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Canadian spy detained in Turkey for helping British teens join ISIS

Err, Israel's links with rebels is reported in many news outlets.
And I'm not objective. Why should I be? I have my own views on issues.
then why do you create a fuss when it comes to Turkey and not Israel?
Why is Israel almost never mentioned/heavily criticized regarding the FSA in the western media?
Why is Turkey associated with isis while it is doing nothing different than Israel? In fact, Turkey even did way more in the humanitarian field.

Of course, after all, Turkey didn't give in to western pressure, stood tall and declined to plunge itself in an endless (sectarian) chaos in the middle east (and that for the US and its close allies' interests) while its economy and stability is increasing day by day. This made some figures angry in the west it seems, hence the sudden negative media pressure.
then why do you create a fuss when it comes to Turkey and not Israel?
Why is Israel almost never mentioned/heavily criticized regarding the FSA in the western media?
Why is Turkey associated with isis while it is doing nothing different than Israel? In fact, Turkey even did way more in the humanitarian field.

Of course, after all, Turkey didn't give in to western pressure, stood tall and declined to plunge itself in an endless (sectarian) chaos in the middle east (and that for the US and its close allies' interests) while its economy and stability is increasing day by day. This made some figures angry in the west it seems, hence the sudden negative media pressure.
Erdogan is the main advocate for intervening in Syria. He just wants to do it for the benefit of the Muslim Brotherhood instead of the US policy of sticking to fighting ISIS.
Erdogan is the main advocate for intervening in Syria. He just wants to do it against Assad not ISIS.
if that was the case Turkey would have more than enough justification to invade Syria after Syria shot down our plane back in 2012 (if im not mistaken) or after all those mortars dropping on Turkish soil. Maybe stop talking about certain things if you dont know about it?
if that was the case Turkey would have more than enough justification to invade Syria after Syria shot down our plane back in 2012 (if im not mistaken) or after all those mortars dropping on Turkish soil. Maybe stop talking about certain things if you dont know about it?
He wouldn't do it alone. He wanted the US to do it with him but they preferred to concentrate on fighting ISIS instead of helping the Muslim Brotherhood so Turkey refused.
He wouldn't do it alone. He wanted the US to do it with him but they preferred to concentrate on fighting ISIS instead of helping the Muslim Brotherhood so Turkey refused.
then why would Turkey later on (in 2014) plan a 'false flag' if its allies obviously werent going in and neither was Erdogan on his own according to you? you made little sense so far and keep evading big portions of what i have written. in other words, you only want to hear and see what you want to hear and see, waste of time.
then why would Turkey later on (in 2014) plan a 'false flag' if its allies obviously werent going in and neither was Erdogan on his own according to you? you made little sense so far and keep evading big portions of what i have written. in other words, you only want to hear and see what you want to hear and see, waste of time.
Never said he planned it. The recording shows the government considered a false flag of one kind or another. I therefore took this willingness as meaning that Turkey's claim of Canadian intelligence operatives recruiting girls to ISIS (and why would an intelligence agency which wanted to help ISIS do this as a bunch of brain dead 15 year olds are not likely to be much of an asset) ought to be treated with scepticism.
You then went 180 degrees off topic.
Wow, Farsnews. Are you going to post something from PressTV next?
Because RT is any better... and you say false flag against Syria, in the very same video one of them says ''lets notify Syrian Consulate before we make flase flag attack'' and they explicitly mention that the attack is against isis, keep your nose out of issues you have no clue about or take your time to do your research properly before you come here.
It's funny how many Westerners' scepticism is nowhere to be found when a random bearded guy or a PKK lackey (with zero evidence) claim Turkey is helping ISIS, but the scepticism suddenly goes into overdrive when the much more credible Turkish police claims Canada is recruiting ISIS members (and with video evidence).

As to the military value of those 3 girls - they obviously have none. Their value is not to ISIS's military but to the UK/Canada's domestic propaganda. The 3 girls' purpose is 1) to keep the media's attention on ISIS and 2) to make ISIS a threat on UK soil in some way. This is done so they have an excuse to continue to be militarily involved in the ME, and secondly so the UK/Canada can introduce stricter laws at home, which is something they've both been desperately trying to do for a while (and been partly successful in).
I dont really think that he is a Canadian spy....
Also everyone who still believes in crusaders need a reality check.
Allright lets have look at it in the materialist way. NATO wants to cut China's throat. SO they will invade iran, İsrael hates muslims. WOHAOAHA an alience appered. Smart guy bullyingg us with black propaganda of JEWS.

Erdogan supports isis. I agree but that is because Crusaders wanted. Best ally is a dead ally when you finisedd war. Like bin Laden named JEW puppet.

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Never said he planned it. The recording shows the government considered a false flag of one kind or another. I therefore took this willingness as meaning that Turkey's claim of Canadian intelligence operatives recruiting girls to ISIS (and why would an intelligence agency which wanted to help ISIS do this as a bunch of brain dead 15 year olds are not likely to be much of an asset) ought to be treated with scepticism.
You then went 180 degrees off topic.
What @era_shield said. It's funny how when it comes to Turkey, proof doesnt mean anything. However when some western/anti-Turkey news outlet writes an article without any concrete proof, it is rubbed in our face as if it is the truth and people are immediately skeptic and biased towards Turkey. That pretty much sums it all up; two faced hypocrisy.

The fact that Israel and certain western countries' involvement (which you dont deny) and failures are not condemned to the same degree, if at all, it is done to Turkey in western media and politics says more than enough about what's going on; a dirty media and politics campaign to make Turkey and Arab countries a scapegoat so that they can hide their own mistakes and push through (privacy diminishing) laws turning those countries basically in police states, because isis/al qaeda etc provide a good justification to shove down such laws down the throat of the brainwashed masses, like yourself. Ironically these 'muslim' isis has not fired even one bullet or harmed any Israeli interest while happily chopping heads of muslims, yet western media

Or just say it directly that you dislike/hate Turkey for standing up for its own rights, interests, doesnt give in to the pressure of certain western countries' just to please them, and be done with it.

Anyway, let's see what Canada will tell us and the UK. They owe an explanation. I wonder more how the UK will react. If they react as if nothing important happened, it will strengthen my thought that some western countries/intelligence are in bed with each other and are using isis for their own gains.

Ps: UK supporting FSA (potential isis according to some. So if you claim that Turkey helps isis, then i can claim the same for UK. Period)
William Hague: UK to step up help for Syrian rebels | World news | The Guardian
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Lets talk about their operations on other countries. Üzeyir garih uğğur mumcu abdi ipekçi hrant dink rahip santoro yayinevi baskini

Should we talk about fettullah gulen?
Canada is back up of anglasaxons you can expect anything.
Very typical of Canada. They framed a number of people in the toronto 18 plot and are now supporting ISIS. On one hand the west wants to stop attacks in their nations while on the other they are hopping around supporting terrorists in other states. Look at the Raymond Davis case.

Canada has nothing to give to the world other than being a US proxy even though some sane groups like the Canadian Action Party question this. I have had some experience with them and their India supporting mentality. They make enemies wherever their dumb northerner Canadian fellows go. They also provided nuclear deal to India and India made weapons out of it... :lol:
BTW they are holding a terrorist named TUncay Guney a haham terrorist who prisoned secular islamic soldiers of Turkiye. Is now seeking by Turkish autorities.
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