Oldies songs -
so we have aot of strong bonds but we are better off , to let our gov take care of technical stuff but the ppl are allowed to mingle together on cultural exchanges.

I think there is great room to develop closer ties only if the kashmire issue is solved with solution under UN , and we just get this sore , ISSUE done and over with its
more then 50 years now .. and we can't resolve this matter and hinders our progress
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Capabilities if India and Pakistan get together but for what?

If you mean get togather for Cricket then we will have a thrilling match

If you mean get togather for War then we will have South Asia as Nuclear Wasteland

I dont think this will happen any time soon as it is not in Pakistan's interest until all outstanding issues are settled. What is the point of going back into slavery after it took so much effort to escape it. However if they do unite then it would mean a sea change in politics as the present indians will no longer be able to govern the country with majority as the muslims (if bangladesh joined) would constitute nearly 49% of the population. So the hindus will not stand for it and will prefer the status quo because they will eventaully become the minority. Personally I see no future for Pakistan in an alliance with India but there is a future with China and afganistan where afganistan joins Pakistan in some sort of union as the two countries share history and religion and a comm on border. This would provide the new country access to the sea and central asian markets plus a bountiful supply for its army with the best fighters on this planet.

While Im no advocate for India and Pakistan alliance; Im amused at the reasons given for aligning with China and Afghanistan. So you dont seem to share religion with 150 million plus Indian muslims and ofcourse Pak and India have nothing shared in history. Funny.
Quote AZADPAKISTAN2009: I think it would be best to start with trade and more cultural exchanges. Yes..

Merging armed forces and other matters are not needed as Pakistan prefers to be free - :coffee: Agreed

The only thing common between India and Pakistan is our love for music , entertainment and family culture and Michmasala - rest is all different - Really? This is a 'aspirational' belief for many Pakistanis but not true. Indian subcontinent has many cultures and subcultures. But notonly is the geography shared but so is the culture (of which Music is one aspect), religion, problems etc

Every single day that I wake up , I am thankful to our elders for giving us the freedom - from british.

Thank you -

PS it Qaid E Azam (Great lader) Mohammad Ali Jinnah -
:) it would have sucked to live and call ppl like gujrat leaders my representative while living in fear - thank god for freedom , hopefully other muslims in India will soon realize this reality - alot of them are starting to realize the ground realities - To large extent agreed that muslims lot in India needs improvement; but all arent doing badly in India and nor are all doing well in Pakistan..the reality is in the middle.

O'Rielly's Lits of Unsimilarities between Pakistan / India

a) Pakistani eat Nihari , Indians don't have clue what that is or will ever know what that dish tastes like, and I am sure there are million dishes in India no one in Pakistani knows about or heard about it. - I dont know Nihari (will find out about it). But food has many similarities in ingredients and preparation...ofcourse differences exist too...

b) Indians enjoy a desi daru , Pakistanis only drink Rooh Afzah. Some do drink the daru but its all underground - lol

c) Indian , celebrate divali, Pakistani celebrate Eid ( Can you imagine 10 extra holidays) in country ??? How productive is that - Yes, too many holidays. However, who told you Eid not celebrated in India. Also, I thought Pakistani Hindus celebrate Diwali as well...No substantive difference.

d) Pakistani, are friends with china, India has disputes with most of its neighbours - :) So Afghanistan, India and Iran are not your neighbours and Pakistan has good relations with all of them. Funny:)
Goes without saying though, that India should work for better relations with smaller countries especially neighbours

e) Pakistani, care less about what happens in India, Indian media is always blowing up a storm what happens in Pakistan.
Example: Can I name any major event happening in India now? Nope ....
- How do you know whats the Indian media showing? You must be watching it. That shows your interest in India.I dont watch Pakistani channels and dont feel the urge to.Except terrorism there is no other coverage of Pakistan in Indian media.Infact, knowledge of Pakistan reduces as you move away from the borders. So ask southern states about Pakistan they might not know much (except about terror coverage on TV/Print media). Sorry, but there is little interest in Pakistan amongst common Indians.

f) Pakistani like the green color , in most sports, Indians sorta like the blue , even when their national flag has no blue color in its color scheme - Pakistan took green in sports so India couldnt. Yes, blue is favored. But in reality saffron should have been the Indian color along with green.

g) Pakistanis have concept of donation to poor/needed, outside of taxation system.Indian just have donations but the whole structure is different. - Yes, Im told the organisations like Lashkar e toiba etc and the militancy in Kashmir was funded by such collections from public in Pakistan. While such charities are welcome for social work but for Jihad???...Is that such a good thing?

In India, people donate for all kinds of causes...havent seen many trends except some Ponzi schemes.

h) Indian moves their head side ways , wobble, Pakistani love to move it front and back, normally to accept all the demands lol - Not sure how you mean. Westerners do tend to be confused by Indians and Pakistanis as they move their heads sideways to even say yes..instead of up and down as most other folks do.


