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Canadian spy detained in Turkey for helping British teens join ISIS

Why should Turkey, which leaves its borders wide open, suddenly start arresting those who facilitate fighters crossing it? This is a frame up by the Islamist fanatics in Ankara.
Why should Turkey, which leaves its borders wide open, suddenly start arresting those who facilitate fighters crossing it? This is a frame up by the Islamist fanatics in Ankara.
As if those scum cross through border posts. Then according to your logic, all those decades pkk fighters crossed through border posts as well when they staged attacks against Turkey? the only thing wide open is your ignorance mode. It's more than clear how western nations, including your uk, doesnt do enough to prevent those people from leaving. Even more laughable is when Turkey sent back those people who were trying to cross into Syria back to their homecountry, only for them to return back to Turkey again. Who knows their homecountry/intelligence agents pay them another ticket back to Turkey :agree: Also, your pathetic two-faced govt is so desperate at hiding its mistakes by trying to blame even Turkish Airlines :disagree:
canada?why would they do something like that?any idea

Look at who the Prime Minister is. A little digging into his background should answer your question. Hint: He belongs to a certain christian sect which believes in rebuilding Israel's temple to bring about the rapture (No Joke!).
As if those scum cross through border posts. Then according to your logic, all those decades pkk fighters crossed through border posts as well when they staged attacks against Turkey? the only thing wide open is your ignorance mode. It's more than clear how western nations, including your uk, doesnt do enough to prevent those people from leaving. Even more laughable is when Turkey sent back those people who were trying to cross into Syria back to their homecountry, only for them to return back to Turkey again. Also, your pathetic two-faced govt is so desperate at hiding its mistakes by trying to blame even Turkish Airlines :disagree:
There is a big difference between an incompetent intelligence service (ours) and a complicit one (yours).
and how can you be sure yours is not complicit?
Because this country has absolutely no interests in Syria and never has done while yours is run by Islamist fanatics who want to restore the Ottoman Empire.

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Srsly Canada
Because this country has absolutely no interests in Syria and never has done while yours is run by Islamist fanatics who want to restore the Ottoman Empire.
brainwashed much? the UK (and others like France) had no interest in the ME whatsoever? time to refresh your historical knowledge. Furthermore, who are you to judge where your country's interests lie? ironically, the UK, France and US shouldn't have interests in this region, yet they are in it deep to their knees. unconditional support for Israel, Sykes Picot, all these divide and conquer games, potential war with Iran, past wars with Iraq etc. go sit in a corner and watch, because whenever you write, the more pitiful it gets. thanks in advance.
brainwashed much? the UK (and others like France) had no interest in the ME whatsoever? time to refresh your historical knowledge. Furthermore, who are you to judge where your country's interests lie? ironically, the UK, France and US shouldn't have interests in this region, yet they are in it deep to their knees. unconditional support for Israel, Sykes Picot, all these divide and conquer games, potential war with Iran, past wars with Iraq etc. go sit in a corner and watch, because whenever you write, the more pitiful it gets.
Sykes Picot gave Syria to France. Then after independence it aligned with Russia. So no historical connection to us. Furthermore as Syria has no oil it makes no commercial difference to us who is in power which is why unlike Turkey we haven't even armed "moderate" rebels let alone more hardline ones.
Also, are you not aware that Turkey recognised Israel before we did
International recognition of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
and that you were Israel's second most important ally after the US up until 2009?
Sykes Picot gave Syria to France. Then after independence it aligned with Russia. So no historical connection to us. Furthermore as Syria has no oil it makes no commercial difference to us who is in power which is why unlike Turkey we haven't even armed "moderate" rebels let alone more hardline ones.
Also, are you not aware that Turkey recognised Israel before we did
International recognition of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
and that you were Israel's second most important ally after the US up until 2009?
I see, you are going hardcore denial mode, not even accepting any slight involvement in the ME. If you think the US, UK, Israel and their intelligence and/or military didn't play any role in the middle east and north africa, you are so naive and keep fooling yourself. the UK and France too has sent instructors to train FSA in Jordan since 2013. Regarding FSA, Turkey, US, UK, France, Israel etc. are in the same boat. If you blame Turkey for training 'hardcore ones', then these countries are in it as well. a knife cuts both ways.

we are going off-topic and i have no idea why you brought up Israel with whom there is no problem aside politics.
BU amcık ingilizler sıçarlar sen sıçtın boklu temiizle derleer. Bir de küfrederler soylarını kurutacağız inşallah.

They are getting rid of foreing population. They are racists who accuses otheers for being racists. cRUSADERS are trying to destroy muslim identity by ISIS which destroys muslim architecture, muslim and other god given religions on israel's probable lands.
Do you remember the guy sent to crazy guys hospiital for being a real muslim. The hospital is in turkey. a jordonian prince i dont remember his name. Poisons made him crazy and this techno is only in crusaders' hands.
By the way our holy isis is attacking holy kurds holy kurds are beating. Our holy ampullas are sending weapons to isis holy ones are accusing us of supporting holy isis. Our ampullas are giving our land to holy kurds no voice but a holy voice says in vilages we support holy isis .Lets give brutus its rights lets judge and hang him.

by the way in this post holy means crusaders+israel.

Win Wİn theory.
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Also, anyone remember that longest hide and seek champion Osama Bin Laden? mighty US apparently couldnt find this dude in a decade or so.

Now, there is another puppet, Baghdadi or something, and again the US can't find this guy with all its intel and whatnot.

I wouldnt be surprised one bit if this isis mess is orchestrated by the US and its close allies like Israel and the UK, and in order to hide themselves they use Turkey and Arab countries as scapegoat. Anyone seen any anti-Israel news in the western media regarding their support for FSA? nope, i haven't. Anyone notice how those western countries apparently dont do enough to prevent their citizens leaving for Syria, but conveniently blame the Turkish govt and even Turkish airlines? :D Also, more importantly, who is/are the main benefactors of this whole isis mess? isis? nope. Turkey? nope. Iraq and Syria? nope. Iran? nope. Arab nations? nope. Israel? hmm. pkk/pyd? hmm. there is shi.t on the marble, that's for sure.

Are the British Police going come to Turkey and help ? :D
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