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Capabilities if India and Pakistan get together?

Some One should have had this sense in 1947 before, fighting over Kashmir.

We need to First resolve all border Issues. With all neighbors.

Then we can talk friendship, till then we can talk stuff like Non-Military action pacts and so on. So we may exist in Peace. however long peace may last. It is better to have Lasted than not at all.

Then one day when, when we all die taking our Predigest Opinions with us to the Grave. Younger and Smarter people born into the Height of the Digital Age, can talk of friendship.

Blood is a powerful thing. And there is a lot of Bad blood between Indian and Pakistan.

Perhaps one day
India may be an Integral Part of Pakistan, and Pakistan an Integral Part of India.
Still separate as the sister states they were created as, But both Are part of others nations Identity. To say it any other way will be A glass half empty in India. and a Glass only half full in Pakistan.
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well yes we dont,
we are not the only ones who think like that!
my friend, you have kicjed the ** of your politicians just because he wrote a few words in praise of Quaid-e-Azam, this is the degree of hatred for Pakistan n heart of indian the what make you come up with such an idea!
i wonder how so many members just miss all the lessons of history!
even the quran say that they can never be our friends, i dont remeber the exact verse but it means something like that "non-beleivers cannot do any good to muslims and are never friends of Muslims"
wakeup gus,,


Jeez quoting the Holy Q'uran with such skill and vigour :no: Have you forgotten that you Pakistani Muslims cannot be friends with your fellow Muslims for starters :what: Try mending that bridge before you move onto non Muslims. And please don't give me the BS that India is the cause of your problems and the usual :blah::blah: which goes with that.

Onto the topic my view is that any notion of a unification of Pakistan and India will be disastrous. Hindu majority India does not need a few hundred million Muslims coming into its foray where approximately 40% of them are religious zealots who bandy about with a mistaken notion of superiority and who display a blindness for reality. We have enough with our Hindu religious zealots and other mad movements in India. Your sticking with China is good enough for India IMO

Normalisation of relations between Pakistan and India would be good for the Asian continent but bad for their arms suppliers and politicians. My view is that normalisation can only occur when both Pakistan and India are ruled by a dictator who does not need to appease the voting masses with their policies. General Mussharaf was a prime example of that in his approach towards India.

Yes we are different people who came from the same forefathers more or less. Out of Asia and Indian sub continent, most Hindus and Muslims from Asia do associate based on their common appearance. In Southern Africa the notion is that all people from the Indian subcontinent are Indians and are referred to as "Indians". Our cultures and values and attitudes and knowledge has dramatically shifted apart since partition. And no, Indians are not /B] obsessed with Pakistan. :rofl: Indians also do not deny the sovereignity of Pakistan either. Most Indians are obsessed with the Pakistan cricket team as we believe that they pose a fair match against our team on the international playing fields and are our main competitors to taking the cup. I would say that is a compliment to the Pakistan team? As for the economy and policies of Pakistan and the issues of Pakistan that is a non event in the lives of the Indian population. Yes when you send a few Talibs with gifts of bombs and bullets to India we do question you need to do so. On the issue of "obsession" I question whether the obsession is not from within your borders towards us. In fact on that issue, India maybe compared to a large woman who has her backside turned to an amourous small man Pakistan who does not seem to get the message that she is not interested and consistently stalks her :devil: Proof of this is Pakistani daily criticism and synicism with India's economy, poverty, wealth, religion, social issues, political issues etc which the average Pakistani displays a better knowledge of than the average Indian. Yes we can resolve the issue of Kashmir but 5 or 10 years later there will arise another issue from Pakistan :hitwall:

I would suggest a thawing of relations for the better peace of and improvement of Asia but then again, who will feed the arms suppliers and politicians and religious zealots if that has to happen?:cheers:
Pakasia a simple word would better

What Iqbal poet " Saare jahan se acha hindustan hamara,hindi hai hum watan hai Hindostaan hamara"

So Better choice is Hindustan Because no new part will merge, its only separate part will merge.
well yes we dont,

it means something like that "non-beleivers cannot do any good to muslims and are never friends of Muslims"
wakeup gus,,


helloo friends
its my 1fst post
u said abut non-believers cannot do any good to muslims.
excuse me but i think ur best ally in this whole world is not an Islamic nation but a NON-BELIVER CHINA
so please dont bring religion here.
and the nation of IMAGINATION OF KAYEDE-AZAM was also a Secular PAKISTAN
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What Iqbal poet " Saare jahan se acha hindustan hamara,hindi hai hum watan hai Hindostaan hamara"

So Better choice is Hindustan Because no new part will merge, its only separate part will merge.

chin-o-arab hamara, hindostan hamara
muslim hain ham, vatan hai sara jahān hamara
-Muhammad Iqbal
this is what religion does to u.:hang2:
thank god i am an atheist.:rofl:
What's funny is that Pakistan offered an alliance to India against China back in 1948 against the "northern enemy" (china), but Hindustan refused without even glancing over. Until Indians get the thought of regional hegemony out of their heads, their will be no peace, no alliance.
Now there is only china and pakistan , hope we can teach chinese as second language in Pakistan I will be first student to learn chinese

China is like your best buddy in school , looks after you and its a true friend -
Now there is only china and pakistan , hope we can teach chinese as second language in Pakistan I will be first student to learn chinese

China is like your best buddy in school , looks after you and its a true friend -

Yes true indeed. But when your best buddy finishes school and goes to engineering and economics college and you remain in the rural area chewing paan and fighting with your family and neighbors then your best school buddy forgets about you and regards you as an embarrasment :rofl:
Apparently that is what you went through...
..the topics title is next to impossible even without nationalistic and sarcastic comments and attitudes.
But in case the impossible did happen..like pigs flying.. you would have the 2nd most competent and professional air arm next to the USAF.
Equipment not included.
Well the only colaboration in the region can happen if India gives ppl in Kashmir democrative right to align with Pakistan or turn over the state to UN for 20 years, for process

All armies are retreated, and ppl are given chance to grow.

After 20 years, the change can take place - nice and simple like Hong Kong went to China peacefully.

Did China / Britain go over wars over the issue , no

But any thing more like a united Pakistan/India is bit hard to implement since

a) Most politicians on Indian side use the Pakistan fear trump card to
Get votes, anytime election comes looping
#1 Vote getter is "Sala Pakistan don't like us and garma garam
dialougue, by politicians"

If you watch any political speech , the #1 vote and public
dialouge bazi is blaming Pakistan for every thing.

If it was for the indian politicians they would even blame , the
poverty on Pakistani gov.

b) Even when rougue ppl do certain things whole Pakistani gov is

The problem since 1947 had been the political leaders in India who
flamed the hate and war mongering tactics. Pakistan did not even
had any army or airforce at its conception and few industrial factories

I mean when you move in your army to someone else's territory i.e Kashmir, how can there be peace if the move was legel why did the UN asked for a vote in region to settle dispute ? and both parties agreed to it -

The attitude of the politicians must change or else we are not going any where anytime soon -

Well if you review history and document even Indian leader Gandhi , was in favour of going to pakistan and reconcile and move forward what happened to him ... simple some extremist - element

80% of population on both side just want to focus on working and families, the 10% who are ellite want nothing to change - 10 % is media who try to sway the opinion of other 80% - with stories.

These days there is a great - potical struggle taking place deep with in India as certain groups are obviously tired of the local qouta system of power -

(Congress/BJP ) and others - and no one really represents the rights of local minorities - its pretty much a ticking time bomb -

The sooner the Kashmir issue is resolved - the sooner ounrties can move to spend on its people rather on maintaining 1-2 million soldiers and weaponry
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