They do love Garma Garam chai , and Cricket, and Music , and Oldies songs - so we have aot of strong bonds but we are better off , to let our gov take care of technical stuff but the ppl are allowed to mingle together on cultural exchanges. - How are you better off?

I think there is great room to develop closer ties only if the kashmire issue is solved with solution under UN , and we just get this sore , ISSUE done and over with its more then 50 years now .. and we can't resolve this matter and hinders our progress[/QUOTE] - Agreed

This is my take your list.
hi i m from Australia but basically indian i am following this thread from 1 month or more. my reason to visit this site is that i jus want to know the openion of pakistani people about indian military power. Not strangely i found lots of hate among them regarding indians its vice versa same happen when i read the indian posts.

now my question is we talk alot agaisnt each other but i just want to know what will be the scene and impact on rest of the world if we both countries came up togeather in the military power and share everything. why we do not try to work in way rather then hating each other. if we came togeather can we beat rest of the world including china usa and how. thnx

good idea but not togather in one country but they use same crunce trade defence and ploticl plate form because we divide on relegon base other wise we have very close tredation's and lifestyle
I think it would be best to start with trade and more cultural exchanges.

Merging armed forces and other matters are not needed as Pakistan prefers to be free - :coffee:

The only thing common between India and Pakistan is our love for music , entertainment and family culture and Michmasala - rest is all different -

Every single day that I wake up , I am thankful to our elders for giving us the freedom - from british

Thank you -

PS it Qaid E Azam (Great lader) Mohammad Ali Jinnah -
:) it would have sucked to live and call ppl like gujrat leaders my representative while living in fear - thank god for freedom , hopefully other muslims in India will soon realize this reality - alot of them are starting to realize the ground realities -

O'Rielly's Lits of Unsimilarities between Pakistan / India

a) Pakistani eat Nihari , Indians don't have clue what that is or will ever know
what that dish tastes like, and I am sure there are million dishes in India
no one in Pakistani knows about or heard about it

b) Indians enjoy a desi daru , Pakistanis only drink Rooh Afzah. Some do drink the daru
but its all underground.

c) Indian , celebrate divali, Pakistani celebrate Eid ( Can you imagine 10 extra holidays)
in country ??? How productive is that.

d) Pakistani, are friends with china, India has disputes with most of its neighbours

e) Pakistani, care less about what happens in India, Indian media is always blowing up
a storm what happens in Pakistan.
Example: Can I name any major event happening in India now? Nope ....

f) Pakistani like the green color , in most sports, Indians sorta like the blue , even when
their national flag has no blue color in its color scheme.

g) Pakistanis have concept of donation to poor/needed, outside of taxation system
Indian just have donations but the whole structure is different.

h) Indian moves their head side ways , wobble, Pakistani love to move it front and
back, normally to accept all the demands lol


They do love Garma Garam chai , and Cricket, and Music , and Oldies songs -
so we have aot of strong bonds but we are better off , to let our gov take care of technical stuff but the ppl are allowed to mingle together on cultural exchanges.

I think there is great room to develop closer ties only if the kashmire issue is solved with solution under UN , and we just get this sore , ISSUE done and over with its
more then 50 years now .. and we can't resolve this matter and hinders our progress


1:- We know Nahari(nihari) it takes minmum 12 hour to cook. Rs 150 to 200 for three pieces but only north indian knows it. only Punjab,U.P,delhi and Little bit haryana peple knows about it.Its my best dish after Biryani.

2:-Indian enjoy rooh-afza too but only in summer.

3:- Indian enjoy Holi,Diwali,Eid,christmas and all other festival thats why india is a country of festivals.

4:- India has many friends Euoropean country,middle-east,American,Russia,Nepal,Bangladesh,sri-lanka,Maldevies,Afganistan,Iran etc.

5:-Now a days indian dont have time to see on neighbors.We are booming now, watching new jobs and producing milions of jobs per annum. I dont want to show anyone, whats happening in our neghbors side.

6:-We love all seven color on Rainbow.We do not Mix religion with sports,Food and dress etc. We are free to do anything.

7:-Indian has donation culture.
Example:- TATA company 30% profit always go for development of poor people whether in india or out side the india. Every company has same rule but percentage is difrent aside normal people .

8:- Indian moves every way thats why india is 1tirilion$ country.No need for donation we have enough money.


Only north indian match with Pakistan with cultural point.
Kashmir is only a Topic for us. We always believe in "unity in diversity".
or united states of PAKISTAN "I" for india :P

on a serious note... then i think it will be more like INDO-PAK-CHina.... and we got future world super power.

something from me :
russ+chi+ind+pak= 4 t better then nato:cheers::cheers:

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